
jiā kuān
  • widen;broaden
加宽[jiā kuān]
  1. 结果表明,DOP与PHB具有良好的相容性,能降低PHB的结晶行为,降低熔融温度,加宽熔融温区,改善加工条件,提高韧性。

    The results show that DOP has good compatibility with PHB , enables to reduce crystallinity of PHB , lower melting temperature , broaden melting temperature region , improve processing conditions and raises toughness of PHB .

  2. 拟菊酯作用于膜的疏水区,降低DPPC脂质体的相变温度,加宽相变范围,随其浓度增加对磷脂有序排列的破坏加剧。

    Pyrethroids located in the interior hydrophobic regions of the lipid bilayer , differed in their effectiveness of lowering the phase transition temperature of DPPC and in their ability to broaden the temperature range of this transition .

  3. 他们把这条马路加宽了不少。

    They have broadened out the avenue considerably .

  4. 在髋部是倒三角形设计,裤头加宽,前面还有假拉链。

    They have inverted2 triangle panels on the hips3 , wide waist bands and a faux zip in the front .

  5. X衍射线晶粒加宽线形分析的研究

    Studies on analysis of particle - broadened X-ray diffraction line profile

  6. Al激光等离子体Stark加宽光谱观测

    Observation on spectra of the Stark broadening for laser-produced Al plasma

  7. Ba蒸气受激喇曼散射中的碰撞加宽效应

    Effects of collisional broadening on stimulated Raman scattering in Ba vapour

  8. 利用CO激光磁共振测量NO谱线外来气体压力加宽系数

    Measurement of pressure broadening coefficient of NO spectral line under foreign N2 gas condition by means of CO laser magnetic resonance

  9. XPS谱线加宽函数的测定

    Measurement of XPS line shape widening function

  10. 由于两组份网络互穿,发生强迫互容,使Tg内移,通过调整组份比和加不同扩链剂等能提高阻尼值,加宽Tg转变区。

    The damping value is increased and the zone of Tg transition is broadened by adjusting the constituent ratio and adding various chain extender .

  11. 苯的逆流峰加宽因子h稍大于直流峰加宽因子h′。

    The reverse flow zone broadening factor , h , of benzene is somewhat larger than the straight through flow zone broadening factor , h ' .

  12. 基于GS算法的天线方向图零陷加宽方法

    Adapted Pattern Trough Widening Technique on GS Algorithm

  13. 碳原子跃迁的Stark加宽

    The Stark Broadening of Carbon Atom Transition

  14. 高同步双束XeCl准分子激光器的脉冲加宽

    Expanding of pulse duration of two channel synchronous XeCl excimer laser

  15. 凝胶渗透色谱法峰加宽改正问题&Ⅱ.一种有效的解Tung方程的迭代法

    On the peak spreading correction in GPC ⅱ . an effective method of iteration for solving tung 's equation

  16. 渗锌时间延长至8h时,白亮层减薄,过渡区加宽。

    The white-bright zone depth becomes thinner and transition zone depth becomes wider when sheradizing time reaches 8h .

  17. SIH4激光等离子体氢光谱线的加宽机制

    Study on the broadening mechanism of H spectral lines in SIH_4 laser Plasma

  18. 利用密度矩阵方法在裸态和缀饰态中研究了在外场引起原子相干的v型寿命自加宽能级系统中产生无反转激光的条件。

    The conditions for realizing lasing without inversion are investigated via density matrix method in bare and dressed states in the V-type closed lifetime-broadened system where atomic coherence is induced by an external electromagnetic field .

  19. 其单叶伸长、加宽和单节的伸长及加粗生长规律遵循Logistic方程,其相关系数大于0.98,达极显著水平。

    Analysis of new sprout and leave growth showed that elongation and broadening of individual leaf and stem section can be simulate by the Logistic equation and the correlation coefficient is more than 0.98.3 .

  20. 最后讨论了求积公式、归一化、对称化和GPC实验谱图的峰加宽改正问题。

    The problem of quadrature formula , normalization , symmetrization and peak spreading correction for experimental GPC chromatograms after partial smoothing or fitting a curve is discussed .

  21. 计算了CERN和BNL两个能区的中心快度横能分布,成功地解释了高能时横能分布随靶核质量增加的加宽和低能时的饱和。

    The transverse energy distribution in central rapidity region at both CERN and BNL energy domains are calculated .

  22. 随着今年一月克莱斯勒在底特律车展(theDetroitautoshow)上推出一款基于五门运动版阿尔法罗密欧朱丽叶(AlfaRomeoGiulietta)的加长、加宽版新自由客,它的品牌形象变得更加模糊。

    Its image may be even further blurred in January when a longer and wider version based on the sporty five-door Alfa Romeo Giulietta is unveiled at the Detroit auto show .

  23. 同时,使用E1速率来传输电流差动信息后,也使得保护信息传输带宽大大加宽,有利于保护功能的增强与完善。

    It also can improve the bandwidth of transmission widely when using E1 rate to transmit current differential information . This can be used by the protection to enhance its performance .

  24. 本文从激光增强电离光谱(LEIS)的速率方程和LEI光谱加宽理论出发,得到LEI光谱信号和光谱轮廓的表达式,在紫外区测得铭的三条LEI谱线。

    Laser-Enhanced Ionization ( LEI ) spectroscopy and spectral profile of LEI have been studied based on the rate equation and spectral broadening theory of LEIS . 3 LEI spectral lines of element Eu have been measured .

  25. 在两种催化剂SP-2和APE-1复配的摩尔比为20时,随1-己烯加入量的提高,所得聚合物的相对分子质量分布有所加宽,且出现了双峰分布。

    At APE-1 / SP-2 mixed molar ratio of20 , the relative molecular weight distribution of the polymer was broader and bimodal distribution was appeared .

  26. 917~945nm水汽吸收线线强度和空气加宽系数测量

    High Resolution Absorption Spectroscopy of Water Vapor at 917 ~ 945nm : Measurements of Line Strengths and Air Broadening Coefficients

  27. 玉米/辣椒间作,行间风速增加,降低0~15cm土层地温,土壤表层地温变化幅度较大,随带距的加宽辣椒行间土壤含水量逐渐降低。

    Intercropping increased wind speed , decreased the soil temperature of 0 ~ 15cm soil layer and the soil temperature of surface was changed rapidly , the soil water content decreased gradually with the widen of belt .

  28. 结论:不同能量电子线照射时,在体表加盖0·5及1·0cm厚的组织等效膜后,皮肤表面剂量提高,肺前缘受照剂量减少,电子线能量增加,高剂量坪区加宽;

    Conclusion When different energy electron ray irradiates different thickness bolus , the dosage of skin surface increases and the dosage of anterior margin of lung reduces .

  29. UVB组:皮纹粗乱,皮沟加深、加宽,皮脊增宽,分布不均匀,皮肤明显角化。定量分析结果与正常未照射组差异显著。

    Medium-frequency wave ultraviolet ray ( UVB ) set : The dermatoglyphics were disorderly , and the skin ditch deepened , widened , and the skin ridge increased the breadth and obvious cornification , and quantitative analysis had obvious difference from that of control group .

  30. 目的:观察比较线性窗短纯音、加宽频带噪声掩蔽的线性窗短纯音及Blackman窗门控短纯音对听性脑干反应(ABR)频率特异性的影响。

    Objective : This study investigated and compared the effects of tone burst in three different conditions ( linear gated tone burst , linear gated tone burst in broadband noise masking and Blackman gated tone burst ) on the frequency specificity of ABR .