
  • 网络foreland;foreland basin;forelandbasin
  1. 晚三叠世中扬子北缘前陆盆地层序地层特征及沉积演化

    Late Triassic Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Evolution of the Northern Mid-Yangtze Foreland Basin

  2. 我国中西部中新生界前陆盆地沉积演化与充填模式

    Sedimentation evolution and filling model of Meso-Cenozoic foreland basin in central and West China

  3. 至象山群上段(J2)沉积时,沿江前陆盆地开始萎缩,成为彼此孤立的小盆,直到消亡。

    During deposition of the lower Xiangshan Group ( J1 ), the foreland basin shrank and became small separated basins before disappearance of the foreland basin .

  4. 进入燕山期,随着桂东南逆冲推覆构造前缘不断地向NW方向扩展,侏罗纪&白垩纪时期的前陆盆地也不断地向NW方向迁移。

    In the Yanshanian period , with continuous NW-directed propagation of the front of the southeastern Guangxi thrust nappe structure , the Jurassic-Cretaceous foreland basin also migrated continuously in a NW direction .

  5. 通过对大别造山带前陆盆地石炭纪含煤岩系高煤级煤的X射线衍射分析,探讨了高煤级煤基本结构单元的演化特征及其影响因素。

    Through X ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis of high rank Carboniferous period coal located in the northern foreland basin of Dabie Orogenic Belt in the eastern China , the evolution character of XRD parameters of high rank coals and the effecting factors are studied .

  6. 秘鲁Maranon盆地是安第斯山山前的前陆盆地之一。

    Maranon Basin is one of Sub-Andean foreland basins .

  7. 库车前陆盆地侏罗系烃源岩Ro值为0.55%~1.88%,均值为0.93%,主体处于生油高峰期;

    The main body of Jurassic source rock in Kuqa foreland basin is in its peak of oil generation , with R_o value in the range of 0.55 % - 1.88 % and average value of 0.93 % .

  8. 中新世&第四纪前陆盆地的沉降中心向北迁移至叶城-喀什一线,快速的沉降作用堆积了5000~6000m的粗碎屑沉积物。

    The subsidence center of the Miocene-Quaternary foreland basin has migrated northward to Yecheng-Kashi where 5000 ~ 6000m of coarse clastic sediments have been accumulated as a result of rapid subsidence .

  9. 经过大量野外实地观察及前人研究成果,针对奥陶纪钱塘江世以来研究区域处于局限前陆盆地的总体背景,把黔北地区的志留系划分为7个三级沉积层序(SS1至SS7)。

    Based on the observation of outcrops , previous research findings and the background of confined foreland basins , the Silurian strata in northern Guizhou province are divided into seven 3rd-order sequences ( SS1 & SS7 ) .

  10. 3)持续发育&消亡阶段(J1-2),形成陆内前陆盆地,发育陆相含煤碎屑岩沉积。

    3 ) continued and extinction stage ( J1-2 ), during which the intracontinental foreland is formed , characterized by coal-bearing clastic rock sediments of continental facies .

  11. 喜马拉雅运动使本区发育为类前陆盆地。

    Himalayan movement made the area developed as a para-foreland basin .

  12. 库车中、新生代前陆盆地沉降-沉积分析

    Research of subsidence and sedimentation of the Kuqa Meso-Cenozoic foreland basin

  13. 陆缘和陆内前陆盆地主要特征及含油气性研究

    Geological characteristics and hydrocarbon potential between epicontinental and intracontinental foreland basins

  14. 川西前陆盆地上三叠统沉积特征

    Sedimentary characteristics of the Upper Triassic in western Sichuan foreland basin

  15. 准噶尔盆地南缘前陆盆地油气成藏系统划分研究

    Division of hydrocarbon accumulation system in the southern Junggar Foreland Basin

  16. 楚雄前陆盆地的充填层序与造山作用

    Infilling sequences and orogenesis in the Chuxiong foreland basin , yunnan

  17. 塔里木库车陆内前陆盆地及其勘探意义

    The Kuqa intracontinental foreland basin and its significance for petroleum exploration

  18. 楚雄弧后前陆盆地的形成及演化

    The formation and evolution of Chuxiong back - arc foreland basin

  19. 楚雄晚三叠世前陆盆地沉积-剥蚀特点

    Characteristics of deposition and erosion in Chuxiong Late Triassic foreland basin

  20. 中国中部前陆盆地盆山耦合关系分析

    The basin-mountain coupling relation in the foreland basins in Central China

  21. 龙门山中段中生代前陆盆地的构造演化史

    Structural evolution of Mesozoic foreland basin in the middle Longmen Mountains

  22. 新生代大型滞后型前陆盆地形成发展阶段。

    Formation and development of large lag foreland basin in Cenozoic .

  23. 钦州前陆盆地&关于钦州残余海槽的新认识

    Qinzhou foreland basin & new understandings about the Qinzhou residual trough

  24. 川西坳陷属典型的叠合前陆盆地。

    The west sichuan depression belongs to a typical Superimposed foreland basin .

  25. 前陆盆地理论及其在中国的应用

    Discussion on the theory of foreland basin and its application in China

  26. 沉降曲线在造山带盆地研究中的应用&以南秦岭晚加里东期前陆盆地为例

    The application of tectonic subsidence curves in the study of orogenic basins

  27. 楚雄前陆盆地的构造特征与沉积演化

    Relationship of tectonics to sedimentary evolution of Chuxiong foreland basin

  28. 前陆盆地成藏条件非常优越。

    Therefore , the foreland basin becomes the favorable place for reservoir .

  29. 台湾西部前陆盆地和帝汶海前陆盆地的比较学研究

    A comparative study involving the western Taiwan foreland and Timor Sea foreland

  30. 塔里木前陆盆地构造特征及油气分布

    Tectonic characteristics and petroleum distribution of the Tarim foreland basin