
dòng yā lì
  • dynamic pressure
动压力[dòng yā lì]
  1. 敷设在凹型地形上的长距离浆体管道输送静压力与动压力分析研究

    Static and dynamic pressure of long distance slurry pipeline transportation in concave topography & Analysis and research

  2. 根据该方程,通过数值算例,分析了弹性半空间的弹性模量和密度、平面P波的入射角以及入射频率对理想流体层动压力的影响。

    With the formulas , the effects of the elastic modulus and density of the elastic half-space medium , and the incident angle and frequency of input P-wave on the dynamic pressure in the fluid are analyzed in a few numerical examples .

  3. 离开液膜或射流的液滴,可能会受到高的相对速度气体的气动压力影响。

    A liquid drop removed from a sheet or jet may be exposed to the aerodynamic pressure effect of a high relative gas velocity .

  4. 利用该数学模型详细分析了被加工工件表面材料去除率与压力参数P成正比的关系,指出了工件表面所受的压力P主要是由流体动压力Pd和磁化压力Pm两部分组成的。

    We analyzed the pressure of this model in detail , and indicated that the pressure acting on workpiece consists of hydromechanical pressure and magnetization pressure .

  5. 弧形闸门流激振动脉动压力HHT分析

    HHT Analysis of Stochastic Fluctuant Pressure for Flow-induced Vibration in Radial Gate

  6. GMM电&机械转换器驱动的气动压力阀

    Pneumatic Pressure Valve Driven by GMM-actuator

  7. 的污染物刺破润滑油膜,而较小的污染物在高压区对流体动压力分布与Mises应力场的影响显著,其影响不可忽略。

    The effects of the size , location of contamination particles on the hydrodynamic pressure and Mises stress field were studied .

  8. 本文探讨了振动工况下金属摩擦副所受的动压力、动载荷与静载荷的分量比Po/Pj以及静摩擦力的变化。

    In the paper , the dynamic pressure , the ration P_o / P_j of the dynamic load P_o to the static load P_j and changes of friction force under conditions of simple harmonic vibration were investigated .

  9. 根据Navier-Stokes方程和流体流动的连续性方程,建立了砂轮约束磨粒喷射精密光整加工中砂轮与工件楔形接触区流体动压力的三维数学模型;

    The three-dimensional hydrodynamic pressure model of wedge-like zone between wheel and workpiece on abrasive jet finishing with wheel as restraint was established based on Navier-Stokes and continuity equations .

  10. 利用Reynolds方程,通过计算微小位移或速度扰动对液膜动压力的影响获得液膜的刚度和阻尼,然后结合系统结构分析其稳定性。

    A new method that analyzes system stability by combining the structure with stiffness and damp of the liquid film was approached . Reynolds equation was implemented to calculate the response of the film pressure to the inflection of a tiny displacement or a tiny velocity .

  11. 水动压力与波高的非线性关系及正负水动压力沿船体表面的分布在Wigley船的计算比较中得到了说明。

    The nonlinear phenomena of hydrodynamic pressures with wave heights and the distributions of the positive and negative hydrodynamic pressures are illustrated with predicted results of a Wigley ship .

  12. 然后,将VOF方法引入到磨削液动压力的数学模型中,建立了描述磨削液射入旋转砂轮周边空气流场时,所形成的磨削气液两相流的瞬态模型。

    And then , the method of VOF is inducted into the mathematical model to build up an instantaneous model describing properties of gas-liquid two-phase flow field , which emerges in due course of coolant jetting into gas flow field .

  13. 微细游离磨粒借助流体动压力实现的超精密加工技术

    Ultra-precision machining technology in fine loose abrasive using fluid hydrodynamic pressure

  14. 设计相关动压力作用下连续体结构拓扑优化

    Topology optimization of continuum structures with design-dependent time-harmonic hydrodynamic surface pressure

  15. 主动隔振中气动压力跟踪的预测控制研究

    Predictive Control of Pressure Tracking for Active Pneumatic Vibration Isolation System

  16. 光纤光栅在机翼气动压力检测中的应用

    The Application of Fiber Bragg Grating in the Detection of Wing Pressure

  17. 高压气动压力控制阀中的膜片设计

    Designing of the Membrane in Pneumatic High Pressure Control Valve

  18. 气动压力控制系统自校正控制的实用化研究

    Application Research of Self-tuning Technology in Pneumatic Pressure Control System

  19. 列车对无缝轨道的随机动压力分析

    Random dynamic pressure of rolling stocks on welded track

  20. 不平整路面上行驶的车辆对路面随机动压力的分析

    Random Dynamic Pressure of Moving Vehicle on Rough Pavement

  21. 用试验方法对淹没状态下高分子添加剂射流轴向动压力分布进行了研究。

    The axial dynamic pressure distribution of submerged jet was researched by experiment .

  22. 具有反比例控制功能的新型比例气动压力阀

    A New Pneumatic Proportional Pressure Valve with the Characteristics of Inversely Proportional Control

  23. 高压随动压力控制阀动态性能的仿真研究

    Dynamic Simulation Investigation of High Pressure Servo Control Valve

  24. 一种气动压力控制阀的仿真与实验

    Simulation and experiment of a pneumatic pressure control valve

  25. 舷外海水动压力和货物压力非对称特性的讨论

    Discussion on the Asymmetric Behaviours of External Dynamic Sea Pressure and Internal Cargo Pressure

  26. 一个更精确的平均雷诺方程被用来计算液体动压力。

    A more rigorous average Reynolds equation is used to calculate the hydrodynamic pressure .

  27. 水箱突然起动的水动压力问题

    Problem of Hydrodynamic Pressure on Suddenly Starting Vessel

  28. 以贮料及仓壁的弹性为研究问题的基础,讨论了弹性变形在卸料过程中对动压力的影响。

    The paper deals with the effect of elastic deformation on dynamic pressure during discharging .

  29. 淤积泥砂对垂直地运动作用时刚性坝面动压力的影响研究

    The effects of sediment on dynamic pressure acting on rigid dam during vertical ground motion

  30. 单个流冰对桥墩及其它水工建筑物的动压力计算

    A Calculation of Dynamical Load of Single Drifting Ice on Pier and Otter Hydraulic Structures