
  • 【煤】"又称 :剥离物(spoil,waste) "
  1. 如果剥离物是硬岩,怎么办呢?

    What can be done if the overburden is hard rock ?

  2. 露天金矿剥离物植被演替规律及植被恢复对策&以公别拉河流域为例

    Regulation on Abrasive Material of Vegetation Succession and Countermeasure of Vegetation Restoration of Opencast Gold Ore in Gingili River Watershed

  3. 论文深入研究了部分剥离物采用半连续工艺与单斗&卡车开采工艺及其比较问题。

    This paper further studies the comparision problem of applying semi-continuous technique for partial stripped substances and single-shovel-truck mining technique .

  4. 针对植被演替规律和剥离物特性提出快速恢复植被相应对策。

    Some measures to accelerate vegetation restoration are proposed in accordance with the regulation on vegetation succession and characteristics of abrasive material .

  5. 例如,像土壤、砾石和松石那样的松软剥离物,可挖掘剥离。

    For example , relatively soft material , such as soil , gravel , loose or weak rock , can be removed by digging .

  6. 本文以抚顺煤田为例,讨论了采煤剥离物&媒矸石露天堆积导致的地下水、土壤及空气污染,以及环境工程地质危害等城市环境效应问题。

    In this paper , the author gives a fushun coalfield , explanation to discuss city environmental effects such as pollution of ground water , soil , air and environmental engineering geology failures .

  7. 露天矿采用抛掷爆破技术,可将大量剥离物抛入采空区,使拉斗铲剥离量大为减少,剥离成本大幅度降低。

    By using the casting blast technique in surface mines , a large volume of overburden will be thrown into the mined-out area , making the stripping volume of dragline operation be decreased and the stripping cost lowered .

  8. 在制得剥离复合物基础上,通过淀粉接枝丙烯酸的交联聚合反应得到半互穿结构两性纳米复合水凝胶。

    Based on the successful exfoliation , amphoteric nanocomposite hydrogels are formed by crosslinking polymerization of acrylic acid onto starch .

  9. 对复合纤维的剥离处理和织物染色也进行了探讨。

    As well as the filament separation by alkali or acid treatment and fabric dyeing are involved .

  10. 切开粘骨膜达颏骨表面,骨膜剥离子剥离显露颏骨骨面。在探明了矿床可露天开采后,首先必须剥离覆盖层。根据剥离物的性质,可采用不同的剥离方法。

    Methods The chin bone was exposed through intraoral approach . after exploration has determined that the deposit can be mined from the surface , the overburden must be stripped off first . Different stripping methods are used according to the nature of the material to be removed .