
  • 网络Weighted Moving Average;weighted moving average method;Equally-Weighted Moving Average
  1. 数据库设计不太理想4,库存采用加权移动平均法,用先入先出法更合理,5。

    Database design is not ideal four , stock weighted moving average , using the first-in , first-out method more reasonable , 5 .

  2. 度量金融风险的VaR方法在国际上被广泛地应用于度量各种金融工具的风险,本文讨论了估计VaR的EWMA方法,即指数加权移动平均法。

    VaR methodology for measuring financial risk has been applied widely in various financial instruments .

  3. 各种存货发出时,企业可以根据实际情况,选择使用先进先出法、加权平均法、移动平均法、个别计价法等方法确定其实际成本。

    When delivering inventories , enterprises nay account for their actual cost under the following methods : first-in first-out , weighted average , moving average , specific identification , last-in first-out , etc.