
  • 网络power center;Power Central
  1. 多专业动力中心设备混合维修管理模式研究

    Study on Management Model of Combined Equipment Maintenance in Multi-specialty Power Center

  2. 动力中心由于设计使用了多电压单独或同时输出;

    Power center designed for use as a separate or simultaneous multi-voltage output ;

  3. 该项目得到了NASA大学研究工程技术研究所(URETI)航空动力中心以及佐治亚理工学院的联合赞助。

    The project was funded by the NASA University Research Engineering Technology Institute ( URETI ) Center on Aeropropulsion and Power and Georgia Tech.

  4. 方法:2003-01/2004-07南京医科大学第一附属医院消化科胃肠动力中心门诊就诊FD患者32例,男12例,女20例。

    METHODS : Thirty two FD patients admitted in the Outpatient of Gastrointestinal Motility , the Department of Digestion , the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from January 2003 to July 2004 were enrolled in the study , including 12 males and 20 females .

  5. 空客A320总装线项目坐落于天津滨海新区,包括总装厂房、动力中心、喷漆机库、机库厂房以及支持服务中心等子项目。

    The Airbus 320 Buildings is located in Binhai District , Tianjin . It comprises Final Flight Hangar Building , Dynamic Center , Spray Paint Hangar Building , Post-assembly Flight Hangar Building and Service Center .

  6. 我当时在环球动力中心,那可能就是第5段。

    I was at global dynamics , so it could be section five .

  7. 本文研究了叶片三心(重心、扭心、气动力中心)对颤振特性的影响。

    The effects of three centres , i.e. aerodynamic centre , centre of gravity and centre of torsion , of blade on fluttering have been studied .

  8. 通过支持核能源,总统也许会与共和党人寻求建造更多新核动力中心的共同观点。

    By supporting nuclear energy , the president may be seeking common ground with Republicans who have called for building as many as one hundred new nuclear power centers .

  9. 同时,以宁波市某医院后勤动力中心项目为例验证了改进措施的有效性,为以后工程施工组织管理提供理论基础和实践经验。

    At same time , the effectiveness of optimal measure was tested by a case of hospital logistics power center project in Ningbo which can provide a theoretical basis and practical experience for further engineering construction management .

  10. 从工资与就业动力中心的报告来看,将近542000工作者(全部劳动人口的37.8%)会受到影响,今后数字还会增长到609000。

    Based on a report from the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics , approximately 542000 LA workers would be affected ( 37.8 percent of the workforce ) to start , but the number will grow to more than 609000 affected workers .

  11. 工资与就业动力中心表示,新增的$15每小时的薪水,会不同程度上使有色员工受益,因为他们占所有涨工资工人的80%还多,而这些人基本年近30.(有89%的人20岁左右,有的甚至更大)。

    According to the Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics , the new $ 15 per hour pay increase will disproportionally benefit workers of color - more than 80 percent of affected workers . Most of the low-income workers in their 30s . ( 89 percent are 20 or older . )

  12. 这个问题很难,类似于在问有多个天使在针尖上跳舞一样。知道哪座城市人口数量变化最快也许能帮助我们预测下一个经济动力中心出现的地方,并启发我们相应地调整自己的政策。

    This might seem like one of those problems akin to wondering how many angels can dance on the head of a pin , but knowing which cities are undergoing the most rapid population changes can help us predict where the next economic powerhouse might emerge and adjust our own policies accordingly .

  13. 燃油泵继电器位于动力分配中心(PCM)。

    The fuel pump relay is located in the Power Distribution Center ( PDC ) .

  14. 公司座落在风景优美,交通便捷的天宁开发区最具活力的新动力创业中心。

    The company is located in beautiful scenery and convenient traffic zone Tianning power the most dynamic new business center .

  15. 本文在分析了上海市电信有限公司长途通信部动力维护中心所管辖的动力设备分布和现有设备情况的基础上,对所设计的动力集中监控和管理系统的总体架构进行了研究。

    In the thesis , an overall schematic diagram of the power centralized supervision and management system for telecom is designed based on the existing configuration and status of equipment in the power maintenance center of Long-distance Communication Department of Shanghai Telecom Corporation .

  16. 应用该线性关系,成功地相关了关于Kn、Km和Q的实验数据,并使用这一关系式,很容易计算出干扰气动力和压力中心。

    The experiment data about K n ( or K m ) and Q is correlated and interference aerodynamic force and center of pressure is easily predicted by using that relation .

  17. 目前正在积极筹备的有动力系统研究中心,金融数学研究中心,生物信息学研究中心等。

    The AMSS is also preparing to build the Research Center of Dynamic Systems , the Research Center of Financial Mathematics , the Research Center of Biological Information , etc.

  18. 研究表明,将以地下水动力环境为中心的盆地现今流体特征分析和古水动力演化结合起来,是认识盆地流体动态演化过程的有效途径。

    It is showed that it 's an effective approach to recognize the basin fluid characteristics by combining the analysis of present fluid geology with analysis of paleo-fluid evolution history .

  19. 船舶机舱是船舶的动力、电力中心,它包括众多的机械、电气、控制设备。

    Marine engine room is regarded as the heart of a ship , which is a propulsion and electric power center , it contains a large number of mechanical , electric equipment and control devices .

  20. 为了尽快将商丘地区建成河南东部具有经济带动力的区域中心地带,水资源的可持续开发利用已成为关键性因素之一。

    In order to built the Shangqiu district into a regional center with the economical driving force in eastern Henan as soon as possible , the sustainable exploitation and utilization of water resources has become one of the key factors .

  21. 在中国空气动力研究与发展中心FD-18A超高速碰撞靶上进行了Whipple防护屏的超高速撞击试验。

    Whipple shield hypervelocity impact tests were conducted at the FD-18A Hypervelocity Impact range of HAI , CARDC .

  22. 为了确定布撒器的气动特性,在中国空气动力研究与发展中心高速所0.6m×0.6m风洞中进行了1:7缩比模型常规测力试验。

    A series of wind tunnel tests on a 1:7 scaled model was conducted in CARDC to determine the dispenser aerodynamic characteristics .

  23. 热线探头在中国空气动力研究与发展中心(CARDC)FL-23跨超音速风洞中进行了校准。

    Hot-wire probes have been calibrated in FL-23 transonic and supersonic wind tunnel of CARDC ( China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center ) .

  24. 为给新型高性能飞机弹射座椅的气动性能研究提供依据,在中国空气动力研究与发展中心低速所8m×6m风洞进行了此新型高性能飞机弹射座椅1:1模型的空气动力特性试验研究。

    To provide a sound basis for research on the aerodynamic performance of the ejection seat , the test of aerodynamic characteristics of full scale ejection seat model in 8m × 6m low speed wind tunnel of CARDC is introduced in this paper .

  25. 在此基础上,计算了中国气动力研究与发展中心2.4m×2.4m引射式跨声速风洞第二扩散段在不考虑喷流干扰及常规运行状态下的流场。

    Since the confidence of the program was proved , the second diffuser flow fields of the CARDC 2.4m × 2.4m injection driven transonic wind tunnel was calculated under the normal and high pressure conditions without the disturbance of injector .

  26. 为提供验证超高速撞击数值仿真所需的试验结果,给出了在中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速所进行的铝质Whipple屏超高速撞击试验部分结果。

    Some of the Whipple shield hypervelocity impact results , which were obtained at Hypervelocity Aerodynamics Institute ( HAI ), China Aerodynamics R & D Center ( CARDC ), are provided in this paper , as bench mark test results for the validation of various numerical simulation software .

  27. 浅析清洁汽车动力以环境为中心的绿色设计思想

    Discussion on The Green Design Concept of Environment-Centered Clean Auto Power

  28. 分岔是非线性动力系统研究的中心问题之一。

    Bifurcation is a key problem in the study of nonlinear dynamical system .

  29. 中国气动力研究和发展中心

    Chinese Aerodynamic Research and Development Center

  30. 吸引子(包括全局吸引子,随机吸引子)是无穷维动力系统研究的中心内容之一。

    Attractor ( includes global attractor , random attractor ) is that of central parts in studying infinite dimensional dynamical systems .