
jiā hé wù
  • adduct
  1. 茶叶对黄曲霉毒素B1-DNA加合物生成的影响

    Effect of tea on the formation of DNA adduct by aflatoxin B_1

  2. 肺癌患者肺组织DNA加合物的检测及其影响因素

    Level of DNA adduct in lung cancer tissues and its influencing factors

  3. DNA加合物研究及在环境毒理学中的应用

    The study of DNA adducts and its application in environmental toxicology

  4. 吸烟、DNA加合物与慢性阻塞性肺疾病的关系

    Smoking , the level of DNA adducts and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases

  5. 多环芳烃DNA加合物对DNA合成的影响

    Influence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon DNA Adducts on DNA Synthesis

  6. 加合物的形成扰乱了DNA模板的结构,抑制了DNA复制。

    The adducts disturb the structure of DNA and inhibit DNA replication .

  7. DNA加合物是最重要的化学暴露生物标志物之一。

    DNA adduct is one of the most important biomarkers .

  8. 加速器质谱技术在DNA加合物检测中的应用

    Application of accelerator mass spectrometry in studies of DNA adducts

  9. DNA加合物8-羟基脱氧鸟苷特性研究

    Characteristic Study of DNA Adduct 8 - Hydroxy - 2 - Deoxyguanosine

  10. DNA加合物的形成、诊断与污染暴露指示研究进展

    Research advances in DNA adducts : Their formation , diagnosis and pollution-exposure indication

  11. 加速器质谱技术检测细胞中DNA加合物的方法体系的建立及其应用

    The Assay of DNA Adducts in Cell System by AMS and Its Application

  12. 以DNA加合物为生物标志物研究钱塘江水系致癌物水平

    DNA adducts as biomarker of carcinogen exposure in wild crucian from Qiantang Valley

  13. 高通量筛选DNA加合物位点方法的探讨

    Study on a high throughput method of screening adducted site of DNA adducts

  14. 人肺组织DNA加合物含量的某些影响因素分析

    The influence of some factors on DNA adduct levels in human lung tissue

  15. 典型醛类污染物与DNA形成加合物的机制及检测方法

    Mechanism and Determination of DNA Adducts Formed by Typical Aldehyde Pollutants with DNA

  16. 多环芳烃DNA加合物致突变作用研究

    Studies on Mutagenicity of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon DNA Adduct

  17. 环境暴露、DNA加合物与恶性肿瘤发病关系的研究

    Study on Environmental Exposure , DNA Adducts and Cancers

  18. 性别、年龄因素对人肺组织DNA加合物形成量影响的探讨

    The Effects of Sex and Age on DNA Adduct Formation in Human Lung Tissue

  19. DNA加合物作为氯乙烯接触生物标志物的研究

    Study on DNA adduct as the exposure biomarker to vinyl chloride monomer in workers

  20. 免疫毛细管电泳-激光诱导荧光分析DNA加合物的方法学研究

    Methodology of capillary electrophoresis-laser induced fluorescence immunoassay for highly sensitive detection of DNA adducts

  21. 为了达到同等DNA加合物水平,氢醌比苯醌需要更高的浓度。

    To obtain the same DNA adduct level required higher concentrations of HQ than BQ .

  22. DNA加合物的致癌作用研究进展

    Progress of Studying Carcinogenesis of DNA Adducts

  23. DNA加合物检测方法研究进展

    Advance in Detecting Methods of DNA Adduct

  24. 苯DNA加合物的组织分布及其与细胞遗传毒性的关系

    DNA adducts distribution in tissues and it 's correlation with cytotoxicity in mice exposure to benzene

  25. 介绍了DNA加合物的生物学意义和检测技术。

    In this chapter , we summarized the biological significant and detection methods of DNA adducts .

  26. 苯DNA加合物的形成特征、条件和方法探讨

    Studies on the characteristics and appropriate conditions and methods of benzene DNA adduct formation in vivo

  27. α-羟基化吡咯烷亚硝胺代谢及形成DNA加合物反应机理的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of the Reaction Mechanism for the Formation of DNA Adducts by α - Hydroxy-nitrosopyrrolidine

  28. 用增强灵敏度的~(32)P后标记法测定DNA-环氧苯乙烯加合物

    Detection of styrene oxide-dna adducts by p_1-nuclease-mediated enhancement of sensitivity of ~ ( 32 ) p_1 - post-labeling in vitro

  29. 接触室内煤烟的肺癌患者多环芳烃DNA加合物的研究

    A Study on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon DNA Adduct in Lung Cancer Patients Exposed to Indoor Coal burning Smoke

  30. DNA加合物水平有可能作为一项判断肺癌恶性程度的指标。

    DNA adduct levels can be used as a potential marker to estimate malignant degree for lung cancer .