
  • 网络community of interests;COI;COIS;benefit community;Community interest
  1. 股票期权制度作为一种长期激励手段,使企业所有者和经营者形成利益共同体,在一定程度上可以有效解决委托代理问题。

    Stock Option causes shareholders and executives to form the benefit community and can effectively resolve the principal-agent problem as a long-term incentive .

  2. 股权激励因其特殊的激励机理,能促使高级人才与企业形成利益共同体。

    The stock stimulation can help to form a benefit community of the advanced persons of ability and the enterprise because of its special mechanism .

  3. 从股权结构上看,中航信与各大航空公司与中国民用航空局(CivilAviationAdministrationofChina,简称“民航局”)是利益共同体。

    Ownership structure from the point of view , in a letter with all the major airlines and aircraft CAAC ( Civil Aviation Administration of China , referred to as " CAA ") is the community of interests .

  4. 从医院层面建立政府-医院-患者利益共同体初探

    Study of an interest community for government , hospital and patients

  5. 第五,利益共同体性,即农业产业化经营契约的经济目的具有共同利益联结机制的特殊性。

    Fifthly , the beneficial mechanism of the contract is of particularity .

  6. 城市拆迁管理过程中利益共同体的合谋行为研究

    A study of conspiracy behavior of interests community in city demolition management

  7. 公司治理的关键是寻找长期利益共同体以及使关键性要素进入长期利益共同体。

    The key of corporate governance is to find out long-term interest community .

  8. 建立利益共同体完善承包责任制

    Set up a community of common interest to perfect the contracted responsibility system

  9. 集体抵制行为和过激的行为发生,利益共同体最终形成。

    And with the development of collective actions , the interests community grows up .

  10. 本文地方政府是利益共同体的一部分、地方公共利益的代表者;

    Local government is part of interest community , and a representative of local public interest ;

  11. 在位的国有垄断企业和地方政府容易结成一个利益共同体,抵制民营企业的进入,但如果民营企业提高自身产品的差异性,就能相对容易地进入该管制行业。

    But the private enterprises can enter the regulated industries relatively easily by enhancing their product differentiations .

  12. 设立行政性公司使政府与企业结成了利益共同体,限制市场公平竞争。

    Building executive company let the government combine with the company , and restrict the market equal competition .

  13. 三级利益共同体与农民问题

    Tertiary Interest Community : The Power Operation in the County , Township and Village and Problems about Farmers

  14. 利益共同体的胁迫与共谋行为:论金融监管腐败的一般特征与部门特征

    Unwilling Bribery and Collusion within an Interest Community : The General and Sectoral Characteristics of Financial Regulation Corruption

  15. 以警民利益共同体为基础推进警民关系的和谐、良性互动

    On Promoting the Harmonious and Favorable Interaction between Police and Civilians on the Basis of Coidentity in Interests

  16. 但是随着社会政治、经济的发展,这种命运共同体已经变成一种利益共同体。

    Along with the development of social politics and economy , this destiny community had changed into one of interest .

  17. 现代社会不仅是一个利益共同体,而且也是一个利益博弈的时代。

    Modern society is not only a commonwealth of interests , but also an embodiment of the era of interests-gaming .

  18. 公司利用信息流、技术流、资金流等资源支持农民,使公司与农民形成利益共同体。

    Our company use information flow , technology flow and capital flow to support farmers and to make a win-win .

  19. 产业集群中的企业是一种共生发展的利益共同体,强调企业之间的合作以及合作带来的效率。

    The enterprises in the industrial clusters are a community of common interests , emphasizing cooperation as well as efficiency .

  20. 中国&东盟自贸区是中国与东盟国家经过多年努力精心培育的利益共同体。

    The China-ASEAN FTA represents a community of shared interests established after years'of careful preparation by China and ASEAN countries .

  21. 当代中国农村就是在二元社会结构下三级利益共同体治理的乡村社会。

    The contemporary Chinese countryside is a rural area society which the tertiary interest community managed under the binary social structures .

  22. 允许混合所有制经济实行企业员工持股,形成资本所有者和劳动者利益共同体。

    Mixed-ownership enterprises will be allowed to utilize employee stock ownership to form a vested community of capital owners and workers .

  23. 项目融资本质就是风险分配,它是各参与方通过分担风险、利用合同联接在一起利益共同体。

    In fact , it is the interests of the community that risk is shared by the participants connected with contracts .

  24. 第一,坚持共同发展的大方向,结成亚洲利益共同体。

    First , we should stick to the overarching goal of common development and build an Asian community of shared interests .

  25. 在这种制度下,职工既是劳动者、人力资本的所有者,又是财产所有者,通过劳动和资本的双重结合组成利益共同体。

    Under this system , the staff members are the labors and the owners of the capital as well as of the property .

  26. 它是一个结盟企业的利益共同体,是实现全球化敏捷生产的主要方式。

    It is a common profit organization for all its member companies , and is a way to approach the global agile manufacturing .

  27. 他说,中国和美国在过去是共生的关系,而且形成了一个紧密联系的利益共同体,他称其为“中美共同体”。

    China and the U.S. , he argued , used to have a symbiotic relationship and formed a tightly integrated unit that he calls Chimerica .

  28. 研究当代中国农民问题,就不能不研究县乡村三级利益共同体。

    To study the contemporary problems about farmers in China , studying of the tertiary interest community in the county , township and village should be involved .

  29. 这集中表现在龙头企业与基地农牧户未能形成一体化的利益共同体,其间的联系只是通过市场交换自发实现的。

    The leading enterprises do not form a union of mutual profit with farmers and herdsmen in the base , their relation is just set through market exchanging .

  30. 琼斯提出的另外一种方法是与当地公司或政府建立合作伙伴关系,“确保他们能成为利益共同体的一部分。”

    An alternative method is to form partnerships with local companies or governments , Jones says , to " make sure they have some skin in the game . "