
jiā rán liào
  • fueling;refuel
加燃料[jiā rán liào]
  1. 1.fuelvt.加燃料(油);刺激他的挑衅性讲话只能使争论进一步激化。

    His provocative words only fuelled the argument further .

  2. 4.fuelvt.给…加燃料,给…加油他们正在给汽车加汽油。激起;

    They are fueling a car with petrol .

  3. 我认为他们都有加燃料的地方。

    I think they all pretty much have jet fuel .

  4. 没有亲戚或者没加燃料的地方?

    That don 't have relatives or jet fuel ?

  5. 这趟飞机预定要停两站,接乘客,加燃料。

    The plane has two scheduled stops to take on passengers and fuel .

  6. 轮船在弗里敦加燃料。

    The ship took on more fuel at Freetown .

  7. 有没有加燃料或者搭帐篷?

    Are they refueling or pitching tents ?

  8. 他必须给锅炉加燃料。

    He had to fire the boiler .

  9. 每日检查设备的安全,清理设备,加燃料,为电池充电及看管设备;

    Responsible for daily equipment safety checks , cleaning refueling , battery charging and care .

  10. 这条油轮在巴林加燃料。

    The tanker fueled in Bahrain .

  11. 我们给火再加燃料。

    We replenished the fire .

  12. 他必须给锅炉加燃料。智能变频技术在电站锅炉给水加药系统中的应用

    He had to fire the boiler . the Application of AI Frequency Technology in Electric Shock Boiler Water Supply add Medicine Sysytem

  13. 你会在这幅图里看到,在石墨卵石那,有一个中心栏,这是加燃料的区域,这是,不加燃料的区域。

    And you 'll see in this picture there 's a centre column of graphite pebbles , this being the fuelled zone and this being the unfuelled zone .

  14. 那,依次,有帮助强行上升那价格为输入货物流动的进入美国之内和加燃料一上升在消费者中价格。

    That , in turn , has helped to push up the prices for imported goods flowing into the United States and fueled a rise in consumer prices .

  15. 丰富也能生产对于一个核子反应炉加燃料或对于一个弹头是物质的生产-但是在大的刻度上也做需要数万离心分离机。

    Enrichment can produce either fuel for a nuclear reactor or material for a warhead & but tens of thousands of centrifuges are needed to do either on a large scale .

  16. 我们不能指望火炉会在我们加上燃料之前给我们带来温暖。

    We cannot expect the fireplace to give us heat before we put in the fuel .

  17. 建筑物的损坏,加上燃料、电力、水和用品的短缺,对服务提供产生重大影响。

    Damage to buildings , combined with shortages of fuel , power , water and supplies has a major impact on service delivery .

  18. 增殖堆能满足10个以上同等规模功率轻水堆的核燃料的需要,它可以在不需要进行再处理的情况下直接加浓燃料。

    The breeder is able to support the nuclear fuel needs for more than 10 LWRs of equal scale in power with fuel enriched directly in CHD without reprocessing .

  19. 这里有三个切尔诺贝利核电站熔化掉的反应堆,加上燃料池,所以显而易见这是切尔诺贝利核电站的一部分。

    Chernobyl had a single reactor that melted down and they have three , plus the fuel pool , so it 's been pretty clear all long that this was on part of Cherbobyl .

  20. 在包钢目前的烧结工艺及原料条件下,对熔剂(消石灰或石灰石)分加,燃料分加以及包括燃料分加的熔剂(消石灰或石灰石)分加工艺进行了实验室研究。

    On the basis of technology and raw material condition of sinter at Baogang at present , the experiment study on divided flux addition , divided fuel addition and divided flux addition including divided fuel addition , the three method were conducted .

  21. 初始质量和末质量分别是燃烧前后飞船加上燃料的总质量,而排气速度则是燃料燃烧后产生的气体喷出喷口时的速度,对火箭燃料来说这个速度在每秒2.5~4.5千米之间。

    and are the total mass of the ship plus the fuel before and after the burn , and is the " exhaust velocity " of the fuel , a number that 's between 2.5 and 4.5 km / s for rocket fuels .

  22. 众所周知,森林的快速砍伐加上化石燃料的大量燃烧是造成不可逆转灾难的爆炸性因素。

    As we know , rapid deforestation combined with the massive burning of fossil fuels is an explosive recipe for an irreversible disaster .

  23. 以环氧丙烷(PO)和环氧丙烷加铝粉为燃料在多相爆轰管的试验结果与野外试验结果相近。

    Compared the data listed in table 1,2 and 3 , it is verified that the correspondent experimental results of epoxypropane ( PO ) and PO + Al in the said tube are close to those obtained from the field stationary blast test .

  24. 加氢喷气燃料中过氧化物生成及其抑制的研究

    Study on peroxide formation and its inhibition in hydro processing jet fuels

  25. 汽油加氢混合燃料的试验研究

    An Experimental Research of Hydrogen - Gasoline Combined Fuel

  26. 加氢喷气燃料银片腐蚀不合格原因分析及对策

    Analysis on silver corrosion in hydrogenated aviation fuel process

  27. 论述循环流化床锅炉燃用煤加石灰石混合燃料时脱硫工艺对锅炉热效率计算的影响。

    This article expounds the effects of desulfurization process on the calculation of CFB boiler efficiency when the boiler burns coal with limestone blended .

  28. 在典型的非加氢喷气燃料精制工艺过程中,观察喷气燃料中纤维状悬浮物的产生和变化情况;

    The emerged reason and variation of the fiberlike suspended matters in jet fuel were investigated through the typical jet fuel refining process without hydrotreating .

  29. 根据试验结果分析,发现燃料分加比例是燃料添加方式中影响小球团烧结矿强度的主要因素;

    According to the results of study , we found that the fuel divided addition proportion is the main factor which effects quality of MPS sinters ;

  30. 长岭炼化公司加氢装置燃料油换热器管程结垢堵塞的原因,经分析为铵盐结晶以及高分子聚合物或焦炭等垢物所致。

    The analysis of the fouling blocking of the fuel oil heat exchanger of hydro - processing unit in Changling Refining & Chemical Company has found that blocking is contributed by the crystallization of ammonium salts , high molecule polymers and coke .