
jiā péng
  • Gabon
加蓬[jiā péng]
  1. 然而,巴西南大河州人民如果得知自己的人均GDP与加蓬接近,不一定会高兴。

    The gauchos of Rio Grande do Sul will not necessarily be delighted to learn that GDP per person in their state is close to that of Gabon .

  2. 据法新社报道,正在加蓬访问的法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)将此次大选形容为可怕的新闻。

    Visiting Gabon , Nicolas Sarkozy , France 's president , described the election as dreadful news , according to AFP .

  3. Petronas还在阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、乍得、喀麦隆、加蓬、尼日利亚、苏丹、南非、突尼斯、利比亚从事上游活动。

    Petronas is also involved in upstream activities in Algeria , Angola , Chad , Cameroon , Gabon , Niger , Sudan , South Africa , Tunisia and Lybia .

  4. 该研究团队的人员来自加蓬,其他非洲国家,欧洲和中东地区,由德国Tübingen大学的寄生虫学教授PeterKermsner领导。

    Its team includes people from Gabon , other African nations , Europe and the Middle East . And it 's headed up by parasitology professor Peter Kermsner of the University of T ü bingen in Germany .

  5. 2009年收购瑞士addax石油公司之后,中石化已在尼日利亚、喀麦隆和加蓬取得一些石油资产。

    Sinopec already holds oil interests in Nigeria as well as Cameroon and Gabon in West Africa following its $ 7.2bn takeover of Addax petroleum of Switzerland in 2009 .

  6. 加蓬×区块钻遇的最老地层是上白垩统,自下而上分为Azile组、Anguille组、Pointe-Clairette组及Point-Gentile组。

    The Upper Cretaceous Azile , Anguille , Pointe-Clairette and Point-Gentile Formations are the oldest strata drilled at the X Block in Gabon .

  7. 位于加蓬东南部城市弗朗斯维尔(Franceville)的国际医学研究中心拥有很强的研究设施,主要由法国石油公司道达尔资助。

    The International Medical Research Centre , based in Franceville in southeast Gabon , has strong research infrastructure and is primarily funded by the French oil company Total .

  8. MohamedKeita是保护记者委员会非洲研究员,他说,尽管加蓬还没有记者被谋杀,但是政府的压制已经导致私营媒体内部开始进行紧张的自我检查。

    Mohamed Keita , an Africa researcher at the Committee to Protect Journalists , says , though no journalists have been murdered in Gabon , a pattern of repression has bred intense within the private media .

  9. 加蓬本周表示,正计划由亚洲公司进行45亿美元的农业和基建投资,包括由新加坡农业生产商和供应链管理公司奥兰(Olam)牵头的木材和棕榈油项目。

    Gabon said this week it was planning $ 4.5bn (€ 3.5bn , £ 2.9bn ) of agricultural and infrastructure investments by Asian companies , including timber and palm oil projects to be led by Olam , the Singapore-based agricultural producer and supply chain manager .

  10. 加蓬是总统制的共和政府。

    Gabon is a republic with a presidential form of government .

  11. 中国与加蓬的外交关系:从1974年到现在

    Diplomatic Relations between China and Gabon from 1974 up to Present

  12. 目前正在调查在其它许多非洲国家暴发的疫情,包括东非的埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚以及西非的加蓬、冈比亚和塞拉利昂。

    Outbreaks in numerous other African countries are currently under investigation .

  13. 一头河马在加蓬的海岸附近冲浪。

    A hippopotamus surfs the waves off the coast of Gabon .

  14. 邦戈总统已经统治加蓬四十多年。

    President Bongo has ruled Gabon for more than 40 years .

  15. 第二章是加蓬的演变和外债结构。

    The second chapter claims the evolution and structure of external debt .

  16. 加蓬自然公园的面积是世界上最大的。

    Gabon has the largest area of nature parks in the world .

  17. 加蓬天然二氧化锰用作放电锰的研究

    A study on the application of Gabon natural manganese dioxide to battery

  18. 加蓬首都利伯维尔依然是非洲物价第二贵的城市。

    The Gabonese capital of Libreville remains Africa 's second-most expensive city .

  19. 加蓬共和国参议院大厦结构设计体会

    Experience in structural design of Senate mansion of the Republic of Gabon

  20. 加蓬木材加工厂项目投资的可行性分析

    The feasible analysis of project investment in Capon sawmill

  21. 非洲加蓬×区块油气成藏条件及勘探潜力分析

    Analysis of Hydrocarbon Accumulation Conditions and Exploration Prospect at × Block in Gabon

  22. 在加蓬首都利伯维尔,整天的投票气氛都非常紧张。

    In the capital Libreville the atmosphere was described as tense throughout the day .

  23. 几乎所有的加蓬人都起源于班图人。

    Almost all Gabonese are of Bantu origin .

  24. 在加蓬,不同民族的分界线比起非洲的其他区域来要显得更模糊。

    Ethnic group boundaries are less sharply drawn in Gabon than elsewhere in Africa .

  25. 其中3人对自己在被控的加蓬事件中扮演的角色认罪。

    Three individuals have pleaded guilty over their role in the alleged Gabon scheme .

  26. 中国与加蓬人道主义医疗救援联合行动中卫生装备应用情况与启示

    Application of Medical Equipment in Combined Action of Humanitarian Succor Between China and Gabon

  27. 加蓬含盐盆地及邻区油气勘探现状和前景

    Present Hydrocarbon Exploration Situation and Prospect of Salt-bearing Basin in Gabon and Its Adjacent Area

  28. 该小组还在加蓬采集了野生宠物的血液样本。

    The team also took blood samples from wild born , pet animals in Gabon .

  29. 马宏威语,一种来自加蓬的语言;

    Mahongwe , a language from Gabon ;

  30. 她在周日的第四轮投票中,击败了来自加蓬的现任主席让·平(成为非盟委员会新任主席)。

    She was elected Sunday on the fourth ballot , defeating Chairman Jean Ping of Gabon .