
  1. 金融危机下面向农民工自主创业知识组织服务

    Knowledge Organization Services Oriented to Peasant Laborers under Financial Crisis

  2. 然而,鲜有研究专门探讨创业知识本身。

    However , research focused on entrepreneurial knowledge is rarely seen in the literature .

  3. 其实,创业知识的特征、测量方法和产生机制都是引人兴趣和富有挑战的问题。

    In fact , the property , measuring method and producing mechanism of entrepreneurial knowledge are attractive and challenging .

  4. 通过讲座为在校大学生传播更多的创业知识,提高创业能力,更好的适应现代社会的发展。

    Through seminars for college students spread more entrepreneurial expertise , entrepreneurial skills , better suited to the development of modern society .

  5. 可以说,创业知识是新近发展起来的创业公司理论的基石,并且,几乎所有创业学习理论都将创业知识作为核心概念。

    Entrepreneurial knowledge is a foundation for newly-developed entrepreneurship theory . Furthermore , almost all the entrepreneur theories take entrepreneur knowledge as their core concepts .

  6. 子研究二采用中小企业板高技术上市公司的公开数据资料,从另一角度验证中小高技术企业创业知识资本与公司市场价值和财务绩效之间的关系。

    The sub-study II also tried to validate the relationship among entrepreneurial intellectual capital , market value and financial performance through analyzing on open data of small and medium technology-based listed companies .

  7. 总之,本研究将创业知识和创业失败作为焦点问题加以考察,为深化创业学习理论研究做了一定的探索性工作。

    In order to solve the deficiency about entrepreneurship studying research in the two aspects , this research focuses on entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial failure and does explorative work on the entrepreneurial learning theory .

  8. 著名风险投资家蒂姆•德雷珀(TimDraper)1997年创建的Bizworld,为学龄儿童提供了一种有趣的、基于项目的方式去学习商业和创业基础知识,超过50万名儿童已经接受了这样的培训。

    Bizworld , founded by renowned venture capitalist Tim Draper in 1997 , provides a fun , project-based way for schoolchildren to learn business and entrepreneurship basics and has reached more than 500000 children .

  9. 根据林副部长所表示的,大学校园应该邀请科学家、企业家和风险投资家来讲授关于创新以及创业的知识。

    Universities should invite scientists , entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to lecture on innovation and entrepreneurship , according to Lin.

  10. 首先论述了科技创业是知识经济时代一个国家和地区的重要推动力量。

    First the paper discusses the technological venture is the important drive for the development of a country and area in the time of knowledge-based economy .

  11. 所得结论如下:第一,农民工创业隐性知识学习的内容结构包括六个维度:他人管理技能、自我成长、任务认知管理、绩效管理、人际交往和自我调节。

    The conclusions are as follows : First , the peasant workers venture tacit knowledge learning content structure includes six dimensions : other people management skills , the ego growth , tasks cognitive management , performance management , interpersonal and self adjusting .

  12. 作为JA志愿者,你将通过实战模式课程引导学生有关就业预备、自主创业和金融知识。

    As JA volunteer , you will educate students about workforce readiness , entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential , hands-on programs .

  13. 不同区域科技型创业企业的知识资本结构有显著差异。

    Intellectual Capital structure has significant differences between different areas of science and technology venture .

  14. 创业作为把知识转化为经济价值和社会价值的最有效手段之一,受到了世界各国的高度重视。

    Entrepreneurship is one of the most effective means that turn knowledge into economic value and social value .

  15. 大学生创业是适应知识经济时代发展和实现自身的经济价值和社会价值的必然要求。

    University students ' innovative undertaking is the necessary requirement to adapt to the development of economic knowledge , to realize the own economic and social value .

  16. 知识经济时代,企业的诞生和发展在很大程度上取决于创业企业家的知识创意,而不是物质资本。

    In the era of knowledge economy , the establishment and development of an enterprise greatly depends on the knowledge originality of entrepreneurs and not entirely on the physical capital .

  17. 创业投资是知识经济时代的一种特殊投资方式,它集金融、创新、科技、管理、市场于一体,对于推动技术创新、促进产业结构升级有重要的作用。

    Venture capital is the era of knowledge economy is a kind of special investment way , it sets the finance , innovation , science and technology , management , market integration , to promote technological innovation , promote the upgrading of the industrial structure has an important role in .

  18. 我们首先要做的,是为心怀抱负、积极主动的创业者找到掌握知识的人,比如科学家、研究人员、STEM(科学、技术、工程设计与数学)专业人员和慈善家等,为他们牵线搭桥。

    We need to start connecting those with knowledge scientists , researchers , stem ( Science , technology , engineering , and Mathematics ) professionals , and philanthropists to aspiring and active entrepreneurs .

  19. 当代创业企业:创新知识的综合定价机制

    New business ventures : The pricing mechanism of creative knowledge

  20. 不同专业的创业者在隐性知识各维度上不存在显著差异。

    The entrepreneurs with different major had insignificant difference in dimensions of tacit knowledge .

  21. 并阐述了创业型人才在知识经济中的作用。第三章:湖南省高职院校开展创业教育的现状调查与分析。

    And introduce the knowledge-based economy the role of entrepreneurial talent . Thirdly , there is an analysis for current enterprise education of Hunan higher vocational colleges .

  22. 高等医学院校进行创业教育既是迎接知识经济时代的需要,又是医学社会化的需要。

    Carrying out doing pioneering work education in medical colleges and universities was not only demand of greeting knowledge economy era but also demand of socialization of medical science .

  23. 艾森曼看上去像是一般穿着斜纹夹克的高等学府教授,但他在一线创业实践方面的知识却为他在学术界之外赢得了大批忠实的追随者。

    While Eisenmann looks the part of the tweed-jacketed , ivory tower Professor , his knowledge of cutting-edge startup practices has won him a dedicated following that extends far beyond academia .

  24. 其次,介绍了创业投资相关理论知识,包括创业投资的含义及特点、生命周期、投资系统以及基本组成等几个方面,是本文写作的理论基础。

    Thus have a complete understanding and awareness . Secondly , it introduces venture capital-related theoretical knowledge , including meaning and theoretical knowledge , life cycle , the investment system and the basis composition and so on .

  25. 创业教育以创业知识、创业技能训练和创业精神培育为目标,为了实现这个目标,创业教育的教学体系应包括:创业精神、创业知识与技能、创业实践三大部分。

    The goal of entrepreneurship education is to develop the students ' entrepreneurial spirit and to cultivate knowledge and skill . To realize this goal , we designed the teaching system of entrepreneurship education , which consists of three components .

  26. 这些城市没有去支撑衰落的产业,相反,它们发现自己的未来在于吸引并留住新服务经济的“明星”——拥有高技能的青年专业人才及创业家、“知识型员工”和“创意人士”。

    Instead of shoring up declining trades , cities found that their future lay in attracting and retaining the stars of the new service economy - highly skilled young professionals and entrepreneurs , " knowledge workers " and " creatives . "

  27. 创业导向对客户知识管理能力的影响机理对切实有效提高客户知识管理能力具有指导意义,本文的实证研究结果对实施相关管理和未来研究具有理论和实践意义。

    The impact mechanism of entrepreneurial orientation and customer knowledge management has a guiding significance to effectively improve the capability of customer knowledge management . The empirical research results of this paper has theoretical and practical significance for the implementation of the management and future research .

  28. 创业型经济以知识要素为核心,转变了经济发展对资源、环境等传统要素的倚重,有助于加快转变经济发展方式,成为现代经济增长的新引擎。

    Entrepreneurship economy , that bases knowledge as the core and changes in the economic development of resources and the environment rely heavily on traditional elements , will help to speed up the transformation of economic development mode to become the new engine of modern economic growth .

  29. 引导学生树立创业意识,学习创业知识,以提高创业的能力。

    Guide the students to cultivate a consciousness of entrepreneurship education and learn its relavant knowledge so as to improve their capability of entrepreneurship .

  30. 研究还揭示了在不同创业阶段和组织背景下,创业知识资本结构会发生一定程度的动态变化。

    Furthermore , the study also pointed out that the structural dimensions of entrepreneurial intellectual capital would change dynamically according to different entrepreneurial stage and organizational background .