
  • The Ex;Ex-boyfriend;former boyfriend
  1. 我的前男友安东尼大男子主义思想很重。

    My ex-boyfriend Anthony was very chauvinistic .

  2. 不过首先介绍一下背景:我当时正在和前男友喝饮料。

    But first to set the scene : I was having a drink with my ex-boyfriend .

  3. 她想冲到前男友面前乞求他原谅。

    She wanted to run to her ex-boyfriend and beg his forgiveness .

  4. 她在城里遇见了前男友。

    She bumped into her ex-boyfriend in town .

  5. 我很想约索菲娅出去吃晚饭,但我觉得她还没忘掉前男友。

    I really want to ask Sophia out for dinner , but I don 't think she has got3 over her ex-boyfriend yet4 .

  6. 这个秘密涉及到她的前男友吉姆(Jim)。

    It involved her ex-boyfriend , Jim .

  7. 安妮和前男友分手后很快就和Adam开始了恋爱。

    They started dating just months after Anne split from her former boyfriend .

  8. betty就这么跟她的前男友跑了?

    Betty took offwith her ex-boyfriend ?

  9. 当阿黛尔的《Hello》刚刚推出时,一个女孩给前男友发了这首歌的歌词,只是为了看他的反应。

    When Adele 's " Hello " first came out , a girl texted her ex just the lyrics to see his response .

  10. 虽然很多人认为《TheLastTime》写的是斯威夫特在2011年末交往的前男友杰克吉伦哈尔,不过针对他最刻薄的话不是这首歌里写着的,而是在媒体采访时说到的。

    Though many think that her tune The Last Time is about ex Jake Gyllenhaal , whom she dated at the end of 2011 , the most cutting words had for the actor came not through song , but through media interviews .

  11. 波士顿大学学生“莎拉(sarah)”会给她死于2005年11月的前男友安德鲁(andrew)张贴facebook信息。

    One Bu student , " Sarah " , Posts Facebook messages to her former boyfriend Andrew , who died in November 2005 .

  12. 最近,有位女士发送《Hello》的歌词短信戏弄她的前男友,让他以为她想重修旧好。

    Recently , a woman pranked her ex-boyfriend by texting him the lyrics from ' Hello ' , making him think that she wanted to get back together .

  13. 陪审团裁定朱迪(JodiArias)杀害前男友特拉维斯(TravisAlexander)一级谋杀罪名成立。

    A jury found Jodi Arias guilty of first-degree murder in the killing of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander .

  14. 我是Ramona第一个邪恶前男友。

    I am Ramona 's first evil ex-boyfriend .

  15. 6、嫁给死去的前男友。MagaliJaskiewicz和JonathanGeorge原本打算在2008年11月在当地的市政厅结婚的,可是新郎在结婚前两天死于一起车祸。

    Magali Jaskiewicz and Jonathan George had planned to wed at their local town hall in November 2008 , but he was killed just two days before the ceremony in a motorcycle accident .

  16. 还记得这个记者——祖伊·巴恩斯(ZoeBarnes)的前男友吗?祖伊就是第二季一开头弗兰克从地铁站台推下去的那个。

    Remember this journalist and former boyfriend of Zoe Barnes , whom Frank pushed off a subway platform at the beginning of Season 2 ?

  17. 好吧,这是好消息,考虑到当她为前男友所烦恼时斯威夫特就喜欢写歌-想想她周一发布的新专辑Red中脍炙人口的《我们再也回不到一起》就曾风行一时。

    They 're fine . Well that 's good news , given Swift 's penchant for writing songs when she 's vexed by exes & think We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together , her catchy hit from the new album Red , which dropped Monday .

  18. 在DirtyBlondeCocktails的帮助下,VideoJug走上街头,了解女性怎样走出前男友的阴影,重新开始生活。

    With the help of Dirty Blonde Cocktails , VideoJug hits the streets to find out how women get over a boyfriend and get on with life .

  19. 正因为如此,詹•坎姆普斯(JenCampsey)留下了某年圣诞节前男友送的“摇滚乐团”(RockBand)游戏盘,尽管他把Xbox游戏机拿走了。40岁的坎姆普斯是旧金山的一名人力资源顾问。

    That 's why Jen Campsey , 40 , a human-resources consultant in San Francisco , has kept the ' Rock Band ' videogame her ex-boyfriend gave her for Christmas one year , even though he took the Xbox with him . '

  20. 2006年,阿莫鲁索刚刚从摄影学校退学,她以自己对陈年衣服的热爱创办了一家小公司,在前男友旧金山公寓的卧室里用一台Mac笔记本电脑运营。她倒卖eBay上淘到的重要物件,并通过NastyGal的Myspace页面推广。

    In 2006 , Amoruso had just dropped out of photography school . She turned her passion for vintage clothes into a small business , run from her Mac laptop in her bedroom of her ex-boyfriend 's San Francisco apartment , reselling key finds on eBay and promoting them via Nasty Gal 's Myspace page .

  21. 你去问问,谁会和前男友那么斤斤计较。

    Ask anyone if that counts as doing it or not .

  22. 他不再想做你的前男友了吧。

    And he doesn 't want to be your ex-boyfriend anymore .

  23. 好了,不管怎样,朋友的前男友是不能够追的

    Okay , irregardless . Ex-boyfriends are just off-limits to friends .

  24. 噢,天啊!我刚刚看到我的前男友。

    Oh , my ! I just saw my old boyfriend !

  25. 你还遇到你的前男友你却忘了告诉我

    You ran into your ex. You forgot to tell me ,

  26. 你是在跟踪前男友还是要做什么

    You trying to track down an old boyfriend or something ?

  27. 纽约肯定闹鬼,凡是跟你牵扯不清的人,好比前男友

    New York is definitely haunted . Old lovers , exboyfriends .

  28. 她前男友可是三楼的西蒙。

    I mean , her last boyfriend was Simon from 3rd .

  29. 更糟糕的是拿他同你的前男友做比较。

    Worse still is comparing your date to an ex-boyfriend .

  30. 我们会找个人帮你忘掉你的前男友!

    We 'll find someone to help you get over your ex !