
  • 网络CREATIVE INDUSTRY PARK;Creative Industries Precinct
  1. 创意产业园区的网络式创新能力及其集体学习机制

    Collective Learning Mechanism and Network-innovation Capabilities of the Creative Industry Park

  2. 文化创意产业园区是上海文化创意产业发展的主要形式。

    Cultural and creative industry park is an important characteristic of the cultural and creative industries development in Shanghai .

  3. 浅谈关于创意产业园区集群内部多样性模式

    On diversity model of group inner of originality industrial garden area

  4. 珠三角地区创意产业园区发展的思考

    Thinking on pearl river delta innovative industrial park 's development

  5. 第二章,创意产业园区的定义和理论概述。

    Second chapter is about the definition and overview of the theory of creative industrial park .

  6. 五个创意产业园区中的创意阶层

    Originality-Class in five Originality Industry Districts

  7. 如今,北京、上海等城市纷纷投入巨资兴建创意产业园区。

    Native cities such as Beijing and Shanghai , have invested huge money in constructing creative industrial parks .

  8. 借鉴国内外经验做法,提出了文化创意产业园区运营策略。

    International and domestic practices and evidence has been used to put forward the operation strategy of cultural creative industry park .

  9. 文化创意产业园区是发展文化创意产业的重要载体,可以为文化创意企业发展提供良好环境,为文化创意人才集聚提供场所。

    The cultural creative industry park can provide good environment and excellent talents to promote the development of cultural creative industry .

  10. 文化创意产业园区的发展离不开政府行为的介入,政府在文化创意产业园区发展的不同的阶段充当着不同的角色,为园区提供着发展所需的基础设施和必要的公共服务。

    Governments play different roles in the different development period of cultural creative industry park . They provide basic facilities as well as public service that the parks requiring .

  11. 作为其载体的创意产业园区也因此应运而生,并且发展迅猛,而公共空间是最能反映创意产业园特色的组成部分之一。

    As the carrier of creative industry parks had begun , and the rapid growth of public space is the best indicator of creative industry park features one of the components .

  12. 空空间艺术机构位于甯波第壹家市级创意产业园区核心位置,入驻于厂区改造后五幢风格各异的建筑之壹。

    No Space Gallery is located in the heart of Ningbo 's first city-level creative industrial park , settled in one of the five buildings remodeled out of the original plant in various styles .

  13. 然后结合我国创意产业园区发展的现状,对我国创意产业现有法律规制的情况进行了分析,归纳了其中存在的不足和问题。

    Then , based on the actual state of development of Creative Industry Park in China , I analyze the present legal regulation of Creative Industry Park in China and conclude its lacks and problems existing .

  14. 第三章,对上海时尚消费类创意产业园区的地域分布和现状分析,在实地考察基础上,得出该类创意产业园区目前所存在的主要问题。

    The third chapter analyzes the current situation of the Shanghai fashion type creative industry parks and , on the basis of site visits , come to present the main problems in the Shanghai creative industry park .

  15. 本文分析了现有园区项目的运营模式,提出文化创意产业园区的运营策略,主要包括管理模式、准入制度、版权管理、品牌战略和盈利模式五个方面。

    The article proposed the operation strategy of cultural creative industry park based on the analysis of existing industry parks , which mainly including managerial mode , permitting regulation , copyright management , brand strategy and profit model .

  16. 文化创意产业园区作为一种介于政府、市场与企业之间的新型社会经济组织和企业发展平台,已经成为当今各国文化创意产业集聚发展的主要形式。

    Cultural creative industry park is not only a new social and economic organization but a development platform which is among government , market and enterprise . It has become a chief form of cultural creative industry gathering to develop in the world .

  17. 本文致力于研究文化创意产业园区发展模式的经验,为深圳市乃至全国城市文化产业转型升级提供理论支持和实践借鉴。

    This article is dedicated to the study of culture creative industrial park development model experience , and provides theoretical support and practical reference for the transformation and upgrading of the cultural industries of Shenzhen City , and even cities across the country .

  18. 烟台广告创意产业园区是中央财政重点扶持广告产业试点园区,有国家级动漫基地,市、区两级政府先后出台政策为园区内文化创意企业的发展提供优惠条件。

    Yantai creative industrial park is focused on supporting the central government advertising industry pilot park , a national animation base , municipal governments , district has introduced policies to provide favorable conditions for the development of cultural and creative enterprises in the park .

  19. 创意产业园区是由一系列符号组成的系统。

    Then the text analyses the development situation and problems of Creative Industry Park in Guangzhou and the situation of reuse and the conservation of Industrial Heritage in the park . ( 1 ) Creative Industry Park is a system composed by a series of symbols .

  20. 受香港创意产业园区的辐射和带动,广东的广州、深圳、珠海、佛山等地都相继建立创意产业园区,珠江三角洲地区的创意产业园区初具规模。

    Radiation and promotion of creative industries in Hong Kong Park , Guangdong , Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Zhuhai , Foshan and other places have been established creative industry park , the creative industry park of the Pearl River Delta region is beginning to take shape .

  21. 创意产业企业的办公园区在规模、使用群体、生产媒介等方面不同于工业区园区以及传统的创意产业园,是一类新出现的建筑项目类型。

    Creative industries office park is different from the Industrial Area Park and Creative Industry Park in terms of scale , the use of groups , production and working media .

  22. 从传统工业区到创意产业园的建筑更新浅谈关于创意产业园区集群内部多样性模式

    Research on Architecture Reconstruction for Transition from Traditional Industrial Area to Creative Industrial Park ; On diversity model of group inner of originality industrial garden area

  23. 在我国产业结构不断优化升级的过程中,文化创意产业的发展也非常迅速,创意产业园区在各大城市如雨后春笋般拔地而起,对当地经济以及文化的发展发挥着重大作用。

    Accompanied by continuous optimization of industrial structure in China , the development of creative industries are also very rapidly and more and more creative parks have been built in many major cities , playing a significant role in local economy and culture development .

  24. 文化创意产业集群、发挥集群效应,是文化创意产业园区的发展目标。

    The aim of culture Originality industry parks is to gather the culture Originality enterprises and develop industry cluster functions .

  25. 我们还要加强文化创意产业的集群发展与规模效应,规范文化创意产业园区建设,充分发挥产业集群的作用。

    We should also strengthen Cultural and Creative Industries cluster and scale development and regulate the construction of cultural and creative industry park , give full play to the role of industrial clusters .

  26. 目前,创意产业已成为国内产业结构调整进程中的重点发展产业,而创意产业园区是推动其发展的有效途径之一。

    At present , the creative industries have become a key development industry in the industrial structure adjustment , creative industry park is a effective way to promote their development .

  27. 但由于我国的创意产业起步较晚,在理论研究方面仍然较为薄弱,对创意产业及创意产业园区的法律规制方面尚存在很多缺位和缺陷,由此为创意产业的发展造成了一定的阻碍和影响。

    However , as the commencement of Creative Industries in China is a bit later , and the theory research is not consummate yet , there are lots of lacks and absences on legal regulation of Creative Industry Parks , which baffle and affect the development of it .

  28. 经过多年的培育和发展,长三角地区的创意产业正呈现出集聚发展的空间特征,并已形成艺术家自发集聚、产学研合作集聚和创意产业园区集聚等模式。

    After years of training and development of creative industries in the Yangtze River Delta region are showing a gathering space for the development features , and has formed a spontaneous gathering artists , research cooperation and creative industry park gathering and so on .