
bié chēng
  • another name;alternative name;epithet
别称 [bié chēng]
  • [alternative name;another name] 正式名称以外的名称

  • 湘是湖南的别称,鄂是湖北的别称

别称[bié chēng]
  1. 湘是湖南的别称。

    Xiang is another name for Hunan .

  2. 第一宇宙速度两个别称:航天器最小发射速度、航天器最大运行速度。

    The first two speed of the universe another name : the smallest space launch speed , maximum speed of the spacecraft .

  3. 蓝色巨人(IBM别称)受益于其企业文化和价值观,而这两点长期以来一直都有助于推行团队领导。

    Big blue is buoyed by its corporate culture and values , which for a long time have been conducive to team leadership .

  4. 那就是Macintosh这也是苹果的别称

    the Macintosh , named after a variety of Apple .

  5. 玉米的好收成会给你兜里带进大量钞票(注:greenback是美钞的别称)。

    A good crop of corn can put a lot of greenbacks in your pocket .

  6. 如果有大量这样的用户,就要确定这个潜在的问题(丢失别称、电子邮件地址,等等),然后从ClearQuestIntegration页签重新运行ApplyResourceMapping。

    If there are a large number of these , resolve the underlying problem ( missing nicknames , e-mail addresses , and so forth ), and then rerun Apply Resource Mapping from the ClearQuest Integration tab .

  7. 今年早些时候,BuzzFeed发布的《纽约时报创新报告》(NewYorkTimesInnovationReport)概述了“灰色女士(译注:纽约时报别称)”在其转型为一家数字媒体公司的征途中所面临的种种挑战,引起了传媒界的巨大关注。

    Earlier this year , BuzzFeed made waves in the media industry by publishing the New York Times Innovation Report , an internal document that outlines the paper 's challenges in transforming The Gray Lady into a digital media company .

  8. 实验二采用我们自己设计的另外两种别称命名任务:名称/功用任务(NF)和对立词任务(ANT)测验同一批被试,并与实验一的结果进行比较。

    In experiment Two , the other two alternative naming tasks designed by ourselves are used to test the same subjects : name / function task ( NF ) and antonym task ( ANT ) . The results are compared with the results of experiment One .

  9. 1986年,日本精神病专家太田广明(HiroakiOta)提出了“巴黎综合症”:当首次来到“光之城”(巴黎别称——译者注)的日本游客发现巴黎远非他们所期待的那么光鲜的时候,他们会经历一种心理创伤状态。

    Back in 1986 , Hiroaki Ota , a Japanese psychiatrist , identified Paris Syndrome : a state of psychological trauma experienced by first-time Japanese visitors to the City of Light when they discovered that the French capital was far grittier than the glamorous vision they were expecting .

  10. 最终,女魔头吉哈(Geh,别称Jeh、Jahi)立下诅咒:站在正义一方的人畜必将承受灾难与瘟疫的折磨,整个光明世界必将成为修罗场。

    Various demons worked to bring their evil lord out of his stupor , which was finally accomplished by Geh ( or Jeh or Jahi ) , the whore demoness , who promised to bring affliction and pestilence onto righteous men , oxen , and the entire pure world .

  11. 由包含新西兰鹪鹩的某科的别称。

    Alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens .

  12. 不过就是保姆的别称

    it 's just a fancy term for " Babysitter . "

  13. 海南岛诸别称之由来

    The Origin of Other Names of the Island of Hainan

  14. 并对月亮别称词丰富多彩的原因进行了深入的探讨。

    And the word of nicknames for rich and colorful thoroughly discussed .

  15. “书城”是新加坡哪一个商业中心的别称?

    Which commercial complex is also known as the " book city "?

  16. 你知道在中文里钱都有些什么别称吗?

    Do you know any slang of money in Chinese ?

  17. 当然这小苹果代表了一个大苹果(纽约别称)

    Yeah . That little apple represents the BIG Apple .

  18. 山地人用作印第安那州人及其居住者的别称。

    Used as a nickname for a native or resident of indiana .

  19. 三亚市也因此别称“鹿城”。

    Sanya also therefore alternate name " Lucheng " .

  20. 杏林为我国古代医学家及医疗环境的别称。

    He phrase Apricot Woods stands for ancient Chinese medicine and medical environment .

  21. 古代诗文中书籍的别称

    Other Names for Books in Ancient Poems and Proses

  22. 叫你的同事称呼你的摔跤别称,石屁股。

    Have your co-workers address you by your wrestling name , rock bottom .

  23. 这些是我们大部分人叫做瓢虫的东西的别称。

    They are other names for what most of us call the ladybug .

  24. 被召回的产品包括所有的绞细牛肉馅饼及各种各样的别称。

    The recalled products are all ground beef patties with various brand names .

  25. 别称我李太太,叫我李小姐。

    Please don 't call me Mrs lee , call me miss lee .

  26. 威尼斯曾别称‘亚得里亚海的门户’。

    Venice was called the'mistress of the adriatic ' .

  27. 原来鹿这个字在巴西是同性恋的别称。

    The word " deer " is a Brazilian street name for homosexual .

  28. 使用法定术语作为双方当事人的别称时,要小心。

    Be careful when using legal terms for nicknames .

  29. 几乎每一个足球队都有自己的别称。

    Almost every soccer team has its own nickname .

  30. 我离开他们了,别称他们是我的搜捕队,他们在跟随博噶度斯。

    I left them . don 't call them mine , they follow bogardus .