
  • 网络functional space;function space
  1. 描述了阿道夫·路斯在缪勒住宅中固定(build-in)家具的布置情况以及为什么可以这样布置的结构原因,并分析这些固定家具的布置对于单个的功能空间以及各功能空间之间等级关系的塑造产生的影响。

    The article describes the design and arrangement of the build-in furniture in the Villa Muller designed by Adolf Loos . The author explores the structure reason and analyses how these designs affect the single functional space and the form of the grading relationship among different spaces .

  2. 第五章为城市用地变化与功能空间演替。

    Chapter ⅴ is about the change of urban land use and the succession of functional space .

  3. 在EER模型向关系模型的转化中,提出了4条转化规则,同时以油泵产品为例,设计了产品主关联数据库和子实例库,实现了实例按属性空间和功能空间进行检索的功能。

    Four converting rules are applied when the EER model is converted into relational model . The main relational database and sub case database can realize the function of searching both in attribute space and in function space .

  4. 不能适应住宅内部功能空间在使用功能上的扩展与细化;

    Not fit the developing and expanding in residential function space .

  5. 基于生态功能空间差异性的生态调控研究

    Ecological Regulation Mechanism based on Spatial Difference of Ecological Functions

  6. 这座大楼将多个多功能空间结合在同一个屋檐下。

    The building combines multiple programmatic spaces within one roof ;

  7. 这些阶段包括选址;总平面布局;功能空间的构成、组织、设计;无障碍设计。

    Analysis on the barrier-free design of living space for aged people ;

  8. 无锡传统民居户外多功能空间的研究

    Study on Multi-Functional Outside Space in Traditional Residences in Wuxi

  9. 现代城市旅馆的功能空间关系研究

    The Relationship of the Downtown Hotel 's Functional Spaces

  10. 崇明岛沿岸防护林结构与功能空间异质性分析

    Spatial Heterogeneity of Structure and Function of the Coastal Shelterbelts in Chongming Island

  11. 最后,我们需要多功能空间和家庭用品。

    Finally , we need multifunctional spaces and housewares .

  12. 在第四章中,文章重点介绍了单元式住宅的功能空间的组成以及其功能分区,提出了功能空间分区的基本原则。

    The basic principles of the distribution of the unit function space were stated .

  13. 本文就医院建筑如何实现其应变性,探讨了医院建筑功能空间不断变化、发展的生物学特性。

    This article discussed biology characteristic of the hospital construction function space changes and the development .

  14. 公共建筑功能空间的设计&记雁南归影视文化中心方案设计

    The Design of Function Space in Common Building & From the design of Yan Nan Gui cinema

  15. 保护和整治历史街区是改善城市景观和完善城市功能空间的主要途径,国外早已作出了很好的榜样。

    Protecting and restoring the surrounding tradition blocks is the main way improving sight and function space .

  16. 然后系统分析了现代行政建筑基本的功能空间和平面形式;

    Secondly , it has analyzed the basic functional spaces and the plans of modern administration building ;

  17. 城市信息化与城市功能空间的相关分析

    An analysis on the impact of the application of information technology on the urban functions in the space

  18. 基于功能空间变化的中小户型室内设计研究

    Research on the Small and Medium-sized Unit Type of Housing of the Interior Design Based on Functional Space Variation

  19. 桥腿中的空间不受天气条件的影响,通过它们建筑内部被划分为不同的功能空间。

    The leg-spaces are free from the weather conditions and cut through the building dividing the different functional spaces .

  20. 功能空间有时位于建筑内核,有时在外面,而作为维护的结构体系,其角色也并不只有一种。

    Sometimes the interior lies inside , sometimes outside the surface , and structure does not always play the same role .

  21. 这一做法有利于对建筑功能空间的理解和对新类型建筑的深入认识。

    This approach is conducive to the construction of function space and the understanding of the new types of construction-depth understanding .

  22. 生态城市的空间发展应走立体集中化的道路,城市功能空间混合高效,城市空间形态发展由核心&边缘效应过渡到均衡效应。

    Eco-city 's spatial development should be centralized , three-dimensional . All kinds of function space should integrate and be high efficiency .

  23. 城市商业综合体的功能空间是一种开放式,多系统的综合体验式空间。

    All the functional space in the commercial complex is open , and combined with various systems , offering comprehensive experience for customers .

  24. 轻钢结构用于住宅建筑存在的问题与相应对策大众系列住宅建筑功能空间组织

    Problems And Relevant Countermeasures Of Application Of Light Steel Structure In Residence Architecture The Function Organization in the Masses Series of Residence Architecture

  25. 他的室友们前脚刚走,他就开始着手将宿舍变成一个吃住玩一体的多功能空间。

    His roommates had no more than waved goodbye to him , than he set about turning it into a multi-functional living-dining-entertainment unit .

  26. 为今后教学楼中庭空间针对不同功能空间的设计与使用提供一定的依据和建议。

    It is willing to offer some useful evidence and advices for future design and occupy of atrium in academic building which acceding to diversity function .

  27. 对区域中心城市的旅游供给,从旅游吸引物、旅游功能空间布局和旅游环境承载力等角度展开分析。

    This part analyzes the tourism supply of central city from the directions such as tourist attraction , tourist function spatial distribution , and tourist environmental bearing capacity .

  28. 行政区划调整与组合城区机制为城市空间拓展提供了全新的选择,也为城市功能空间结构的完善提供了机遇。

    Adjustment of administrative demarcation and organization of city districtmechanism offer new choice for city sprawl , as well as challenges for the improvement of functional space structure .

  29. 在提出城市内部功能空间结构重组模式时,首先研究新产业空间、新居住空间、新商业空间、新休闲空间等不同新城市空间的空间布局模式。

    On the other hand , in interior model , this paper firstly studies the new industrial new spaces , residential spaces , commercial spaces and so on .

  30. 该小区主要有三个功能空间,包括大气的入口广场、高档休闲活动区、以及以精致小品衬饰的休闲慢跑径。

    This community is mainly consisted of three functional spaces , including the imposing entrance plaza , high-end recreation and sports area , and jogging pathway with exquisite ornaments .