
  • 网络Securities shares
  1. 令人感到宽慰的是,今年券商股表现不如大盘。

    One reassurance is that this year brokerage shares have underperformed .

  2. 当时,券商股也是我极力去了解的一个对象。

    At that time , I strongly brokerage stocks are also to understand an object .

  3. 尾盘,金融板块,尤其是券商股开始反弹。

    Late afternoon , the financial sector , especially the brokerage stocks began to rebound .

  4. 但分析师表示,这只券商股的表现不会妨碍其它新股发行。光大证券上市前一天,中国股市刚刚出现9个月来的最大跌幅。

    But analysts said the stockbroker 's performance which came just a day after China 's biggest equities sell-off in nine months would not deter other new listings .

  5. 上海股市昨日推动亚太股指攀上10周高位。中国宣布了人们期待已久的推出股指期货的日期,为金融及券商股带来利好。

    Shanghai drove equities in the region to a 10-week high yesterday with financials and brokerages boosted by China announcing a long-awaited launch date for stock index futures trading .

  6. 近几周来,交易费收入增加的前景已令中国券商类股受益。

    Shares in Chinese brokerages have benefited in recent weeks from the prospect of increased trading revenues .

  7. 券商类股大幅下挫,反映出股市成交量已降至1年前水平的三分之一左右。

    Shares of stockbrokers retreated sharply , reflecting a decline in market volumes to around a third of the level a year ago .
