
  • 网络preimage;before image;before-image
  1. 提出一种无界模型检验的前像计算方法,该方法有效地结合ATPG和SAT引擎,充分利用引擎各自的优点。

    This paper presents a preimage computation approach used in unbounded model checking . The approach combines ATPG and SAT engines effectively and makes full use of their respective advantages .

  2. 前像计算是无界模型检验中的一个基本问题。

    Preimage computation is an basic problem in unbounded model checking .

  3. 在X时间点前像我求婚(比如三个月),要不然我就会离开你!

    Propose to me within x time ( such as three months ), or I will leave you !

  4. 维维演出前像个着了魔的人四处跑。

    VIV was running around like one possexxed before the presentation .

  5. 维吉妮亚说,我离开前像个陌生人,回来后又变回了她的丈夫。

    Virginia said I left a stranger and came back a husband ;

  6. 如果我两年前像现在一样用功,现在我的成绩就会令人满意的多。

    If I had worked two years ago as hard as I do now , my grades would be much more satisfactory now .

  7. 灭烛器似的塔楼尖顶在高温前像冰一样熔化,滴落下来变作了四个奇形怪状的火池;

    The extinguisher tops of the towers vanished like ice before the heat , and trickled down into four rugged wells of flame .

  8. 一个在印第安纳州熟识他的人说,他经常看到林肯抓起一桶苹果酒举到脸前像要喝似的。

    A man who knew him well in Indiana said he had often seen Lincoln grasp a barrel of cider and lift it to his face as if to drink .

  9. 爱德蒙看到,这一滴东西在落地前像宝石一样闪闪发光,但它一碰到雪,便发出一阵咝咝的响声,顿时就变成了一个宝石杯,杯子里盛满了饮料,还直冒热气。

    Edmund saw the drop for a second in mid-air , shining like a diamond . But the moment it touched the snow there was a hissing sound and there stood a jewelled cup full of something that steamed .

  10. 在高耸的CommedesGar?ons北京店的阴影下,看着穿着讲究的消费者排队买精致纸杯蛋糕,很难想象,在40年前,像洗头膏这样的基本商品都可能被谴责为资产阶级的腐朽奢侈。

    Watching well-heeled shoppers queue for designer cupcakes in the shadow of a massive new Comme des Gar ? ons store in Beijing , it 's hard to imagine that a scant 40 years ago , a basic commodity like shampoo might have been denounced as a decadent bourgeois splurge .

  11. 基于图像复原的航空摄影前向像移检测及补偿技术研究

    Research on Detection and Compensation Technology of Forward Image Motion in Aerial Photography Based on Image Restoration

  12. 前国际像棋冠军卡斯帕罗夫和前俄罗斯总理卡西亚诺夫说,他们没有收到参加会议的邀请。

    Former chess champion Garry Kasparov and former Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov say they were not invited .

  13. 六十年前,像马歇尔这样的政治家所生活的圈子,距离绝大多数人的生活很遥远。

    Six decades ago , statesmen such as Marshall inhabited a world that was distant from most people 's lives .

  14. 就在一年前,像其他所有普通的十六岁女孩一样,我对生活充满希冀和梦想。

    I was the oldest and just a year before had all the hopes and dreams of any normal 16 year old girl .

  15. 里亚切是瑞吉欧省一个温馨的村庄,因70年代初发现公元前青铜像而驰名。

    Riace is a gracious village in the province of reggio , famous for the discovery in the early70s of the celebrated bronzes .

  16. 任何一个在投行工作的人都知道,如果形势恶化,这些钱在年底前就会像冰雪消融一样消失无踪。

    Anyone at an investment bank will know that that money can melt like snow before the end of the year if things go wrong .

  17. 我最后一次在霍顿区住处看到纳尔逊,是他上月住院的大约一周前。像往常一样,我们又陷入了回忆的海洋。

    I last saw Nelson at his Houghton home a week or so before he was admitted to hospital last month and we strolled down memory lane , as we often do .

  18. 黄昏时他坐到了咖啡室的壁炉前,像早上等待早餐一样等着晚餐,这时他心里又在匆匆忙忙地挖呀,挖呀,挖呀,在燃烧得通红的煤块里挖。

    When dark , and he sat before the coffee-room fire , awaiting his dinner as he had awaited his breakfast , his mind was digging , digging , digging , in the live red coals .

  19. 本文对数字航空摄影相机前向像移补偿控制系统进行了研究,针对长春光机所承担的某航空相机项目中的机械式像移补偿系统的机械结构,研究了像移补偿控制系统。

    This paper researches the forward image compensation control system of airborne digital camera . Aimed at the mechanical structure of the image motion compensation system , which is part of a airborne camera project of Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics , a control system is designed .

  20. 在问问题前要像你在回答问题时一样要多考虑,因为你的问题会反映出你对公司的了解程度、职业道德、专业水平和个人兴趣等。

    But it 's imperative that you put just as much thought into what you ask as you do your responses to their questions , because your queries may reflect your knowledge of the company , your work ethic , your level of professionalism , and your interest in the role .

  21. 她弓身伏在方向盘前,表情像疯了一样。

    She is hunched forward over the wheel with a maniacal expression .

  22. 没事的,一年前我也像你这样子。

    It 's okay , I was where you were a year ago .

  23. 我说你朋友死前哀号得像猪一样。

    I said that your friend died screaming like a stuck Irish pig .

  24. 现在跪在墓前的铁像,是前几年重新铸造的。

    Those that are seen today were cast just a few years ago .

  25. 在买东西前,要像杰说的那样,要先盘算一下已有的家当。

    Before you buy , make an inventory of what you already have , Jay said .

  26. 很多年前我也像你们这样坐在这里这个记忆对我而言就像是在昨天

    When I was sitting where you are so many years ago but what seems to me really like just yesterday

  27. 如果我们在经济繁荣的桂冠下流连不前,即使像纽约这样伟大的城市,也总有一天会堕落为哈得逊河上的开封。

    For if we rest on our laurels , even a city as great as New York may end up as Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson .

  28. 老太太在日出前起来,像平常一样,沿着海滨散步,呼吸一些新鲜空气。

    The old lady got up just before sunshine , as she often does , to walk along the beach and get some air fresh .

  29. 彼前二2像才生的婴孩一样,切慕那纯净的话奶,叫你们靠此长大,以致得救;

    Pet . 2:2 As newborn babes , long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation .

  30. 在那边管理部的游廊前,屠维岳像一位大将军似的来回踱着,准备听凯旋。

    On the veranda in front of the office building , Tu Wei-yueh was pacing up and down like some great general awaiting news of victory from the front .