
  • 网络start-up;Start-ups;startup
  1. 马丁•兹威灵,初创企业专业咨询公司(StartupProfessionalsInc.)首席执行官、创始人。

    Martin Zwilling is CEO & founder of startup professionals Inc.

  2. 但Tableau这家位于西雅图的初创企业绝对值得关注。

    But the Seattle-based startup is definitely one to watch .

  3. 包含大大小小的多种经济成分才是最成功的经济生态系统:硅谷自豪地拥有着久负盛名的企业,同时也有一系列不断创新的初创企业。

    The most successful economic ecosystems contain a variety of big and small companies : silicon Valley boasts long-established names as well as an ever-changing array of start-ups .

  4. 因此,尽管有很多黑客可以创办初创企业,但没有人可以投资他们。

    So while there 're plenty of hackerswho could start startups , there 's no one to invest in them .

  5. 启明创投的美国联合创始人盖里-瑞斯彻表示,中国初创企业的工作文化甚至比美国硅谷公司还要苛求。启明创投曾投资智能手机生产商小米公司。

    The workplace culture in China 's start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon4 Valley , says Gary Rieschel , the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners , which has backed smartphone maker5 Xiaomi .

  6. 尽管有过很多尝试——还记得已经破产的美国-以色列初创企业BetterPlace吗?——

    Despite many attempts - remember bankrupted American-Israeli start-up Better Place ? -

  7. 这个名为“Space39”的楼层有250家金融科技初创企业,还有一些公共区域。

    There are 250 fintech start-ups in Space 39 , as it 's called , along with public areas .

  8. 他们每个人还必须成为校园创新中心(InnovationCentre)初创企业的顾问。

    Individually , they must also become advisory angels to start-up companies on the campus Innovation Centre .

  9. 鞍钢通过与美国初创企业steeldevelopment协作,已经参与在美国建立一系列钢厂的计划。

    Anshan is already involved in plans to establish a series of steel plants in the US in collaboration with steel development , a start-up business .

  10. 在一家迅速成长的初创企业担任CEO是项艰巨的任务。

    Being CEO of a fast growing startup is a tough job .

  11. 大多数创始人兼CEO之所以失败,是因为大多数初创企业未能成功。

    Most founding CEOs will fail , simply because most startup ventures fail .

  12. 在展会上举办的其他活动集中在3D打印、移动应用程序、医疗保健相关设备、技术初创企业和虚拟货币比特币等领域。

    Other events at CES focus on sectors such as 3-D printing , mobile apps , health-related gadgets , technology startups and the virtual currency bitcoin .

  13. Facebook与普通的硅谷初创企业大不一样,后者虽增长迅速,但收入却很少。

    Facebook is far from the average Silicon Valley start-up , which has plenty of growth and little by way of revenues .

  14. HallmarkCardsInc.是一家力争后来居上的初创企业,可想而知它一刻也没有闲着。

    Predictably , Hallmark Cards Inc. isn 't sitting idly by as a start-up tries to steals its thunder .

  15. 2012年塔塔从综合产业集团塔塔集团(Tatagroup)董事长职位退休以后,成为了一名风险投资者,积极投资于印度的电商初创企业。

    Since his retirement in 2012 as chairman of industrial conglomerate the Tata group , Mr Tata has become an active venture investor in Indian e-commerce start-ups .

  16. 随着Facebook和Twitter增长,对社交营销公司的需求也在增长,新一轮的初创企业收购方兴未艾。

    As Facebook and twitter grow , so has the demand for social marketing companies , hence the recent round of high-profile startup acquisitions .

  17. 最新项目是由谷歌(Google)发起的,今年谷歌创建了首尔创业校园(CampusSeoul),为提出申请的150家本地初创企业中的8家提供办公场所。

    The latest was launched by Google , which this year set up Campus Seoul , providing workspace for eight of the 150 local start-ups that applied .

  18. 而且,可供投资的企业也具有“幸存者偏差”,大多数有前途的初创企业仍会选择传统的VC。

    Moreover , the pool of available investments will have negative survivor bias & since many of the most promising startups still will go to traditional VCs .

  19. 但是,尽管围绕科技初创企业的炒作很多,但是在IT/电信行业受雇的MBA毕业生实际上减少了近10%。

    But despite the hype about tech start-ups , the number of those employed in IT / telecoms fell by nearly 10 per cent .

  20. 拉赫曼表示:我已经在树上呆够了。他的初创企业FairFinance刚开始提供贷款的时候,用的是拉赫曼个人信用卡上5000英镑的授信额度。

    I have done enough stuff chaining myself to trees , says Mr Rahman , whose fledgling enterprise , Fair Finance , started offering loans using the 5,000 limit on his personal credit card .

  21. 同时,myspace和facebook等初创企业重新定义了aol创造或发展的社交互动概念。

    Meanwhile , startups such as Myspace and Facebook redefined community interactivity , concepts honed or created by AOL .

  22. 斯坦福大学(UniversityofTexas)教授巴巴•诗夫称,实际上,很多大公司都试图在公司内部营造初创企业的思维模式,但都不成功,因为大公司并不喜欢冒风险。

    And in fact , many big corporations fail when they try to infuse startup thinking because they are allergic to risk , says Baba SHIV , a professor at Stanford University .

  23. 实力达到顶峰时的微软,曾试图利用其在PC领域的垄断地位,在计算行业赚取最大化的利润,这种做法使得竞争对手和初创企业对其又恨又怕。

    At the height of its powers , the way that Microsoft wielded its PC monopoly to maximise profits from the computing industry made it feared and hated by rivals and start-ups alike .

  24. 膳魔师(Thermos)和旧金山初创企业MarkOne的新款“智能杯”通过一组传感器将用户的实时饮水数据传送到智能手机应用上。

    New " smart cups " from Thermos and San Francisco-based start-up Mark One use an array of sensors that beam users " real-time data about water consumption to a smartphone app .

  25. 但有些初创企业,像Profitably,凭借一点运气,打拼出了另一番天地。

    But some startups , like profitably , scrap and luck their way into something else .

  26. 作为衡量公司价值增速的指标,“市值形成速度(timetomarketcap)”的提升已经成为现代初创企业的一项主要优势,因为它们可以用前所未有的速度筹集到巨额资金。

    This increase in " time to market cap , " the measures how quickly companies increase in value , has become a major advantage for modern startups as they are able to build massive financial war chests at speeds never seen before .

  27. 这种封禁技术由以色列初创企业Shine公司开发。亚洲富豪李嘉诚创办的投资基金HorizonVentures也是该公司股东之一。

    The blocking technology was developed by Shine , an Israeli start-up whose shareholders include Horizon Ventures , the investment fund of Li Ka-shing , Asia 's richest person .

  28. 他先后研究了460家美国初创企业,结果发现,创始人兼CEO继续担任决策者的公司,市值通常都低于外聘CEO进行管理的公司。

    In a study of 460 American startups , he found that on average those in which founding CEOs remained the top decision-makers were less valuable than those managed by outside CEOs .

  29. 许许多多的初创企业都在专攻住宅自动化和住宅安全,同时谷歌(刚刚收购了Nest)等大牌企业也在悄悄地布局。

    So many startups are focusing on home automation and security , while big guns like Google ( which just bought Nest ) are quietly preparing their moves as well .

  30. Hike是巴蒂电信和大举投资于印度初创企业的日本电信集团软银(SoftBank)成立的合资企业。

    Hike is a joint venture between Bharti and SoftBank , a Japanese telecoms group that has invested heavily in Indian start-ups .