
  • 网络cutting power;pm-w
  1. 介绍了一种用频率跟踪法测量木工机床切削功率的新方法。

    Data acquisition and pretreatment of cutting power in milling process ;

  2. 铣削过程中切削功率的数据采集和预处理

    Data acquisition and pretreatment of cutting power in milling process

  3. 利用非线性显式动力分析程序LS-DYNA对关键字文件求解,得到了土壤的应力分布、变形情况和土壤切削功率。

    The key words file for soil cutting was formed . Results solved by explicit formulation program LS-DYNA showed the stress and displacement distribution as well as the soil cutting power .

  4. 微米级长薄片木纤维切削功率的研究

    Study on Cutting Power for Micron Flake Wood Fiber

  5. 中小型数控车床切削功率建模与试验研究

    Study on Modeling and Experimental of Cutting Power for the Small and Medium-Size CNC Lathe

  6. 单位材料切除率的切削功率

    Cutting power per unit material removal rate

  7. 结果显示,微米级长薄片木纤维切削功率较低。

    Calculation result demonstrates the energy consumption for preparing micron flake wood fiber is low .

  8. 超声振动切削功率分析及压电式振动系统的设计

    Analysis and Design of Vibration Cutting System

  9. 调整进给速度以切削功率为约束条件,即按给定的功率约束调整进给速度。

    Adjusting the feed velocity is to adjust feed rate while respecting the cutting power constraint .

  10. 监测切削功率变化的刀具破损控制报警系统研究

    On the Tool Breaking Alarm and Control System through Monitoring the Differential Signal of Cutting Power

  11. 通过测试底刀的反作用力来计算不同参数情况下切削功率。

    Though test the reacting force of base blade to calculate the cutting power in different circumstances .

  12. 本文在分析对比各状态信号后,提出用切削功率信号作为状态量以检测加工过程的变化。

    After all kinds of signals have been analyzed , the cutting power is chosen to inspect the process .

  13. 同时,提出了切削功率与行走功率如何进行匹配。

    And in first time that a method of how to matching the power of cutting and traveling have been provided .

  14. 讨论了由主轴电机变频器获取切削功率信号的方法,以及该信号的特点;

    The method for ( obtaining ) cutting power signal by principal axis electromotor transducer and the trait of signal are discussed .

  15. 研究开发了基于切削功率信号并利用神经网络技术进行数据处理的铣刀破损实时监控系统,介绍了系统的工作原理和结构。

    A real-time monitoring system for milling cutter breakage was researched and developed , which is based on the cutting power signals and uses the neural network technology for data processing .

  16. 进而求得切削功率与进给速度之间的关系,这为如何调整进给速度来提高生产率提供了依据。

    At last the relationship between the power and the feed velocity has been available , which provides a dependency for how to improve the throughput by adjust the feed velocity .

  17. 文中分析了异形螺杆加工过程中工件表面质量、切削功率以及进给速度三者之间的关系,并论证了通过对加工过程中进给速度的调整来提高异形螺杆加工效率的可行性。

    The relationship of the cutting precision and the main spindle motor 's power and the feed velocity in the process has been analyzed in the paper and the feasibility of improving the efficiency by adjusting the feed velocity has been justified in the process of milling special spiral rod .

  18. 切削时消耗功率200W。平均切削速度为8&10mm/s。

    It consumes power of 200 W with mean cutting speed of 8-10 mm · s-1 when cutting the ice .

  19. 二维振动切削土壤的功率消耗

    Power consumption of two-dimensional vibratory cutting soil

  20. 基于两级神经网络分析的切削力与切削功率的研究

    Research on two levels ANN analysis of cutting force and cutting power

  21. 木材切削加工机械切削功率可靠性计算

    Wood Cutting Machine Reliability Calculation of the Cutting Power

  22. GB/T4215-1984金属切削机床噪声声功率级的测定

    Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools

  23. 这一分析为今后零锯料角木工锯子的切削力和切削功率的实验奠定了理论基础。

    This conclusion give theoretics bases for the saws 's cutting force and power test in future .

  24. 其次,针对成形铣刀常见的典型的四类状态,选取了与刀具状态密切相关的特征物理量作为神经网络的学习样本,即声发射信号、切削力信号、功率信号等。

    Moreover , the feature physical parameters are selected in view of four typical conditions of shape-milling tool , namely acoustic emission signal , cutting force signal and power signal .

  25. 该文重点研究了盘式短刀枝桠削片机的设计参数,分析了这些设计参数的影响因素,特别是单位切削力和切削功率。

    This paper mainly studies the design parameters of disc branch chipper with short knives , analyzes the factors affecting the design parameters , especially the cutting force per unit of knife length and cutting power .

  26. 加工镁合金时由于切削力和切削功率很小,所以,长期以来人们一直把镁合金看成是易加工材料(这种现象在我国尤为严重)。

    For a long time , Magnesium Alloy has been thought as a material that is easy to process ( especially in our country ), because of its low cutting force and low cutting power during the processing .

  27. 为了适应切削过程的多种功率监控要求,监控系统必须获得切削过程的动态功率信号,常规测试仪表只能测量在一段时间内的平均功率,无法输出功率信号的瞬时值。

    To meet the requirements of various monitoring problems on cutting process , the dynamic power signal for power monitoring system must be measured . Traditional power measuring instruments can only measure the average power signal in a given time period with no instantaneous power signal output .

  28. 切削力的大小是计算切削功率、设计切削加上设备和刀具的主要依据。

    Cutting force is the key factor of calculating cutting power , designing cutting equipments and cutting tool .

  29. 木材切削中木材硬度及密度与切削功率的关系

    Relation between the hardness or the density of wood and the cutting power in wood cutting

  30. 切削力是计算切削扭矩和切削功率必要依据,是分析加工过程中的切削热与温升以及加工精度和工件表面质最的基础。

    Cutting force is the basis to calculate cutting twist moment and power , and it is essential to analyze cutting heat and temperature hoist , and to study machining precision and surface quality of products .