
zhì zuò rén
  • producer
  1. 如果是的话,请早点来参加晚上7:30成功唱片制作人朱尔斯·斯凯的演讲。

    If so , come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye , a successful record producer .

  2. 对FremantleMedia数字全球战略部门的执行制作人苏珊娜•阿佐帕尔迪(SuzanneAzzopardi)来说,办公室友谊总是很重要。

    Office friendships have always been important to Suzanne Azzopardi , an executive producer of digital global strategy at FremantleMedia .

  3. 那时的电影制作人受到了审查官的限制。

    Film-makers of the time were constricted by the censors .

  4. 他是那种煽起情来不遗余力的电影制作人。

    He 's the kind of filmmaker who doesn 't hesitate to over-sentimentalize .

  5. 他们邀请有才气却尚未幸遇伯乐的电影制作人提交作品样本。

    They are inviting talented , but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work .

  6. Counterclaim反诉制作人团队提起反诉,声称版权诉讼毫无根据。

    The producers filed a counterclaim asserting the copyright claims were baseless .

  7. 我特别喜欢电影制作人在作品里埋下“彩蛋”。

    I love it when filmmakers put an Easter egg into their films .

  8. 马修·威纳:《广告狂人》制作人

    Matthew Weiner : Mad Men creator

  9. 电影节制作人霍利·塔库尼表示,她希望这一举动能够引发争论并带来电影行业中男女平等参与的结果。

    Festival producer Holly2 Tarquini said she hoped it would create debate and equal representation in film .

  10. 影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。

    Written , directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling , Hi , Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release .

  11. 电影制作方似乎患上了一种叫做“续集病”的病症。各地的电影制作人都在制作某一部成功影片的续集或者前传。

    Movie studios appear to be suffering from something called " sequelitis " or " sequel syndrome everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film .

  12. 还有制作人MarkRonsen写的歌都是非常好的歌曲

    Mark Ronsen the producer some of the songs , It just amazing songs though

  13. 在电影拍摄过程中,美国人道协会曾向电影制作人了解Winter的安全和健康状况。

    The American Humane Society worked with the movie 's makers to make sure Winter stayed safe and healthy during filming .

  14. 家住西班牙的电影制作人康拉德&12539;梅斯(ConradMess)在iPhone电影节(iPhoneFilmFestival)上好几次获奖。

    Conrad Mess , a Spain-based filmmaker , has won several awards at the iPhone Film Festival .

  15. 法国的DJ制作人大卫·圭塔的《NothingButtheBeat》是最受欢迎专辑。

    French DJ-producer David Guetta 's " Nothing But the Beat " is the most streamed album .

  16. MercuryRecords公司的DanCurwen是这段视频的制作人。

    Dan Curwen is the video commissioner at Mercury Records .

  17. 茱莉在片中扮演Pearl的妻子。影片的制作人是皮特。

    Jolie is playing the role of Pearl 's wife in the film which is bring produced by Pitt .

  18. 是的。我现在成为女子组合Stellar的制作人。

    Eric : Yes , I 'm now producing an all-girl group named Stella .

  19. James说他感到非常失望,因为是制作人亲自允许他参赛的。

    Mr James said he felt let down by the show 's producers , who allowed him to go on the show .

  20. 总部在美国的银线电影制造公司购买了版权,并聘请《碟中谍III》的制作人斯特拉·顿利奥波德将这个故事搬上大屏幕。

    US-based Silverline Productions bought the rights and have hired Mission Impossible III producer Stratton Leopold to bring it to the big screen .

  21. 美国超人气动画《辛普森一家》的联合制作人SamSimon在被确诊结肠癌之后,决定捐出自己的大笔财富用于慈善事业。

    The producer of The Simpsons has decided to give his vast fortune away before he dies from colon cancer .

  22. 为了制作出《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中的场景和表演,这些技术精湛的特效师们和辛勤工作的协调人、制作人花了成百上千个小时。

    It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in Life of Pi .

  23. 埃姆斯强调,该协会绝不反对使用音乐(music)技术,特别是在小剧场里,在那演出的制作人承担不起整个(entire)乐队的伴奏费用。

    He stressed that the union was in no way opposed to the use of technology , especially in smaller theatres where the producers could not afford to pay for a full orchestra .

  24. Irish还说到一个制作人的行为习惯会影响到产品的质量。

    Irish also recognizes that the manner in which a producer approaches his or her work impacts the quality of a production .

  25. SusanAltman是这个节目的制作人。

    Susan Altman is the producer .

  26. 《Happy》是美国歌手兼制作人菲董(PharrellWilliams)的歌,收录于《卑鄙的我2》原声带专辑中,它是由菲董创作的。

    Happy is a song performed by American singer and producer Pharrell Williams , from the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack album .

  27. 最后,Irish指出了制作人和市场销售部门之间的关系以及把市场销售的需求列入预算和计划表的重要性。

    Lastly , Irish addresses the relationship between producer and marketing department , and the importance of factoring marketing needs into the budget and schedule .

  28. 李安的新进科幻电影《GeminiKiller》,联合制作人为WillSmith,将于2019年十月登陆北美院线。

    His new sci-fi film Gemini Killer , co-produced with Will Smith , is in production and will be released in North America in October 2019 .

  29. 哈利德、唐纳德·格洛沃以及制作人NoI.D.也获得了5项提名。

    Khalid , Childish Gambino and producer No I.D. also scored five noms .

  30. 执行制作人StephanieSavage对以上所有问题进行了回答,并对第六季亦是最终季进行了展望。

    Executive producer Stephanie Savage weighs in on all of those questions and previews the upcoming sixth and final season .