首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 1877年,张斯桂作为清政府第一个驻日使团副使赴日本,对中日两国文化交流起到了积极的作用。

    He went to Japan as an captain assistant minister of the first official mission in Japan in 1877 . And played a positive role between Chinese culture and Japanese culture .

  2. 1060年《新唐书》完成之后,欧阳修很快升任枢密副使,次年任参知政事,以后,又相继任刑部尚书、兵部尚书等职,在社会事务、财务、军事等方面留下了值得注意的记录。

    When the Xin Tang shu was finished in 1060 , Ouyang was rapidly promoted to the highest councils of state , leaving a remarkable record in social , financial , and military affairs .

  3. 结论:三氟拉嗪能逆转人肾癌MDR,可以作为肾癌化疗和辅助用药,其低毒副作用使其具有应用价值和可行性4.Zenapax无明显的药物毒副作用;

    Conclusion : The trifluoperazine may used as the supplementary drug in the chemotherapy to the kidney cancer , its low toxin and side effect make it practical and valuable .

  4. 最常见的副反应使皮肤瘙痒及灼烧般的疼痛。

    The most frequent application site events were skin burning and pruritus .

  5. 那六副银器使他烦懑。

    Those six sets of silver haunted him .

  6. 这副墨镜使我的眼睛感觉舒适。

    These dark glasses rest my eyes .

  7. 但是精神问题的副作用使它在欧洲受到冷落并且延迟在这里的获准时间。

    But psychiatric side effects have cooled reception to the drug in Europe and delayed its approval here .

  8. 高血压病目前仍以药物治疗为主,但因药物产生的副作用使患者生活质量下降。

    Hypertension drug therapy is currently still dominated , but the side effects of drugs so that patients with decreased quality of life .

  9. 科技和经济的不断发展所带来的副作用使人类社会逐渐进入一个风险社会,而当今全球化的力量正在不断地形塑出一个全球风险社会。

    The side effects caused by the continuous development of science and technology and economy has gradually brought human society into a risk society .

  10. 他根本不理睬那些妨碍了他的人,他那副样子使对方产生一种无形的、不存在的感觉&如果他对此敏感的话。

    His way of ignoring people whose presence inconvenienced him actually gave them , if they were sensitive to it , a feeling of invisibility , of nonexistence .

  11. 严重的毒副反应使部分患者被迫中断或延迟化疗导致治疗失败,另有患者因不堪忍受严重的化疗副反应而放弃治疗,依从性差。

    Serious side reaction lead to the interrupted or failure or delay of chemotherapy in some patients . Some patient give up the treatment due to unbearable the side effects of chemotherapy , has poor compliance .

  12. 要实现这些目标的关键问题之一是要合理设计轴向柱塞泵中的各种类型的摩擦副,使之形成适当的油膜,以提高柱塞泵的工作效率和寿命。

    For achieving those goals , one of the key problems is optimum design of the frictional pairs in axial piston pump . The lubricating film must be formed in frictional pairs to improve the volume efficiency and working life of axial piston pump .

  13. 那人吃东西的那副馋相使人相信他说的险些要饿死的话是真的。

    The way the man ate lent colour to his story of near starvation .

  14. 非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)现在临床应用颇为广泛,然而这类药物的不良反应,特别是胃肠道毒副作用,使NSAIDs的临床应用明显受限。

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) has been used commonly in clinic , but the adverse effects , especially the side effect on gastrointestinal tract restrict its clinical application .

  15. 这副眼镜能使我看得清楚一些。

    These glasses enable me to see better .

  16. 有些药物的副作用会使你在第二天早上仍然感到昏昏沉沉想睡觉。

    The effects of certain medications that cause drowsiness can linger until the next morning .

  17. 他那副可笑模样使我忍无可忍。

    His utter ridiculousness exhausted me .

  18. 由于被认为是下流的,这副画像的确使他名声鹊起,亦或臭名昭著。

    The portrait did make him famous , or infamous , because of its supposed indecency .

  19. 他赶着车动身子,嬷嬷坐在他身旁,刚好构成一副非洲人撅嘴使气的绝妙图画。

    Driving off , with Mammy beside him , each was a perfect picture of pouting African disapproval .

  20. 而其他镇痛止咳剂中含有可待因(鸦片的主要成分),由此引发副作用也使人们对于它的安全性产生了怀疑。

    There are safety concerns about side effects from other products that are codeine-based , which use a chemical called an opioid .

  21. 通过优化药用减少毒性和副作用可以使其转变为一种新药的化合物。

    A compound that could potentially be converted to a new drug by optimizing its beneficial effects and minimizing its toxicity and side effects .

  22. 本系统为实现在实际应用中教练员通过转动副转向盘使教练车进行转向奠定了基础。

    As a consequence , the system established the groundwork for realizing that the coach turning the vice-steering wheel to make the training car turning .

  23. 虽然阿片类药物有比较确切的镇痛疗效,但是因成瘾性、耐药性及严重的毒副反应,使其获益人群受到限制。

    Although opioid analgesic efficacy more accurately , However , due to addiction , drug resistance and severe toxicity to benefit the population is limited .

  24. 因为任何更改都可能产生副作用并使文本解析器的其它部分停止工作,所以开发人员需要时间修正这些小错误。

    Because any change may produce side effects and cause other parts of the text parser to stop working , the developer needs time to fix small bugs .

  25. 吸入皮质激素的患者患者可能也暴露于其他的皮质类固醇类,或者其他条件使他们易罹患副反应,使吸入皮质激素危险的分析的结果受到影响。

    Patients who take ICS may have other corticosteroid exposures , or have other conditions that predispose them to side effects , making the analysis of the ICS risk challenging .

  26. 中医的扶正固本可以提高机体的免疫功能,减少手术、放、化疗及免疫治疗的毒副反应,使肿瘤患者有较好的生存质量,从而提高疗效。

    TCM can lessen side effects of above therapies through strengthening the function of body immune system , which improve the life quality of the patients and the curative effect .

  27. 采用高科技手段加工“密封副”,使密封面的硬度高达HRC57-60,具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐磨损等特性。

    The seal is processed in the high tech , which makes the hardness of seal face up to HRC57-60.It is endurable in high temperature , resistant in abrasion and antifriction .

  28. 这种灵感上和情感上的刺激可能给予我们一副麻醉剂,使我们暂时免除痛苦。

    It becomes painful by the end of the day . It is possible for such inspirational , emotion shots in the arm the hop us up and give us temporary relief .

  29. 即使它不幸的有将鲨鱼妖魔化的副作用和使人们终身害怕海滩,电影《大白鲨》仍被视为独创的暑期大片之一。

    Even though it had the unfortunate side effect of demonizing sharks and giving people a lifelong fear of beaches , the movie Jaws is remembered as one of the original summer blockbusters .

  30. 试验表明:该捕获剂对游离甲醛捕获率约为30%,优于传统工艺中硫酸铵的捕获效果,且对毛被无副作用,使皮板丰满性略有提高。

    It shows that the capture rate of free-formaldehyde is about 30 % by synthetical formaldehyde capture agent with higher fullness and no side effect , which is better than the traditional technical capture effect by vitriolic-ammonium .