
  • 网络the Former Qin;qin dynasty
  1. 公元386年,前秦南下,东晋面临空前威胁。

    In 386 , the Former Qin forces marched southward and threatened the Eastern Jin impressively .

  2. 淝水之战的后果包括:前秦陷入大范围内战并最终垮台,

    The aftermath of the battle includes the Former Qin empire falling into massive civil war and its eventual destruction ,

  3. 淝水之战是前秦企图统一全国的一次战争。

    The battle of Feishui was Former Qin " s attempt to reunify the imperial China .

  4. 前秦是东晋十六国时期惟一统一了北方,且政治较为清明、最具有规模气度的一个政权。

    Among sixteen kingdoms of Eastern Jin , PRE Qin was the only kingdom liberal in politics .

  5. 第二部分主要探讨前秦、后秦时期氐羌统治阶层的佛教信仰。

    The second part is mainly discusses the worship of Buddhism of the ruling class in and after Qin Dynasty .

  6. 382年(太元七年)一月,前秦苻坚召集群臣商议南伐,准备统一中国。

    In January 382 , The King of Former Qin called together his ministers to discuss the expenditure plan to reunify the imperial China .

  7. 客观地说,前秦对于这一时期的民族融合做出了巨大贡献,为之后北魏的统一奠定了基础。

    Objectively , the dynasty made great contribution to the ethnic integration , and laid the foundation for the unify of the North Wei Dynasty .

  8. 《墨子》是前秦时期墨家学派创始人墨子以及墨子的弟子根据墨子的言行撰写的文学著作。

    " Mo-tse " is the former Qin period Mohist school founder Mo-tse and the disciples of Mo-tse according to the words and deeds of Mo-tse writing literary works .

  9. 老子是诸子之一,前秦诸子之书是我国先民思想和智慧的结晶,其思想可以说奠定了几千年中华文化史的基础。

    Lao-zi is one of Pre-Chin philosophers , The books of Pre-Chin philosophers are crystallization of ancient ideas and wisdom , To a certain extent , their thought is foundation for thousands of years Chinese culture history .

  10. 公元386年(魏登国元年),拓跋娃乘前秦瓦解之际,在盛乐称代王,重建代国。同年,改国号为魏,史称北魏。

    In 386 , Tuoba Gui set up the state of Dai at Cheng Yue when the Former Qin collapsed and changed Dai into Wei in the same year , which was known as the Northern Wei in history .

  11. 当时,综合各个方面的情况看,时机和条件显然还不成熟,谢石、谢玄领导的北府军击败了前秦,取得了决定性的胜利。

    Due to the preparation and situation then , the endeavor was premature . Xie Shi and Xie Xuan leading the Beifu troops utterly defeated the Former Qin forces and won a decisive victory at the Battle of Feishui .

  12. 这种仁的安置与前秦儒家在沟通天人上有很大的不同。天人感应突出天之权威作用,而实际的最终落脚点则是人。纲常人伦、王道政治都由法天对应而来。

    This placement of " benevolence " is very different from the Former Qin Confucians in contacting heaven and man . " Heaven-Human Induction " stresses the authority of the heaven , but actually , the ultimate goal is human .