
bō xuē
  • exploit;fleece;squeeze
剥削 [bō xuē]
  • [fleece;squeeze;exploit] 原指搜刮侵夺,现指使用[一个人的] 劳动力而不给予公平的或相当的报酬

  • 对农民遭到地主剥削的程度感到吃惊

剥削[bō xuē]
  1. 这样的情形使得雇主及仲介业者得以大胆地剥削移民劳工

    This condition emboldens employers and brokers to exploit more the migrant workers .

  2. 论现代剥削关系的变异及其存在

    On the Variation and Existence of Modern " Exploit " Relationship

  3. 目前有什么措施制止雇主剥削年轻人呢?

    What is being done to stop employers from exploiting young people ?

  4. 发达国家全都从他们的帝国主义剥削中获益。

    The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation .

  5. 我们总是遭到排挤、剥削和不断的恐吓。

    We 've always been marginalized , exploited , and constantly threatened .

  6. 最后他终于摆脱了那些吸金者的经济剥削。

    At last he was free from the financial bloodsuckers .

  7. 我想他们的罪行比单纯的剥削更残忍。

    I think their crime is a blacker one than mere exploitation .

  8. 我希望建立一个没有剥削和不公的社会。

    I have a vision of a society that is free of exploitation and injustice

  9. 西方资本主义的扩张将第三世界并入了剥削性的世界体系中。

    The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system .

  10. 那个岛上的居民忍受了数个世纪的剥削。

    The islanders endured centuries of exploitation .

  11. 在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

    In the old society , owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads , the labouring people led a vagrant life .

  12. 该公司无耻地剥削工人。

    The firm exploits its workers disgracefully .

  13. 宗教不但与暴力,也与经济剥削曾有着密切的关系。

    Religions have had a close relationship not only with violence but with economic exploitation .

  14. 贵族剥削农民。

    The nobles exploited peasants .

  15. 其他人说,选美和性剥削之间只有非常细微的界线

    Others say that there 's a fine line between the pageants and sexual exploitation .

  16. 虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。

    While Google , Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses , security experts faulted Apple 's plan as more invasive .

  17. 浅析美元贬值对我国经济的影响全球化:是剥削还是机遇&世界银行发展政策局局长DavidDollar谈全球化现象

    Globalization : exploitation or opportunity ? David Dollar Director of Development Policy , Development Economics , the World Bank told us something about globalization

  18. 这篇报道里没有什么新的东西,TOI只是在剥削读者的感情,真让人寒心。

    There is nothing new or fresh in this news , TOI is just exploiting the emotions of readers , so chill .

  19. 他们又是压迫和剥削工人的。

    What is more , it oppresses and exploits the workers .

  20. 用生产力标准分析和对待剥削

    To Analyze and Approach Exploitation with the Standards of Productive Forces

  21. 沂蒙人民富有顽强的反压迫、反剥削的斗争精神。

    Yi-meng people have tenacious fighting spirit opposing oppress and exploitage .

  22. 外国资本具有剥削性,而且对国家主权也是一种威胁。

    Foreign capital was exploitative and a menace to national sovereignty .

  23. 它们既是劳动者又是剥削者,既是建设者又是依附者。

    They are both laborers and exploiters , both builders and dependants .

  24. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。

    He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators .

  25. 这种剥削将作为社会主义的核心特征而继续存在。

    Such exploitation would remain a central feature of socialism .

  26. 他总是站在被压迫被剥削的人的一边。

    He always sides with the oppressed and the exploited .

  27. 现在的雇员容易遭到雇主肆无忌惮的剥削。

    Working people will now be vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous employers .

  28. 这种剥削与被剥削的生活已经延续了很多个世纪。

    And man has lived for centuries under this exploitation .

  29. 对公共权力理论,马克思主义和剥削阶级都有系统地研究。

    To this theory Marxism and exploiting class make a systematic study .

  30. 马克思主义关于剥削的理论与我国当前的现实

    Marxist Theory of Exploitation and the Reality of Contemporary China