
dònɡ yuán nénɡ lì
  • Mobilization capacity;ability of mobilization
  1. 本文从物流链的角度,分析了这两次国民经济动员活动的异同,为提高国民经济动员能力提供了新的思路。

    This paper tries to find out the differences between the two operational modes of logistic chain in Mobilization of National Economy and offers a new way of improving the ability of Mobilization of National Economy .

  2. 我国财政金融动员能力的量化与优化研究

    Research on Meterage and Optimization of the Capacity of Chinese Financial Mobilization

  3. 油料动员能力评估研究

    Study on the Evaluation of the POL Mobilization Ability

  4. 非政府组织内部管理水平低,生存能力较弱,资源动员能力有限;

    The low level of NGOs ' internal management , weak survival ability , and the limited ability in mobilizing resources ;

  5. 我们的力量不可小瞧,觉悟水平和动员能力是上述其它国家没有的。

    We have a strength that cannot be disregarded-a level of consciousness and mobilization that did not exist in these other countries .

  6. 因此,共青团需要进一步提高动员能力、整合能力、服务能力、竞争能力和协作能力。

    Therefore , Communist Youth League needs to further sharpen the mobilization ability , conformity ability , serviceability , competitive ability and cooperation ability .

  7. 而民办慈善组织面临如何抓住机会增强独立性与自主性,提升资源动员能力问题。

    Civil charitable organizations face the problem of how to seize the opportunity to enhance the independence and autonomy , and enhance resource mobilization capacity .

  8. 本文注意到航天活动反映了从事该活动的国家的科技实力、工业水平、军事潜力乃至国民动员能力。

    The author observes that spaceflight project reflects the scientific level , industry capability , military potentials of the country involved , even the mobilizing ability on the masses .

  9. 村庄精英的参选意愿和动员能力,是影响村委会选举竞争性的关键变量。

    The will of the tops in villages to enter for election and the ability to make a mobilization is the key variable affecting the competitiveness in election of the village committee .

  10. 在本文中,从宏观稳定性的视角提出了财政金融动员能力优化的特有内涵。国家能力与金融功能财政化研究

    In this thesis , the author puts forward a special meaning of optimization from perspective of economic stability . Gradual Reform , State Capacity , Financial and Fiscal Functions in a Reforming China

  11. 现在,网上舆论事件周期越来越短、燃点越来越低、规模越来越大,对社会舆论的影响力、社会组织的动员能力也越来越强。

    Now , online media events are becoming shorter and shorter , lower and lower ignition and increasing scale . The influence of public opinion and social organization and mobilization capacity is also growing .

  12. 乡村意见领袖是那些掌握乡村话语权、具有广泛资源动员能力,处于乡村社会关键位置上的特殊人物。

    Rural village opinion leaders are those who master power of discourse in the village , they are special characters that have broad ability to mobilize resources on the key position in the village .

  13. 目前,我国地方政府在危机管理的意识、专业人才、协调机制、制度建设以及社会动员能力等方面均存在较大缺陷。

    At present , there exist serious weaknesses in our local governments in such aspects as consciousness of crisis management , talents of specialty , collaboration mechanism , system construction and capability of social mobilization .

  14. 政策的制定、制度的安排,稍有不当,就会影响国家同农民的关系,进而影响国家在农村的社会动员能力。

    If the formulation of policy and the arrangement of system are inappropriate , the relationship between state and peasants will be influenced , and then the social political mobilization in the countryside will also be influenced .

  15. 通过确立隶属函数和单因素评判矩阵,建立综合评判模型,并对评判结果进行分析,可对油料动员能力进行客观的评价。

    An integrative judge model can be built up through the establishment of the subject function and the single - factor judging matrix so as to analyze the judging results and to objectively evaluate the POL mobilization ability .

  16. 由于影响营房保障资源动员能力的因素较多,既有定性的,又有定量的,且各因素又难以精确地描述,所以其评判过程具有模糊性。

    There are many factors that affect the result of the mobilization capability , these factors include qualitative ones and quantitative ones and each of them is hard to describe accurately , so the process of evaluation is fuzzy .

  17. 从战略交通运输网建设、战略运输力量结构调整完善、交通运输动员能力与战略运输指挥能力等方面,提出了对策建议。

    The thesis puts forward some proposals on how to systematize the network of our military strategic transportation , perfect the structure of the military transportation forces and improve the capability of mobilizing and commanding our military strategic transportation .

  18. 基督教具有强大的动员能力和传教冲动,他们乐于从事村庄的公共事务,参与村庄的公共活动,弥补了村民公共生活的缺失。

    Protestant has a great capacity to mobilize and missionary impulse , they were happy to engage in public affairs , to participate in public activities in the village , which make up for the loss of villages ' public life .

  19. 建立市场经济后,中央政府与地方政府为控制金融资源,形成了全国金融体系的纵向和横向分割,同时压抑民间非正式金融组织发展,最大限度保证正规金融机构在农村的储蓄动员能力。

    Establishment of a market economy , the central government and local governments for the control of financial resources , the formation of a national financial system of vertical and horizontal partitioning , the formal financial sector to mobilize rural savings .

  20. 显性思想政治教育是我国当期思想政治教育的主要方法,具有传达主导思想、理论、价值观念的功效,思想导向功效,政治动员能力,同时也具有一定的局限性。

    Dominant ideological and political education is the current ideological and political education of the main method of communication with the dominant ideas , theories , values , efficacy , efficiency-oriented thinking , political mobilization capacity , but also has some limitations .

  21. 工业革命以来,由于科学技术的高速发展和人类社会动员能力的不断增强,人们的实践能力越来越强大,人类社会进入了一个前所未有的空前繁荣时期。

    Since the Industrial Revolution , due to the rapid development of science and technology , social mobilization and human capacity to continuously enhance the human ability to practice more and more powerful , human society has entered an unprecedented period of unprecedented prosperity .

  22. 我们首先论证银行业规制是形成高储蓄动员能力的根本原因,然后对城乡储蓄率与二元经济转换之间的关系进行协整分析。

    The article first verifies that banking rules and regulations is the fundamental reason for the high savings mobilization and carry on helping cointegration testing to the relation of urban and rural savings rate and the transformation of the dual economy structure again after .

  23. 国民经济动员能力是打赢高技术战争的客观基础,是国民经济动员潜力转化为保障实力的重要条件,是维护国家安全的重要威慑力量,也是制定国家发展战略的重要依据。

    National economy mobilization ability is objective foundation to win the high technique war , important term that national economic mobilization potential converts to guarantees real strength , an important power of deter to support the national security and important reference to establish national development strategy .

  24. 社会动员:能力与方向

    Social Mobilization : Capability and Direction

  25. 行政型社区管理体制降低居委会动员整合能力;建管不分体制加剧物业管理纠纷;利益本位思想削弱居民社区共同体观念;业主委员会缺位削弱业主自治。

    Reduce the administrative management system of neighborhood-based mobilization of community integration ; construction and management , property management disputes , regardless of system increased ; interests of the community based thinking undermine the concept of community residents ; Owners Committee absence weakened the owners of autonomy .

  26. 每一个图书馆都应当动员所有的能力与资源来做为知识创造的促成者及协助者。

    Libraries should strive to be an enabler and facilitator by mobilizing all its efforts and resources .

  27. 2蒙古绵羊在妊娠后期有很强的适应低营养能力和动员体贮能力。

    During the late pregnancy , Mongolian ewes had a good ability of adapt to lower nutrition and mobilize body reservation as well .

  28. 社会资本则是基于社会网络而产生的一种以人际关系为核心的资本形式,社会资本的高低意味着动员和获取资源能力的强弱。

    Generated from social network , social capital is a relationship based capital that means the ability to access resources .

  29. 在地震、海啸、洪水等灾害之后,合作社已显示出其动员团结重建的能力。

    After disasters such as earthquakes , tsunamis and floods , cooperatives have shown their ability to mobilize solidarity for reconstruction .

  30. 试论经济动员潜力与经济动员能力

    On the potentialities and capabilities of economic mobilization