
jiǎn yǐng
  • silhouette;sketch;outline;cucoloris;paper-cut silhouette
剪影 [jiǎn yǐng]
  • (1) [sketch;paper-cut silhouette]∶把纸剪成人头、人体的轮廓形象

  • (2) [outline]∶比喻对事物作轮廓的描写;亦指比喻描写出的轮廓

剪影[jiǎn yǐng]
  1. 一旦您找到一个悦目位置,创造新的层数并且开始提炼您的剪影。

    Once you 've found a good looking position , create a new layer and start refining your sketch .

  2. 这张设计图是我一个好朋友给我修改了几笔的图纸,已经成了有趣的剪影了。

    This sets up to account diagram is I a good friend modified several pens to me of diagram paper , have already become interesting sketch .

  3. b小调为钢琴而作的第7剪影。

    Silhouette No.7 , for piano in B minor .

  4. 数字剪影血管造影(DSA)图象处理系统研究

    A Research on Digital Subtraction Angiography ( DSA ) Image Processing System

  5. 本课题对数字剪影血管造影DSA系统中数字剪影图象处理系统的核心算法进行了研究。

    In this paper , the author studies the kernel arithmetic of the digital subtraction image processing in digital subtraction angiography system .

  6. 该文采用数据挖掘中的回归分析模型,挖掘HIFU焦域处超声剪影图像中可用于温度估计的信息。

    We used the regression model of data mining to discover temperature related information hidden in the HIFU focal area subtraction ultrasound images .

  7. 打造带有超强剪影的灯具是汤姆•狄克逊(TomDixon)的拿手绝活——他是多盏吊灯及运用铜材的流行时尚引领者。

    Creating statements with a strong silhouette is what Tom Dixon does best - he has led the trend for multiple pendant lights and the use of copper and brass .

  8. 打造带有超强剪影的灯具是汤姆•狄克逊(TomDixon)的拿手绝活&他是多盏吊灯及运用铜材的流行时尚引领者。

    Creating statements with a strong silhouette is what Tom Dixon does best & he has led the trend for multiple pendant lights and the use of copper and brass .

  9. 在香奈儿(Chanel),卡尔•拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)通常令人吃惊的简练手法被剪影的观念搞乱了,于是,裙子从腋下到膝盖都竖满了羽毛、流苏和装饰布料。

    At Chanel , Karl Lagerfeld 's normally startlingly light hand got tangled up in the idea of profile , and so dresses came bristling with feathers , fringes and drapery from the underarm to the knee .

  10. 生活的色彩:绿色。一个池塘水的开口在RioFrio的洞穴反射到绿色装饰的伯利兹的Chiquibul森林和构成一位访问者的剪影。

    Life in Color : Green A pool of water at the mouth of Rio Frio Cave reflects the greenery of Belize 's Chiquibul Forest and frames a visitor in silhouette .

  11. 这位芝加哥公牛队前篮球明星在2012年起诉乔丹体育(QiaodanSports),称该公司(其公司标识是一个在赛场上驰骋的篮球运动员的剪影)在未经许可的情况下,用他的中文姓氏乔丹打造了业务。

    The former Chicago Bulls basketball star sued Qiaodan Sports in 2012 , saying the company - whose logo is a silhouette of a leaping basketball player - built its business around his Chinese surname Qiaodan ( pronounced chow-dan ) without permission .

  12. EXR内置立体声录像可以作为媒体剪影范围内的任何文件格式。

    EXR integrated stereo footage can be used as well as media in any of Silhouette ´ s newly expanded range of file formats .

  13. 太阳从Opatija的海里升起,黑色绒纸剪影的港湾悄悄揭开,我彻夜漂游的美梦。

    The sun rises quietly from the sea of Opatija , uncovering the dark harbour , which is the dream I cherished al night .

  14. 用数字剪影动脉造影技术来检测手术效果和动脉狭窄程度。

    The extents of artery stenosis were controlled by digital arteriography .

  15. 行易知难笃学为是&中国现当代文学学科建设的一个剪影

    On the Discipline in the Modern and Contemporary Literature in China

  16. 看见挥手道别的那一家人的黑色剪影。

    Saw the dark silhouette of the family waving farewell .

  17. 这个大楼应该是城市中的一幅美妙的剪影。

    It 's gonna define the skyline of the city .

  18. 天津子牙环保产业园企业剪影

    Style and Features of TianJin ZiYa Environmental Protection Industry Area

  19. 2005第十三届香港(亚洲)钢琴公开比赛北京预选赛剪影

    The 13th Hong Kong ( Asia ) Piano Open Competition

  20. 无限风光在西峰&长庆油田公司第二采油厂剪影

    PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company oil Production Plant NO . 2

  21. 只要一个剪影还在时尚。

    As long as a silhouette 's still in fashion .

  22. 廓形是一件衣服的外轮廓线或者剪影。

    The silhouette of a costume is its overall outline or contour .

  23. 杨军在金银岛示范拍摄剪影。

    Richard demonstrating how to take silhouette at Treasure Island .

  24. 光秃的树枝在冬季天幕下构成剪影。

    The hare branches of the trees formed silhouettes against the Wmter sky .

  25. 一对年轻夫妇在满月月光下的剪影。

    A young couple is silhouetted by the light from the full moon .

  26. 一个人跳舞,也许在做着不寻常的动作,但它只是一个剪影。

    A person dancing , maybe do extraordinary moves , but a silhouette .

  27. 中国金融衍生品大会(2006)剪影

    China financial derivatives conference ( 2006 ) silhouette

  28. 中国山地综合开发讨论会剪影

    A picture-cut silhouette of the Symposium on the comprehensive development of mountain in China

  29. 一幅美国的剪影&。

    A portrait of the United states & .

  30. 大量气体和尘埃的暗云在炽热的星光下形成剪影。

    Massive dark clouds of gas and dust are silhouetted against the flaming starlight .