
fēn hánɡ
  • branch
分行 [fēn háng]
  • [branch(of a bank)] 银行的分支机构

  • 国内分行

  1. 在任何一家分行都可以存钱。

    Deposits can be made at any branch .

  2. 美国银行在当地的分行正在处理这些账目。

    The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts

  3. 他成了该银行东非分行的行长。

    He became superintendent of the bank 's East African branches

  4. 这家银行最近在德国开设了分行。

    The bank recently opened a branch in Germany

  5. 会谈的同时,该银行已获准在纽约开设分行。

    Coincident with the talks , the bank was permitted to open a New York branch .

  6. 我们的分行每周一至周五上午9点到下午5点营业,周六营业到中午12点。

    Our branches are open from 9am to 5pm during the week and until 12 noon on Saturdays .

  7. 银行的地方市场份额通常会在当地分行和其他各地分行之间平均分配。

    A bank 's local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere

  8. 该银行在全国各地都有分行。

    The bank has branches all over the country .

  9. 申请表和招股书可于五十三家银行分行索取

    Forms and prospectuses will be available at53 bank branches .

  10. 在纽约、东京、香港、新加坡、汉城设有分行,在伦敦、法兰克福设有代表处。

    BOCOM has set up branches in New York , Tokyo , Hong Kong , Singapore and Seoul as well as representative offices in London and Frankfurt .

  11. 银行使用Web门户来转移分行,包括出纳及贷款流程。

    Banks are using Web portals to transform branch banking , including teller and lending processes .

  12. 《案例》:C银行深圳分行

    C Bank Shenzhen Branch

  13. 建设银行W分行人才流失倾向及应对策略研究

    The Study on Talents Turnover Tendency and Strategy of China Construction Bank W Branch

  14. 场景:ABC地产代理公司太古城分行

    Scene : ABC Properties Company , Tai Koo Shing Branch

  15. 据中国银行(BankofChina)一位前高管回忆,去年,他遇到中国中部的一位分行行长,向他询问分行为当地国有企业提供了多少贷款。

    A former executive at Bank of China remembers meeting with a branch manager in Central China last year and asking him how much they were lending to local state-owned firms .

  16. 中央银行地区分行辖区划分的合理性&基于结构性VAR的中美比较研究

    On Rationality of Regional Partitions of Central Banking System : A Sino-US Comparison Based on Structural VAR

  17. EA银行XA分行合规风险控制系统研究

    The Study on Compliance Risk Control System Construction of EA Bank XA Branch

  18. 根据美联储纽约分行(theFederalReserveBankofNewYork)最近的一项调查,只有27%的大学毕业生找到与本专业紧密相关的工作。

    According to a recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , only 27 % of college graduates have jobs that are closely related to their major .

  19. 对不同抽样方式进行比较,得出采用分行式抽样效果最佳,而用Z字形抽样效果最差。

    The sampling method of the split vertical is the best , however , that of the Z shape is the worst .

  20. EVA在CCB银行BX分行应用研究

    EVA Application Study in BX Branch of CCB

  21. 渣打银行在中国内地建立了外资银行中最大的分行网络之一,同时持有中国小型银行渤海银行(BohaiBank)19.99%的股权。

    StanChart has built one of the largest branch networks in China among foreign lenders and holds a19.99 per cent stake in Bohai Bank , a small mainland lender .

  22. 我是首席客户经理&访中国银行江西分行行长方红光因此,中国上市公司高管存在一定程度的RPE证据。

    Therefore , there is some evidence of RPE in chief executives of China 's listed enterprises .

  23. 当人们最近在northernrock分行外的街道上排起长队时,博弈理论家显然意识到发生了什么:人们决定猎取兔子。

    As the queues formed down the street outside branches of Northern Rock recently , it was obvious enough to a game theorist what was going on : people had decided to hunt rabbits .

  24. JS银行四川省分行信贷风险及防范对策研究

    The Credit Risk of the Sichuan Branch of JS Bank and the Researches for the Credit Risk Management

  25. 文章的第四部分为信用证欺诈的应对措施,对XX银行大连分行防范信用证欺诈提出了建议。

    On the fourth part , it is proposals on the XX Bank Dalian branch to guard against letter of credit fraud .

  26. 实际情况证明也应该如此,如国外著名的巴林银行的倒闭,我国C银行的海外N分行(以下简称N银行)的信贷损失都是操作风险引发的问题。

    As a matter of fact it was the operational risk that resulted in the credit loss of Bank N , an oversea branch of Bank C of China , and the crash of famous Baring Bank .

  27. 在中国大陆拥有26家分支行的汇丰银行(HSBC)表示,新条例将使其能够进一步扩大分行网络和服务范围。

    HSBC , which operates 26 branches on the mainland , said the rules would allow it to further expand our network and service range .

  28. CCB银行二级分行是价值创造的重要单位,遇到的EVA问题也最多,研究EVA在CCB银行二级分行的应用是摆在CCB银行面前的一个课题。

    The second class branch of CCB is the important unit of the worth creation , and always face the problem of EVA .

  29. 不过,vpbank新加坡分行董事总经理雷托艾森林(retoisenring)表示,旧模式正重新浮现。

    However , reto isenring , managing director of VP bank in Singapore , says old patterns are re-emerging .

  30. 文章的第二部分为案例描述,结合具体案例提出了XX银行大连分行目前面临的主要的信用证欺诈种类及其不良影响。

    On the second part , it combines with cases of XX Bank Dalian branch to introduce typical fraud types of letters of credit and fraud risks .