
  • 网络Lilly;Lily;Tonkolili
  1. 亨利:听起来开头可不是顺顺利利。

    Thierry : That doesn 't sound like an auspicious start .

  2. 但愿团团今后的人生之路也是顺顺利利,充满阳光。

    I wish her a life full of happiness and sunshine .

  3. 祝愿我可以顺顺利利地进实验!

    How I wish I can step into Shandong Experiment High School successfully !

  4. 顺顺利利,“无屎无病”

    No fuss , and luckily , no muss .

  5. 一切顺顺利利,好评如潮,演出成功。

    Wishing Jae Wook would have a great success in the musical drama .

  6. 希望这一切都会平息,让奥运会顺顺利利地举办

    I hope everything will be settled down , and Olympic will be successful hold

  7. 我们能够顺顺利利地工作。

    We were able to work without interruption .

  8. 你正在参加一场工作面试,而且事事都进行得顺顺利利。

    You 're sitting in a job interview and everything has been going great .

  9. 因着这样的态度,他的人生就走得顺顺利利,没有阻碍,没有麻烦。

    Because of such attitude , his life runs smoothly , without obstruct and trouble .

  10. 他利利索索地折上剃胡刀,用手指的触须抚摩着光滑的皮肤。

    He folded his razor neatly and with stroking palps of fingers felt the smooth skin .

  11. 作为我的伴郎。我希望在婚礼之前你能把事情安排得顺顺利利。

    Bart : As my best man , I expect you to keep things smooth until the wedding .

  12. 斯旺在推特上说,他对能在利利选区和帕尔默一决高下欣喜若狂。

    Mr Swan said on Twitter he was over the moon to fight in Lilley * against Clive .

  13. 它已被可口可乐、利利制药以及西门子等杰出公司采用,并帮助它们取得了非凡的财务业绩。

    EVA is used by Coca Cola , LiLi Manufacture Medicine and Semens , and helps them get outstanding achievement .

  14. 为了能够更好的传播佛教,也是为了自利利他,佛教鼓励僧人行医。

    In order to spread Buddhism more better and help monks themselves and others , Buddhism encouraged monks to practice medicine .

  15. 当晚他睡了个好觉,因为他的烦恼消失了,他也知道一切都会顺顺利利。

    That night he slept well because his worries had gone away and he knew that everything was going to be great .

  16. 我想萨博也希望庞大的注资能顺顺利利,不要再有什么变故让我们去关注了。

    And I am confident that you want me to move on . Let 's hope that SAAB wants to move on as well .

  17. 开车的戴维-利利(32岁的美国难民委员会的业务经理)锁骨骨折、伤痕累累。

    The driver , David Lillie , 32 , an American Refugee Committee , operations manager , suffered a broken collar bone and cuts .

  18. 但是这样的动作也并非一开始就就是这么顺顺利利的:例如呼吸这个动作固定下来的过程就是相当不规则,相当困难的。

    It does not work quite smoothly at first , however : the establishment of breathing , for instance , is irregular , and often difficult .

  19. 给你新年最好的祝福!新的一年,祝你顺顺利利!好运连连!福寿双全!

    Best wishes for the year to come ! Good luck in the year ahead ! May you come into a good fortune ! Live long and proper !

  20. 一整年都顺顺利利地通过挑战是不可能的---但是,尽管会遭遇挫折,许多人还是以积极的心态迎接2014年的到来。

    It 's impossible to go an entire year without navigating through some challenges -- but despite any setbacks , many are approaching 2014 with an optimistic outlook .

  21. 从社会需求、政策层面、资源以及积累状况四个方面,分析了南京社区建设发展非营利利组织的优势;

    From the four respects of social demand , policy , resources and accumulations , the paper analysed the advantages to develop nonprofit organizations in the communities of Nanjing .

  22. 后天下午就从香港出发到爱尔兰了,真的希望去到那边以后一切都顺顺利利,虽然我知道这是不可能的。

    I will leave from HK to Ireland on the afternoon of the day after tomorrow . I really hope that everything will go smoothly for me after I reach Ireland , though I know it is impossible .

  23. 我们当然希望和平与安宁,一生都顺顺利利,可事实是在这个时期,人类生存于一个发展和挑战并存的二元世界。

    As much as we may say that we want peace and quiet and a life without struggle , the truth is that human beings are , at this time , thriving in a world of dualities and challenges .

  24. 帕尔默是澳大利亚保守派国家党的终身成员。他除了宣布建造泰坦尼克2号外,还在今天宣布有意在下届选举中与澳大利亚财长韦恩•斯旺争夺昆士兰州利利选区的席位。

    Mr Palmer , a life member of the conservative National Party , coupled his announcement of his Titanic II plans with a declaration today that he intends to run against the Treasurer , Wayne Swan , in the Queensland seat of Lilley at the next election .