
  • 网络Engrave a seal;Chapter Moment
  1. 我的爸爸的工作是刻章,我的妈妈也是。

    Hehheh my daddy 's work engraves the chapter , my mother also is .

  2. 精细度比激光刻章机还要高,而价格只是激光刻章机的1/8。

    Fidelity is even higher than laser seals , and price machine , laser seals machine is1 / 8 .

  3. 激光雕刻机用二氧化碳激光电源、激光刻章机专用电源、开关电源、高压电源等。

    It mainly produces carbon dioxide laser power supply for laser engraving machines , power supply for laser engraving machines , switching power supply , high voltage power supply etc.