
  1. 刘冰是通过QQ聊天认识小雨的,也就是所谓的“QQ之恋”。

    Liu Bing got to know Xiao Yu through QQ chat , and they got the so-called " QQ love " .

  2. 正当他在网上神游时,突然QQ上有人问a他:“可以和你聊聊吗?”刘冰就和她聊了起来,其实他还不知道对方是男是女。

    While he was roaming about on the net , a stranger asked him through QQ , " May I chat with you ? " Then he began chatting with him or her .

  3. CINIC副主任刘冰说,这是手机上网人数首次超越传统PC(台式机和笔记本电脑)。

    It is the first time that the number of mobile Internet users has surpassed that of those surfing the Web in traditional ways , such as with personal computers and laptops , said Liu Bing , deputy director with the CINIC .

  4. 于是,刘冰转身就看到了那个可爱的女孩,小雨。

    And Liu saw a lovely girl , whose name is Xiao Yu .

  5. 到了第7天,对方问刘冰:“想见面吗?”

    On the seventh day , the other side asked him ," Do you want to see me ?"

  6. 小雨的家就在武汉本地,而刘冰来自于西安。

    Xiao Yu is a local girl and her home is in Wuhan . While Liu Bing comes from Xi'an .

  7. 最后,刘冰和小雨又去网吧上网聊天,依然是背对背。

    Finally , Liu and Xiao Yu went to the Internet cafe and they were still back to back this time .

  8. 当刘冰打出“我们分手吧”几个字后,小雨的眼泪再也忍不住了。

    When Liu typed out " Let 's break up , " Xiao Yu couldn 't restrain her tears any more .

  9. 刘冰说,移动支付变得越来越贴近消费者,对电子商务发展做出的贡献越来越大。

    The mobile payment is becoming much closer with consumers and it has been making greater contributions to e-commerce development , Liu said .

  10. 刚开学,刘冰在四级考试中挂了,没有通过,他非常沮丧,就来到学校附近的网吧打发时间。

    Liu failed again in CET4 test and felt very upset . So he entered an Internet cafe near the school to kill time .

  11. 此后,有一个星期,他们约定每天8点来聊天,刘冰觉得很开心。

    After that , they promised to come to chat at 8 every day and it lasted for a week . Liu felt very happy .

  12. 刘冰将自己的苦恼一倾而出,对方就耐心地开导他,说别灰心,还有机会呢。

    Liu poured his trouble out and the other side appeased him patiently and asked him not to be discouraged , for there was still chance .

  13. 中国互联网络信息中心互联网发展研究部主任刘冰预计,未来几年中国互联网普及率每年将增长6%至7%。

    Liu Bing , director of CNNIC 's research and development department , forecast a 6 % to 7 % yearly increase in China 's online penetration rate in the coming years .

  14. 到了第7天,对方问刘冰:“想见面吗?”刘冰没有任何犹豫地打下一个字:“想!”对方说:“那你就回头吧!”于是,刘冰转身就看到了那个可爱的女孩,小雨。

    On the seventh day , the other side asked him , " Do you want to see me ? " Liu typed " Yes ! " without any hesitation . " Then you can turn your head back . " And Liu saw a lovely girl , whose name is Xiao Yu .