
  • 网络dynamic stereotype;Dynamic finalization;dynamic type
  1. 科学地运用单多球结合教学法,在学习中可以有效的纠正错误动作,提高动作的规范性和稳定性,形成正确动作的动力定型。

    Conduct such teaching method scientifically can help to correct wrong action and form the dynamic stereotype by improving the action of normative and stability . 4 .

  2. 书写习惯的形成是在人体神经系统功能的作用下,通过后天的学习与实践,逐渐产生语言和书写活动,再通过长期反复的练习使书写活动形成动力定型及特有的书写习惯。

    Writing habits formed in the human body function of the nervous system , through acquired learning and practice , has the effect of language and writing activities , and then through long-term repeated practice to write to form dynamic stereotype activities of the formation of specific writing habits .

  3. 普通话学习中动力定型的转换

    Change of Set Thinking Pattern of Motive Force In Mandarin Learning

  4. 念动训练法是通过技术表象在大脑中的反复描述,从而加速正确的动力定型。

    Imagining Training method is to accelerate the formation of right style .

  5. 关于运动性动力定型的一种间接度量法

    One Method of Indirect Measurement On Motor Dynamic Stereotype

  6. 对后者则需要抓好投篮技术动作、提高投篮技术动作的动力定型、提高技战术组合能力。

    The improvement of techniques comes from shooting action training , increased shooting drive , and better arrangement of skills .

  7. 2)除了肌纤维结构因素之外,还存在着某种神经肌肉调节(动力定型)机制影响着受试者的动作效果。

    2 ) There must be a neuromuscular conditioning ( Dynamic formation ) mechanism affecting the performance concurrent with the influence of muscle fiber composition .

  8. 培养运动员有效控制动作的意识与能力,建立有利于发挥自身特点的技术动力定型。

    Training athletes to effectively control movement of awareness and capacity to establish its own characteristics that will help shape the technical driving force . 3 .

  9. 实验结果表明,它能提高人的心理素质,有助于巩固正确动作的动力定型,加深动作记忆。

    The experimental result states that , it can develop students ' psychological quality and be good for the consolidation of correct exercises and improve memorizing exercise movement .

  10. 从心理学角度而言,运动技术训练就是在大脑皮层建立起合理的动力定型,是有意识地使动作获得自动化的过程。

    From the angle of psychology , the training of sports technique is to make the movement automatic consciously by building rational movement pattern on the cortex of the brain .

  11. 本文试图通过心理动力定型学说,在心理学与文学艺术之间架起一座桥梁,为解读小说及其他艺术形式提供了一个新的视角。

    Trying to build a bridge between psychology and literary arts in the light of the theory , this article offers a new insight into the interpretation of novels and other literary forms .

  12. 通过对头手翻动作的技术分析,提出该动作的技术难点,以及形成其动力定型的关键所在&屈伸时间,使教学过程更加合理化。

    Through the analysis of technique to action of head and hand turn , put forward difficulty of technique , and key of power fix for form-stretch time , let it rational the course of teaching .

  13. 实验结果显示:视觉与本体感觉的反馈信息控制能有效地诱导学生寻找完成规定动作所必须的肌肉本体感觉,加速建立正确的运动动力定型,显著地提高教学效率。

    Measures analysis indicated that feedback control method of visual and muscle sense could guide validly them to understand clearly muscle sense in the process of right technique shaping , accelerating right technique finalizing , improving remarkably efficiency of teaching-learning .

  14. 示意法作为讲解、示范的补充,贯穿在整个教学的始终,它能有效地帮助学生尽快建立正确的动作概念,提高技术水平,巩固动作的动力定型。

    The signal method is complement to explain and set an example , ran through he all teaching from begging to end , can help the students that soon grasp movements technology , improve the technology levels , consolidate the movements .

  15. 实验结果显示:乒乓球战术训练的落点监控法便于直观教学及击球动作的动力定型,在提高战术训练质量、实战能力方面明显优于常规教法。

    The results of the experiments show that the method for monitoring and controlling the placement in table-tennis tactical training has improved the students'consciousness in learning . The method is obviously superior to conventional teaching methods in training quality and improving students'ability in real competition .