
  • 网络heating wire;heater
  1. 根据实际检测温度利用PID控制算法调整双向可控硅的导通时间来改变加热丝的功率,从而实现温度的调控。

    With the measured temperature , PID controller adjusted the through time of SCR to change the heater power to control the temperature .

  2. 介绍了设计方案,通用变压器和加热丝的工作原理和结构。

    The design plan and the principles and constructions of universal transformer and universal heater are described .

  3. 为选取加热丝型号及确定其合理布局,采用ANSYS有限元分析软件进行热应力分析。

    In order to define suitable alloy heaters and achieve their reasonable layouts , thermal analysis was carried out with ANSYS code .

  4. 分析了仪器控温状况差的原因在于屏蔽式加热丝性能衰退,打破了硬件系统与控制量u之间的匹配关系。

    The status of control temp of instrument is poor just because shield heater can ′ t make hardware and control quantity ( u ) matched .

  5. 该传感器是将溶胶–凝胶法制备的NASICON材料均匀涂敷在Al2O3陶瓷管上,烧结形成厚膜,加热丝穿过管内提供热量。

    The sensor was based on the solid-electrolyte NASICON that was spreaded evenly on the Al2O3 ceramic pipe and then sintered into a thick film . A heating wire passed through the pipe interior providing heat . NASICON was prepared by sol-gel process .

  6. 加热丝上沸腾核心间热相互作用探讨

    Thermal interaction of boiling nucleate sites on a heating wire

  7. 非均匀孔隙内加热丝上的沸腾核化现象

    Boiling nucleation phenomena on a heating wire in non-uniform pores

  8. 液氮中导线加热丝的沸腾传热特性研究

    Boiling heat transfer of liquid nitrogen around a heating wire

  9. 用加热丝直接测量气敏电阻温度

    Detecting the Temperature of Gas Sensor with Heating Wire

  10. 加热丝上核态沸腾时汽泡间的热相互作用

    Interaction between Boiling Bubbles on a Heated Wire

  11. 手柄内有控制电路,通过手柄上的开关调节电加热丝的电流。

    A controlling circuit is arranged in the handle , and the current in the electric heater strip is controlled by a switch on the handle .

  12. 采用实验和理论分析相结合的方法,分析了加热丝结构参数和自身热参数对温度波动和测量结果的影响。

    Both the experimental and theoretical analysis is made of the effect of heating wire geometry and its thermal parameters on the temperature oscillation and measured results .

  13. 在电压乘法器中,两个热电偶都工作在功率匹配状态,这样可减小由于热电偶加热丝有效电阻变化产生的误差。

    At the same time , two multijunction thermal converters are situated in the power matching state to reduce the error caused by the variation of effective resistance of the heater .

  14. 介绍利用电阻加热丝、印制基板材料设计制做的加热元件和用晶体管作温度传感器设计制做温度测量控制器的电路工作原理及其在物理实验中的应用。

    A heating element is designed using resistance heating silk and printed board , and an instrument of temperature measurement and control is designed using transistor as the temperature sensor . Their working principles and applications in physics experiment are introduced .

  15. 实验表明,非均匀孔隙内加热丝上的沸腾核化具有空间区域性,气泡动力学特性包括界面传递、干涸与湿润过程在不同特征区域,如角缝区、稀疏区和密集区呈现出各自特征。

    The experiments show that boiling nucleation was closely dependent upon the pore structure and dvnamic bubble behavior including interfacial transport , dryout / rewetting process were characterized in different regions , or narrow corner , sparse pore and / or main pore zone and tightly packed-zone , respectively .

  16. 纳米颗粒悬浮在加热铂丝上的过冷沸腾

    Subcooled boiling of nano - particle suspension s on a Pt wire

  17. 放电过程中产生的少量NO2有害气体,可以通过加热的金属钼丝还原转化为治疗需要的NO。

    A small quantity of NO2 , which is known to be a toxic gas , can be deoxidized to NO using a heated molybdenum wire .

  18. 加热炉用金属丝作为温度计。

    An oven thermometer uses a metal strip .

  19. 长波长光主要是加热的作用使丝纤维干燥、变细,丝质发生变化;而短波长光的作用,主要是对丝纤维表面造成损害,而加热效应较小。

    The heating action of longer wavelengths light results in silk fiber dryness , thin down and character decline .

  20. 目前制灯行业的加热装置中所采用的气体火焰加热和电阻丝直接加热,都存在着烘箱温度不易控制达到所需工艺温度和上下温差悬殊等弊病。

    The heating apparatus currently used , heated either by flame or resistance wire , have the disadvantages of being difficult to reach the temperature required and big temperature differences between top and bottom .