
  1. 今天我演讲的题目是创先争优当模范,立足岗位当先锋。

    The topic of my speech is " Excelling in our performances to be the model and fulfilling our duties to be the pioneer " .

  2. 为此,本文论述了供电企业创先争优活动的必要性,并对如何开展创先争优活动做了具体探讨。

    Therefore , this article discusses the power companies the need for A Good activities , and how to carry out A Good activities to be specifically discussed .

  3. 领导干部应以创先争优活动为载体,在严格按要求创造性地开展活动中,与时俱进地提高领导艺术。

    Leaders should improve leadership art in the creative activities which are held in strict accordance with requirements , taking " Excel in the performances " as a carrier and keeping pace with the times .

  4. 以增强党性、提高素质为重点,加强和改进党员队伍教育管理,健全党员立足岗位创先争优长效机制,推动广大党员发挥先锋模范作用。

    We should strengthen and improve education and management of Party members , with a focus on enhancing their Party spirit and raising their overall quality , improve the permanent mechanism for encouraging them to excel in their work , and encourage them to be vanguards and role models .