
jì xíng
  • Dosage form;the form of a drug;form of prepared drugs
剂型 [jì xíng]
  • [form of prepared drugs] 药物制成的形状。中药的剂型有汤、酒、丸、散、膏、丹、锭、片、露、霜、胶、茶、曲等

剂型[jì xíng]
  1. 不同剂型维生素C对中国对虾的营养研究

    Studies on the nutrition of various forms of vitamin C for prawn Penaeus chinensis

  2. 两性霉素B脂质体缓释体系的制备&治疗黑热病药物新剂型研究

    Preparation of liposomal amphotericin B slow release system - a new formulation for treating leishmaniasis

  3. 三种剂型氢氧化钙与光敏固化树脂修复深V类洞对比

    The comparative study of three dosage form calcium hydroxide and light solidifying resin for repairing deep V cavity

  4. RP-HPLC法测定眼房水中三种不同剂型匹罗卡品含量

    Determination of three formulations of pilocarpine in rabbit ocular aqueous by RP-HPLC

  5. 重组幽门螺杆菌尿素酶B亚单位疫苗(rHp)剂型及免疫途径的实验研究

    Study on Preparations and Immunization Routes of Recombinant Urease B Subunit Vaccine of Hp

  6. EPO微球剂型在降低小鼠免疫原性方面的作用

    Effect of EPO Microspheres on Reducing Immunogenicity in Mice

  7. 针剂是引起ADR的主要剂型(60.19%);

    Injections were mainly preparation ;

  8. 随着科学的进步,药物剂型和制剂研究已进入DDS时代。

    With the progress of science , drug formulations and preparation research have been entering the era of DDS .

  9. 方法:将纯化得到的小鼠颌下腺的NGF用脂质体包裹后分别制成冻干剂型。

    Methods : The NGF purified from mouse submaxillary glands was packed with liposome and prepared into freeze dying agent .

  10. PVA有望在渗透泵控释制剂、载药微球、溶胀控释系统等新剂型中得到应用。

    The prospective applications of PVA in osmotic pump controlled release preparations , drug carried microspheres and swelling controlled release system are foreseen .

  11. 方法:依据医院制剂规范要求,以PVA为包衣材料制备性质均一、溶出度较好的硫酸软骨素膜剂剂型;

    Methods : According to the stipulations of clinical preparations , CS membrane was prepared with PVA , glycerol , tween 80 as materials .

  12. 方法在重组HIV-1腺病毒载体活疫苗中加入不同配比的保护剂,在适宜条件下制备成冻干剂型。

    Methods Add stabilizers with different formula into adenovirus-based live HIV vaccine and prepare the vaccine into freeze-dried form under appropriate conditions .

  13. 以0.02mol/L磷酸盐缓冲液(pH=7.4)作为释放介质,释放液用RP-HPLC法进行测定,分别对三种剂型进行体外释药研究。

    In-vitro release tests were performed in phosphatebuffered saline ( pH 7 . 4 ) and the release solutions were determined by RP - HPLC .

  14. RGDS前体二肽的合成与RGD脂质体剂型的初步研究

    Synthesis of Two Precursor Dipeptides of RGDS and the Elementary Study of RGD-encapsulated Liposomes Form

  15. 目的:比较含不同浓度镧(La)的漱口水和凝胶对根面的防龋作用,并确定这两种剂型的最低有效浓度。

    AIM : To compare the effects of different does of lanthanum-contained rinse and gel on carious-resistance of root surface , and determine the lowest effective dose of these two preparations .

  16. 目前国内外上市的前列腺素E1剂型有冰干粉针剂、注射乳剂,外用制剂有乳膏、凝胶剂和尿道栓。

    Now the dosage forms in market are dry powder , emulsion for injection and cream , jellies , urethral suppository for external use .

  17. 这提示1,25二羟基维生素D3口服制剂的浓缩剂型,将有利于其吸收利用。

    It is indicates that the concentrated capsule of 1 , 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 oral preparation would be in favor of absorption and utilization .

  18. 本文应用加温加速实验法估算两种剂型(冻干和溶液)的人血超氧化物歧化酶(人血SOD)在温室下的贮存期。

    Estimation of the storage time of human blood superoxide dismutase ( hSOD ) in two preparation forms ( freeze-dried and soluble states ) at room temperature by the heating and accelerating experiment was reported .

  19. “其他剂型的去氨基精加压,在存在水中毒引起钠失衡危险性的患者中应用应谨慎”,食品与药品管理局(FDA)的官员说。

    Other forms of the drug " should be used cautiously " in patients at risk of sodium imbalances that can be caused by over-hydration , the FDA said .

  20. 从现在开始去氨加压素所有鼻腔用剂型都禁忌用于PNE。

    All intranasal formulations of desmopressin are now contraindicated for the treatment of PNE .

  21. 结论:透析病人在治疗中应用EPO安全、有效且依普定独特的剂型方便患者给药。

    Conclusion : It is safe and effective to apply EPO to uraemia hemodialysis patients , furthermore , its special form of prepared drugs is convenient to bestow .

  22. 而现用强氧化剂/复合酸/转向剂型解堵剂的作用半径仅有3m。

    The presently used blockage removing agent consisting of strong oxidizer , mixed acid , and diverting agent is effective in zones of 3 m radius only .

  23. 一剂型氧漂添加剂NB-28的研制及应用

    The Development and Application of All-in Additive NB-28 for Oxygen Bleaching

  24. 目的:本课题研究的FK分散片系由FK片改剂型而制得的新剂型。

    Objective : A FK dispersible tablet , the subject of current study , was originated from the FK tablet but making of a new dosage form .

  25. G-0268舌下片新剂型的研究

    Study on a Sublingual Tablet of G-0268

  26. 介绍了一种农药固体新剂型&水分散片剂(WDT)的配方组成、加工工艺及检测方法。

    This paper describes a kind of the newest solid pesticide formulation Water-dispersible tablet and its components of prescription , craft of producing and method of detection .

  27. 方法40例胸科手术的病人,分别用两种剂型的依托咪酯0.5mg/kg剂量全麻诱导,观察心血管变化和不良反应。

    Methods Forty thoracic surgery patients were included with a dose of etomidate 0.5mg/kg for general anesthesia induction they were given the same dose of two types of etomidate .

  28. 由于传统农药剂型如乳油(EC)、可湿性粉剂(WP)等因含有大量苯类有机溶剂或粉尘,对环境和人员造成了严重的污染和危害,属淘汰性制剂。

    Traditional pesticide formulations such as the emulsifiable concentrate and wettable powder contain plenty of benzene organic solvents or dust , and hence result in serious environmental pollution and do great harm to human beings , thus being included in the list of elimination .

  29. 目的研究鱼肝油酸钠的脂质体包裹剂型对于ECV-304细胞系的作用,为下一步动物模型和人体试验提供理论和试验依据;

    Purpose To study the effect of Lipo-Sodium Morrhuate on ECV-304 , and probe into the possible mechanism of its stimulating apoptosis , thus provide themry and trial evidence for animal model and human body test .

  30. 由乙烯、醋酸乙烯酯和乙烯醇聚醚组成的三元共聚物(WHP)是一种新型高分子表面活性剂型原油降凝剂。

    The terpolymer composed of ethylene , vinyl acetate and polyether of vinyl alcohol is a new surfactant type pour point depressant ( WHP ) with high molecular weight .