
  • 网络slice;Slice figure;slice map
  1. 提出了利用沉积环境时间演化切片图进行砂体的沉积环境演化分析,为砂体的沉积环境演化分析提供了一种新的工具。

    Using higher-order statistics based on coherency algorithm , the paper proposes evolutional time slice figures of sedimentary environment , and uses them to analyze the sedimentary evolutional process of sandstone bodies , which is a new useful tool .

  2. 对相干数据体作水平切片图,可揭示断层、岩性体边缘、陷落柱、不整合等地质现象。

    The time slice of coherent data body can unveil geological phenomena of fault , rock body margin , subsided column and unconformity .

  3. 利用视电阻率切片图来推演矿体展布形态。

    Ore distributed shape was deduced by the apparent resistivity section .

  4. 详细描述了医学解剖学切片图数据读取,特征提取和特征匹配.引入了解剖数据读取方法,叙述了切片匹配的两个过程:特征提取和特征匹配。

    The methods on inputting data , interpolating method , features extracting and matching are described in detail .

  5. 通过对辽河油田北部安1断块三维地震资料的重新处理和解释,获取了瞬时倾角切片图、瞬时振幅切片图和基岩顶面构造图。

    The instantaneous dip and amplitude , and top surface structural map are prepared by reprocessing and interpreting 3D seismic data from An - 1 faulted - block in Liaohe oil field .

  6. 小鼠发育组织切片注解图是数字化的发育小鼠图集和数据库资源,包含了原位基因表达和细胞系的空间分布。

    Annotated histology sections of developing mouse is a digital atlas of mouse development and a database resource for spatially mapped data such as in situ gene expression and cell lineage .

  7. 应用三维可视化、相干数据体、水平切片和图分析等手段进行三维构造精细解释,明显提高了地震勘探识别地下复杂地质构造及地震异常反射体的能力。

    Using 3 D visualization , coherent data volume , horizontal slice and map analysis to finely interpret the 3 D structures , the ability using seismic exploration for identifying underground complex geologic structure and anomalous seismic reflecting body has been greatly improved .

  8. 首先将所有的目标视频模板提取出来并提前存入数据库,本文采用了改进的背景减除法&时空切片流图法,提取的清晰的半透明台标的二值化模板。

    At the first step , extract all the target video modules and save them into database ahead of time , the improved background minus division algorithm : spatio-temporal slice algorithm adopted in this article , extracts binary template of station symbol which is clear and semi-transparent .

  9. 基于动态切片和UML图的回归测试用例生成

    Regression Test Case Generation Based on Dynamic Slicing and UML Diagram

  10. 提出一种新的用于程序切片的依赖图构造方法。

    Presents a new construct method of dependence graph for program slicing . 3 .

  11. 定义模块单子切片与基于依赖图的切片方法的一致性。

    Defining the coincidence between the modular monadic method and the dependence graph method .

  12. 传统的算法是通过建立程序的依赖图得到动态切片,但依赖图需要占用大量的空间,因此算法效率较低。

    Traditional algorithms usually get dynamic program slices by building dependence graphs of the programs , but dependence graphs take lots of memory space , so they are inefficient .