
  • 网络feature;Function;Function Unit
  1. 用面向Agent封装功能部件,并在对象模型中添加故障知识、属性和操作失误等。

    Function components were enveloped with object Agent , and fault knowledge , attribute and state of operation wrong was added in object model .

  2. 8031单片机本身未提供PWM功能部件,需要采用一些硬、软件方法才能使8031单片机应用系统实现PWM功能。

    8031 SCM has not PWM function parts in itself , some hardware and software methods are needed to realize PWM function in 8031 SCM application systems .

  3. 用户在使用时通过友好的Web界面进行人机交互,所有的交互数据经过功能部件的处理后与数据库中的相应库表实现数据交换。

    Users can operate the system by its friendly interface and exchange data with data base .

  4. 冲模CAD系统中基于功能部件的层次化装配模型和相关技术研究

    Hierarchical Assembly Model Based on Functional Components and Technology

  5. GIS功能部件库和功能集成

    GIS Functional Component Library and Function Integration

  6. 当然,如果您始终通过Web服务器来访问您的站点,您就不会用到这个功能部件。

    Of course , if you always access your site through a Web server , you won 't use this feature .

  7. 现在您可以在InstallConfiguration视图中选择这些功能部件并禁用它们。

    You can now select these features in the Install Configuration view and disable them .

  8. 这个月的两个新功能部件是链接管理和处理非XML文件的能力。

    The two new features this month are link management and the ability to process non-XML files .

  9. 当一个功能部件是主要功能部件时,用abouText关键字定义的文本会在Aboutproduct对话框中显示。

    The text defined using the aboutText key is available on the About product dialog when the feature is the active primary feature .

  10. 另一个有用的功能部件是一个依据XML语法验证绑定定义的工具。

    Another very useful feature would be a tool to verify a binding definition against an XML grammar .

  11. 在系统构件视图中采用ComponentDiagram来描述软件系统各功能部件之间的依赖和调用关系。

    Component Diagram is used to describe the dependence and calling relation between system components in the system component view .

  12. 通常,对于IBMSoftwareGroup而言,一个处理器是一台计算设备中用于解释和执行指令的一个功能部件。

    Generally , to the IBM Software Group , a processor is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions .

  13. EclipseExamples功能部件在当前配置中将不再可见(或者说不是活动的)。

    The Eclipse Examples feature will no longer be visible ( or active ) in the current configuration .

  14. 要注意的是,通过在启动Eclipse时使用-feature选项,可以把其他功能部件声明为是主要的。

    Note that another feature could be declared as primary using the-feature option when starting Eclipse .

  15. 例如,大多数的Eclipse组件都有UI功能部件和核心(不是UI)功能部件。

    For example , most Eclipse contributions have UI and core ( non-UI ) features .

  16. SCA功能部件包和WSDL文档

    SCA feature pack and the WSDL document

  17. 功能部件如果没有被其他功能部件包含,那么在Eclipse配置中都会被配置为根功能部件。

    Features , unless included by another feature , are configured as root features in an Eclipse configuration .

  18. Eclipse允许标识活动产品,也可以选择标识运行期配置中的每一个功能部件。

    Eclipse allows branding for the active product and optionally for each feature included in the run-time configuration .

  19. refresh使Eclipse刷新功能部件工程及任何引用到的插件的工程。

    Refresh tells Eclipse to refresh the feature project and the project for any referenced plug-in .

  20. 构建一个可行的有标识的功能部件的最快速方法是克隆一个在Eclipse本身中可以找到的一个现有的功能部件。

    The quickest way to build a working branded feature is to clone the entries found in Eclipse itself .

  21. 到目前为止,WSDL在SCA功能部件包中起作用的两个领域是

    The two areas in which WSDL comes into play in the SCA feature pack so far are

  22. 在这样的环境中,XML成为了通用的信息构造工具,其中不再需要将系统组件作为离散的功能部件单独编程。

    In environments like these , XML becomes a universal information-structuring tool where system components no longer need to be programmed separately as discreet silos of functionality .

  23. 在客户端,功能部件包提供开源dojoJavaScript工具箱。

    On the client side , the feature pack provides the open source Dojo JavaScript toolkit .

  24. 在eclipse体系结构术语中,功能部件是将一组相关插件打包到完整的产品中。

    In eclipse architecture terminology , a feature is the packaging of a group of related plug-ins into an integral product .

  25. RPE包括MAC单元、ALU、移位器等主要功能部件。这些部件通过配置程序完成各种功能。

    The major functional units consist of MAC , ALU , and Shifter etc.

  26. 处理那些注册到Eclipse的功能部件和插件,并创建在后面将会用于检测变化的校验和。

    The features and plug-ins known to Eclipse are processed , and check sums are created to detect changes in the future .

  27. 这一模型主要包括指令窗口模型,功能部件受限模型,分支误预测事件模型,指令和数据Cache失效模型。

    This model includes instruction window model , limited functional unit model , branch mis-prediction model , instruction and data cache miss model .

  28. 本文描述了使用Web2.0功能部件包构建基于Ajax的图表应用程序的步骤。

    This article describes the steps for building an Ajax-based chart application using the Web2.0 feature pack .

  29. 象日志记录文件系统这样的DB2功能部件的体系结构就依靠于VFS模型。

    The architecture of such DB2 features as its journalling filesystem rests on a VFS model .

  30. 当您使用基于Eclipse的产品进行工作时,您可以根据功能部件标识鉴别出是谁提供了哪些不同的可用功能

    Identify , based on feature branding , who provided the different functions that are available when you are working with an Eclipse-based product