
fēn biàn lǜ
  • resolution ratio;resolving power;resolution power
分辨率[fēn biàn lǜ]
  1. 文章概略介绍X射线形貌术以及其实验原理和方法,并对影响图象分辨率和质量的主要因素作了扼要分析。

    Briefly introducing X-ray topography and its experimental principle and method , and making a brief analysis on the main factors with the influence on the resolution ratio and the quality of the images .

  2. Ⅱ档分辨率为0.2〃;时间响应为1s。

    The resolution ratio of the second model is 0 . 2 ″ and the response time is 1 s.

  3. 现在这台机器可以呈现很高的分辨率,我们可以看见非常小的钙微粒。

    Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium .

  4. 一只眼(靠着枕头的那只)适应了黑暗的环境,而另一只眼(看手机的那只)则适应了高分辨率屏幕发出的亮光。

    While one eye adjusts to the dark , the other eye gets used to the bright light of the high-resolution screen .

  5. 团队目前已在实验室实现长6米、宽0.25米、约含50万个“像素点”的显示织物,已能初步满足部分实际应用的分辨率需求。

    When woven together , they form micrometer-scale electroluminescent units similar to those on a digital display screen . The team has produced a 6-meter-long and 25-centimeter-wide display textile . It contains 500000 electroluminescent units and is capable of meeting the resolution requirements of some practical applications .

  6. 高分辨率硅(锂)X射线探测器

    Hight Resolution Si ( Li ) X Ray Detector

  7. 以高分辨率遥感数据与GIS技术相结合进行储层裂缝识别与有利含油气区块评价。

    Another is application of high resolution satellite data and GIS to discern fracture reservoir .

  8. PET信号的二维多分辨率小波分析

    2D multi - resolution Wavelet analysis of PET signals

  9. 最近电影制作技术领域一个引人关注的事件是刚上市只有两个月的超高分辨率数字摄像机Redcamera。

    The buzz in technical movie-making circles these days involves the two-month-old , ultra-high-resolution digital Red camera .

  10. 高分辨率SAR图像中车辆群目标检测的研究

    The Study for the Detection of Vehicle Group Targets in High-Resolution SAR Images

  11. 通过比较发现,在分类识别方面小波神经网络比BP网络具有更高的分辨率及较少的训练次数。

    Compared with BP networks , wavelet neural network has higher resolution and less training times .

  12. 目的认识成人肺炎支原体肺炎的CT及高分辨率CT(HRCT)表现。

    Objective To study the conventional CT and HRCT manifestations of adult mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia .

  13. 用星载寄生式SAR提高空间二维分辨率的信号处理

    Improving Spatial Resolution Using Spaceborne Parasitic SAR

  14. 用以DSP为图像微处理器的试验样机进行现场试验表明:该方法对低分辨率红外目标的识别有好的效果。

    The experiment result indicates that this recognition method is fine to recognize the low-resolution IR target image .

  15. 分布式SpotlightSAR方位分辨率提高与地形效应补偿

    Method of distributed spotlight SAR azimuth resolution improvement and topographic effects compensation

  16. 北京地区患严重急性呼吸综合征医务人员的胸部高分辨率CT与肺功能随访分析

    A follow-up study of the lung function and the chest CT changes in medical staff with severe acute respiratory syndrome in Beijing

  17. 对组合高分辨率航空CCD图像和机载稀疏激光扫描测距数据自动提取城市建筑物的三维信息进行了研究。

    3D building reconstruction automatically using airborne CCD image and laser scanning rangefinder data was studied .

  18. Sony超高分辨率投影技术(SRX-R110/R105)

    Sony super resolution projection technology ( SRX-Rl 10 / R105 )

  19. 文章主要提出了一种新的基于小波变换对高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像相干斑噪声抑制的算法。

    This paper mainly deal with a new speckle reduction algorithm in high resolution SAR images based on wavelet transform .

  20. 用于形状检测的极标编码多分辨率Hough变换

    Polar coding multiple resolution Hough transform for shape detection

  21. DEM空间分辨率和重取样方式对流域特征参数的提取会产生重要影响。

    The DEM spatial resolution and sampling method have a great impact on the watershed features .

  22. 文中就超分辨率MUSIC算法在低SNR时定阶难以实现的问题,提出了基于互谱估计的MUSIC算法,利用了白噪声序列的互相关为0的特性有效抑制了噪声对子空间划分的影响。

    To the difficulties in the rank-deciding in low SNR situations , a cross-spectral MUSIC algorithm was proposed , reducing efficiently the influence of the noise .

  23. 颅内小动脉瘤高分辨率MRA

    High Resolution MRA of Small Intracranial Aneurysms

  24. 文中还给出了在同步辐射实验室显微术光束线中用激光干涉法制作高分辨率软X波带板的光学系统。

    The con figuration of aplanat for making high resolution X-ray Zone plate to be used in beam line of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is also presented .

  25. 利用这种特性可以产生制作高分辨率X射线波带板所需的两束非球面波。

    The characteristic of aplanatic system shows that non-aplanatic point imaging can produce aspherical holographic interference for high resolution zone plate fabrication used for X-ray imaging .

  26. 这种方法以接收信号的功率谱密度函数为时间序列,利用最小二乘格型自适应滤波器经由AR建模而得到高分辨率的时间延迟估计。

    This method uses the eross power spectral density ( PSD ) function of two received signals as a time sequence .

  27. 由合成孔径原理可知,条带SAR的方位分辨率随波束宽度的变宽而提高。

    According to the principle of the synthetic aperture , the azimuth spatial resolution of the strip SAR is improved dramatically with wide beam .

  28. 高亮度高分辨率12.7cmMAO荧光屏CRT投影管

    High Luminance and High Resolution MAO Phosphor Screens Used in 12.7 cm Projection Cathode Ray Tubes

  29. 同时对双站聚束式SAR的方位分辨率进行了理论分析和数值仿真,讨论了不同初始条件对双站聚束模式SAR系统分辨率的影响。

    After the simulation and the theoretical analysis of the system , the influence of different initial conditions is discussed on the system azimuth resolution .

  30. 目的:探讨小气道病变时高分辨率CT(HRCT)所示马赛克衰减程度与肺功能检查指标的相关性,并评价其临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the correlation of the extent of mosaic attenuation on HRCT with results of pulmonary function tests ( PFTs ) .