
  1. 刘醒龙是新现实主义小说的代表作家。

    LIU Xing-long is one of the representative author of new realism stories .

  2. 刘醒龙还是一名有理想的现实主义作家。

    Liu Xinglong is also an ideal realism writer .

  3. 寻找精神家园的艰难跋涉&刘醒龙小说论

    Hard Process in Pursuit of Spirit Homestead ── On the LIU Xing-long 's Novels

  4. 第一节从历史与地域的渊源阐述了传统哲学对于刘醒龙小说创作的濡染与影响。

    Part 1 describes the effects of the traditional philosophies on liu 's novels historically and regionally .

  5. 第二节探讨并分析了刘醒龙的小说特有的平民意识、反思意识和承担意识。

    Part 2 analyzes the unique civilian 's consciousness , introspected consciousness and responsible consciousness of Liu 's novels .

  6. 刘醒龙的《黄昏放牛》与中国的乡土文学

    ` Grazing Cattle at Dawn ' by LIU Xing-long and the local literature at the End of the Last Century in China

  7. 刘醒龙运用多变的叙事视角来减少或增加信息,既有非聚焦型,内聚焦型又有视角的变异。

    Liu Xinglong applied fickle narrative angle for a add or decrease of information , including fickleness of non-focus , inner-focus and transmitting of angle .

  8. 刘醒龙以独到而客观的角度,着重描写了社会改革转型时期出现的种种社会现象,表现出了作家强烈的责任感。

    Liu Xinglong unique and objective perspective , focus on describing the various social phenomena of the social reforms of the transition period , showing a strong sense of writers .

  9. 本文以湖北作家刘醒龙的小说为具体的研究对象,试图从多个角度考察刘醒龙小说的叙事特征与叙事艺术。

    This paper sets Liu Xinglong as the specific object , who is from Hubei province , aiming to study on narrative characteristics and narrative art of his novels from several aspects .

  10. 刘醒龙将大历史与小历史穿插结合,展现其相互作用的复杂历史纹理,共同完成了对历史的诉说与解释。

    Liu combines and alternates the big history story with the small history , shows the complex textures of history in there interaction , and jointly completes the statement and interpretation of history .

  11. 刘醒龙是当代现实主义文学的代表作家之一,他的作品充满着严肃而敏感的现实关怀,蕴含着深刻的人性道德思考。

    Liu Xinglong is one of the representative writers of contemporary realist literature , the reality concern in his novels is serious and sensitive , and there is a profound human moral thinking in his works .

  12. 在这些作品中,刘醒龙一方面展现社会现实中的种种矛盾,同时也赋予了更多的希望,期望通过一种善来治愈社会的种种问题,表达了作者美好的愿望和追求。

    In these works , Liu Xinglong the one hand , to show the various contradictions in social reality , but also gives more hope , expect to cure the problems of society , and expression of good wishes and the pursuit .