
  • 网络The Creative City
  1. 创意城市与大学在城市中的作用

    Creative City and the Role of University in City

  2. 创意城市的建设是一项系统工程,需要长期推进。

    The construction of creative city which is a systematic project requires long-term propulsion .

  3. 创意城市共同采取的政策措施有哪些?

    What are the common urban policy initiatives used by creative cities ?

  4. 基于价值链的创意城市竞争力指数评价指标体系研究

    Value-chain-based Research on Criteria System of Creative Cities'Competitiveness Index

  5. 创意城市:概念问题和政策审视

    Creative Cities : Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions

  6. 为继续保持活力与竞争力,创意城市成为许多城市的发展目标。

    To be vivid and competitive , creative cities become goals of many cities .

  7. 这为中国发展创意城市和大学城市提供了理论依据。

    The theory of creative city also can be applied to the University City in China .

  8. 作为创意城市品牌的时尚设计

    Fashion Design as Creative City Brands

  9. 创意城市可以说是21世纪世界城市发展与建设的热点之一。

    Creative city is one of big issues in urban development and construction in 21st century .

  10. 在结论部分,我特别指出创意城市的实际和潜在的某些黑暗面。

    In the conclusion , I pinpoint some of the darker dimensions-both actual and potential-of creative cities .

  11. 通过文化政策营造创意城市&巴塞罗那文化政策的启示

    To Build Creative Cities by the Way of Cultural Policy : A Case Study of Cultural Polices in Barcelona

  12. 深圳是联合国教科文组织创意城市网的第十六个成员,是中国第一个受此殊荣的城市。

    It became the16th member of UNESCO 's Creative City Network , and the first city in China to be presented with such an award .

  13. 分析了合肥进行创意城市建设所具备的创意产业状况、经济基础、社会环境等,将研究立足于合肥构建创意城市路径的明确认识上。

    Based on a clear understanding of Hefei creative city construction , this paper analysis the creative industrial conditions , economic basis , social environment etc. .

  14. 创意城市从发展的基础上来看,城市必须经历充分的工业化,工业比较发达,经济基础雄厚,有自然引发的相关创意产业的基础。

    According to the creativity city theory , the city must experience the full industrialization , have abundant economic basis and the related creativity industry foundation .

  15. 在这一章,通过分析创意城市的特征及借鉴相关评价模型(包括上海创意指数、香港创意指数等),本文初步建立了创意城市评价评价模型。

    In this chapter , based on analyzing the features of creative city and referring relevant evaluation model , the evaluation model of creative city is set up preliminary .

  16. 相信通过互动与碰撞,创意城市网络的成员城市、政府、专家学者等都将获得进一步合作机会。

    I believe that the members of the creative cities network , the governments and the specialists and scholars will find more chances of further co-operation through their interactions .

  17. 上海建设创意型城市的战略思考&基于3T理论的视角

    The Strategic Thinking of Building Creative City in Shanghai

  18. 创意是城市文化的一部分,也同时反映着城市的各种面貌。

    As creativity is also part of your culture , and is about what is going on in your city .

  19. 该作品被全世界媒体广泛刊登,充分体现了高水准的可持续发展生态优势以及富有创意的城市设计和保护方案。

    The work has been widely published internationally and has demonstrated sustainable and ecological credentials of the highest order as well as creative urban design and conservation solutions .

  20. 他用创意来改善城市生活。

    He uses creative ideas to improve city life .

  21. 第五部分研究了从三方面创意扩散对城市发展的作用。

    Part five investigates the effects of creativity diffusion to urban development .

  22. 利用创意产业实现城市低发展级城区跨越式发展分析

    An Analysis on Realizing Frog-leaping Development of Low-developing Areas through Creative Industries

  23. 创意产业对城市竞争力的作用机理研究

    The study about the influence of Creative industries maded to City Competitiveness

  24. 文化创意产业与城市竞争力的相互作用机理分析&以上海市为例

    Interaction Relationship between Cultural Creative Industries and Urban Competitiveness : A Case Study of Shanghai City

  25. 创意产业对城市品牌竞争力的影响及城市品牌营销对策

    The Influence of Creative Industry on City Brand Competitiveness and the Strategy of City Brand Marketing

  26. 我一直在踏遍全国各地寻找沿着这条路线做着引人入胜及充满创意工作的城市。

    I 've also been visiting cities across the country that are doing some interesting and creative things along these lines .

  27. 文化创意产业是城市经济和产业融合发展的新载体,是现代服务业的高端组成部分。

    Creative industry is the carrier of urban economy and industry development , and it is the high-level part of modern service industry .

  28. 创意产业对城市发展的作用主要体现在提高文化品味、提升知识能力和促进产业结构升级等几个方面。

    The role of creative industry in the development of the city includes increasing cultural tastes , enhancing knowledge capability and improving indus-try structure of the city .

  29. 随着传统工业经济向知识经济的转变,城市需要寻找新的经济增长点,创意产业是城市更新和转型的关键。

    With the transfer of traditional industrial economy to the knowledge economy , cities need to find new economic growth point , and creative industry play an important role of urban renew and transformation .

  30. 建议徐州城市文化创新发展的基本路径是:文化资源的整理与评估文化产品的创意与开发城市文化品牌的培育与营销文化产业的整合与升级文化战略的确定与实施;

    The basic way to improve the urban culture in Xuzhou is the digging and evaluation of the cultural resources , cultivation and marketing of the urban cultural brand , the integration and upgrade of the cultural industry , and the formulation and implement of the cultural strategy .