
  • 网络power converter;power transducer
  1. 功率转换器测量结果不确定度的评定

    Evaluation on Uncertainty for the Measurement Result of the Power Converter

  2. 文章以2885型功率转换器为例,详细分析了其各标准不确定度分量并给出了功率转换器测量结果不确定度的评定方法。

    The paper analyzes the standard uncertainties for the input estimates of the power converter and gives evaluation method on the uncertainty of measurement result by using the power converter 2885 ?

  3. 文中采用Boost斩波电路实现调压功能,逆变电路采用全桥逆变的拓扑形式,功率转换器件采用智能功率模块IPM,提高了电路的可靠性。

    We used Boost chopper circuit to achieve voltage regulation function . The inverter circuit topology applied the form of full-bridge inverter , and intelligent power module IPM was adopted as power conversion device , which improved the reliability of the circuit .

  4. 提出了一种混合采样的交流功率转换器,叙述了该种采样功率测量的原理,推导了功率测量的算法和功率测量误差。

    An AC power converter that based on a novel mixed sampling method , the principle of the sampling power measurement , and the power measurement algorithm and its measurement errors are described .

  5. 描述智能变送器及其对高分辨率、低功率D/A转换器的需求。

    This article describes intelligent transmitters and explains their need for high-resolution low-power D / A converters .

  6. 在采用降压开关功率开关转换器降低正输入电压的同时,通常还需要一个额外的低功率负输出电压。

    When we use low-dropout switching power switching converter to reduce positive input voltage , we usually need an extra low-power negative output voltage .

  7. 一种简单实用的功率-脉冲频率转换器的设计与实验

    An experimental investigation and design of Watt - to - pulse frequency converter with one chip quad OP

  8. 在大功率扬声器中作为转换器焊料的铅合金。

    Lead alloys as solder for transducers used in high-powered ( designated to operate for several hours at acoustic power levels of125 dB SPL and above ) loudspeakers .

  9. 功率集成电路简称PIC,它被广泛应用于包括功率转换器、马达控制、荧光灯整流器、自动开关、视频放大器、桥式驱动电路以及显示驱动等多个领域。

    Power Integrated Circuits ( PIC 's ) have been developed for applications including : power converters , motor controllers , fluorescent lighting ballasts , automotive switching , video amplifiers , bridge circuit drivers , display drivers , etc.

  10. 电源主电路是单电源供电,采用输出功率较大的全桥双逆变结构,比较地选取绝缘栅双极型晶体管IGBT作为主控开关功率转换器件。

    Full-bridge dual inverter configuration is adopted by main circuit which is supplied by single power source . IGBT ( insulated gate bipolar transistor ) is comparatively chosen as switch component to perform energy transfer and power conversion .