
  • 网络cut rose;Kardinal
  1. 保鲜剂对切花月季衰老进程的影响

    Influence of Vase Solution on the Senescence Process of the Cut Rose

  2. 一氧化碳对切花月季瓶插寿命和抗氧化代谢的影响

    Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Vase Life and Antioxidative Metabolism in Cut Rose Flower

  3. 赤霉素(GA3)对切花月季生长开花的影响

    Effect of GA3 on the Quality of Cutting Rose

  4. 切花月季花枝生长规律及GA3对其生长的影响

    Growth Regularity and Effect of GA_3 on the Flower Branch Elongation of Cut_flower Rose

  5. 切花月季无性系~(60)Coγ射线离体诱变研究

    Mutagenesis of the Somaclones in vitro of cut roses by ~ ( 60 ) co γ - rays irradiation

  6. 赤霉素(GA3)采前处理对切花月季瓶插寿命的影响

    Effect of Preharvest Gibberellin Acid ( GA_3 ) Spray Treatment on Vase Life in Cut Roses

  7. 6-BA和保水剂对切花月季瓶插寿命的影响

    The Effect of 6-BA and SAR on Vase-life of Cut Rose

  8. 高浓度CO2下增加了切花月季花枝鲜重,增大了花朵开放直径,延缓了切花月季的衰老进程,延长了瓶插寿命。

    Elevated CO2 increased fresh weight and flower diameter of cut rose , retarded its senescence , and extended its vase life .

  9. 说明:高浓度CO2处理可以延长切花月季的瓶插寿命,提高切花月季的瓶插品质,从而使它的观赏性提高。

    Result : Elevated CO2 treatment extended vase life of cut rose , improve the vase quality and ornamental of cut rose . 3 .

  10. 结果表明:切花月季对GA3处理的反应存在着品种间差异,GA3对瓶插寿命的影响也随处理时期而不同。

    The results showed that the response of rose cut flowers to GA3 treatment changed with cultivar and treatment stage .

  11. 上述结果表明,切花月季‘Samantha’失水胁迫耐性与SOD活性的提高相联系。

    These results above suggested that tolerance to water deficit stress might be related to the increase of SOD activity in cut rose ' Samantha ' .

  12. 失水胁迫24h促进了切花月季‘Samantha’花朵的衰老进程,瓶插寿命缩短近50%。

    The results showed : 1 . 24h water deficit stress accelerated the senescence process , and vase life was shortened 50 % .

  13. 以切花月季(Rosahybrida)品种Samantha和Kardinal为试材,探讨了乙烯和乙烯作用抑制剂1-MCP处理对不同品种花朵开放和衰老以及内肽酶活性和种类的影响。

    Cut rose ( Rosa hybrida ) cv . Samantha and Kardinal were used to investigate the effects of ethylene and its action inhibitor , 1-MCP , on flower opening and senescence , and the activity and types of endopeptidase in petals .

  14. 切花月季新品种‘冰清’

    A New Rose Variety for Cut Use & ' Bingqing '

  15. 与未经失水胁迫的切花月季相比较,失水胁迫处理抑制切花的开放进程,缩短了瓶插寿命。

    Water deficit stress inhibited flower opening and reduced vase life .

  16. 液相替代剂在切花月季干燥中的应用

    An application of alternative organic liquid agent in drying cut rose

  17. 切花月季不同嫁接方法育苗对比试验

    The Contrasting Experiment on Different Grafting Methods on Cutting Rose Propagation

  18. 我国切花月季日光温室无土栽培的研究

    Research of Soilless Culture on Cut Rose in Solar Greenhouse in China

  19. 切花月季营养特性与诊断技术研究

    Studies on Nutritional Characteristics and Diagnosis in Cut Roses Cultivation

  20. 切花月季生长的温度特征及其应用解析

    Analysis and application of temperature characteristics of cut flower China rose growth

  21. 切花月季品种的鉴选及栽培技术研究

    Variety Test and Cultural Technique of Cut Flower Rosa

  22. 不同处理对切花月季贮藏保鲜效果的研究

    Research on Fresh-keeping Effect of Different Storage Treatments on Cut-flower of China Rose

  23. 切花月季缺磷、钾、硫元素叶片症状观察

    Symptoms on Leaves of Cut Rose Lacking in Phosphorus , Potassium and Sulfur

  24. 乙烯对不同切花月季品种开花和衰老的影响

    Effects of Ethylene and Its Inhibitors on Flower Opening and Senescence of Cut Roses

  25. 切花月季无土容器芽接快繁的定量研究

    Research on rapid bud grafting of cut flower rose in pot with soilless media

  26. 切花月季营养生理特性研究进展

    The Progress about the Specific Property Study of Rosa Hybrida Hortin Nutrition and Physiology

  27. 切花月季的品种比较及其采后瓶插寿命的研究

    Studies on Characteristics and Vase Life of Rose-cuttings

  28. 银川地区不同品种切花月季引种适应性研究

    The study on the adaptation of introducing varieties of Cut-rose in the Yinchuan area

  29. 切花月季田间栽培研究

    Study on Field Cultivation Techniques of Cutting Rose

  30. 有机栽培基质对不同品种切花月季产量及品质的影响

    The effect of organic cultural substrate on quality and yield of cut flower of rose