- 网络Net interest income

Using production approach and intermediation approach , we employ personnel expenses , net fixed assets , deposits as the input ; and utilize net loans , non-interest revenue as the output .
Interest income accounted for only 48 percent of the total earnings among Chinese commercial banks in 2014 , down 7.3 percentage points from three years ago , he added .
Moreover , according to the U. S laws and policies , the tax base of property income gained in this country is the interest or net revenue and , tax rates stay sort of high .
An Analysis of the Relationship between the Income Fluctuation of Non-Interests and Net Interests of the Listed Commercial Banks of Our Country
In the past 20 years , income from investment banking , assets management , securitization , insurance and other operational business of US Commercial banking industry has increased , and now the non-interest income accounts for more than 15.4 % of net operational income .