
  1. 安全,简便的使用方法,快速的印刷功效,是这种多功能印刷机械的特点。

    This type of multifunctional press features easy and safe operation and rapid printing .

  2. 目前,国外胶印机的数字化和网络化水平已相当高,出现了许多支持JDF功能的印刷流程软件。

    At present , the level of digital and networking offset press abroad is already fairly high , and there are many printing flow software which support the JDF standards .

  3. 本文主要介绍包含公式识别功能的印刷体中文文档识别系统。

    This article introduces a printed-Chinese recognition system which contains the formula recognition function .

  4. 概述了应用高功能厚膜印刷技术形成双面,多层电路和嵌入无源元件。

    This paper describes general situation of printable electronics , high function thick film printing technology and it 's application .

  5. 应用PLC的中断功能实现票据轮转印刷机的二次追印

    Realization of the Notes Rotary Press Second Re-print Based on Interrupt Function of PLC

  6. 介绍了以全数字式交流伺服MINAS系列为执行结构,利用S7-200CPU214/DC的高速计数器与PTO集成脉冲输出功能实现对包装印刷位置伺服系统驱动的方案和软件的开发。

    C servo system MINAS series as the performing structure . use the high counter and the pulse output of S7 200cpu214 / DC to drive the position servo system of binding and printing . Also , the development of program is introduced .

  7. 具有带阻功能的超宽带印刷天线

    Ultra-Wideband Printed Antenna with Band - Notch Function

  8. 设计机构单独测试、机构故障自诊断,机构故障自恢复等智能化控制功能,提高锡膏印刷机控制系统的稳定性、可靠性。

    Provide device separate test , fault diagnose , system self resume and some other functions to improve the stability , reliability and automatic control intelligence of stencil printer .