
  1. 应变和应变速率对动态再结晶的组织有着显著的影响,当应变充分时,应变速率越大,越容易得到均匀细小的再结晶组织;

    Strain and strain rate typically influence the microstructure of DRX . At large strain , the R-grain is finer when strain rate is rising .

  2. 结果表明采用应变速率确定形核速率的晶界形核方式和粒子激发形核方式都是适合于模拟动态再结晶过程的模拟方法。

    The results indicate that the model of nucleation at boundary with nucleation rate determined by strain rate and particle simulation nucleation ( PSN ) model are suitable for simulating DRX .

  3. CuNiSiCr合金动态再结晶行为及组织演变研究

    Study on dynamic recrystallization behavior and microstructure evolution of Cu-Ni-Si-Cr alloy

  4. 基于CA法对叶片成形中动态再结晶的模拟研究

    Simulation Research on Dynamic Recrystallization of Blade in Die-forging Based on Cellular Automata

  5. Fe3Si基合金的动态再结晶机制

    Dynamic Recrystallization Mechanism of the Fe_3Si Based Alloy

  6. Mg含量对Al-Mg合金动态再结晶的影响

    Effect of Mg Content on Dynamic Recrystallization Behaviours of Al-Mg Alloys

  7. 结果指出:钢轨钢热轧变形中存在着连续动态再结晶和间断动态再结晶,再结晶γ平均晶粒直径与变形Z参数具有良好的对应关系。

    The results show that both continuous and intermittent dynamic recrystallization exist during the deformation process .

  8. Z较小时,发生不连续动态再结晶,但真应力真应变曲线未出现波动。

    But the true stress-true strain curve does not accompany stress oscillation when discontinuous dynamic recrystallization occurs .

  9. 采用真应力一真应变曲线和TEM研究其高温压缩变形中的流变应力行为和它的动态再结晶过程。

    The dynamic recrystallization mechanism during hot compress was examined by the true stress-strain curves and TEM .

  10. 这主要是由于易拉罐用铝材中Mn、Mg等合金元素降低了层错能,使得位错交滑移能力降低,更有利于产生动态再结晶。

    , make the fault energy decrease and the cross-slip ability of dislocation decrease , which is favorable to dynamic recrystallization .

  11. 本文研究了Nb对NiCrAlTi系镍基高温合金动态再结晶及热加工延性的影响。

    The effect of Nb on the dynamic recrystallization and the hot ductility of Ni Cr Al Ti base superalloys was investigated .

  12. Z处于中间值时,发生连续动态再结晶;

    Continuous dynamic recrystallization occurs when parameter Z is intermediate , and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization takes place if parameter Z is low .

  13. D2钢高温变形动态再结晶软化率数学模型的建立

    Making mathematical model of dynamic recrystallization softening fraction of high-temperature deformation of D2 steel

  14. Nb-Ti钢高温变形时动态再结晶行为及模型探讨

    Dynamic Recrystallization and Recrystallization Model of Nb-Ti Steels in Hot Deformation

  15. Nb对Ni-Cr-Al-Ti系镍基高温合金动态再结晶及热加工延性的影响

    Effect of Nb on Dynamic Recrystallization and Hot Ductility of Ni-Cr-Al-Ti Base Superalloys

  16. Ti-IF钢铁素体变形动态再结晶临界应变模型

    Model of Dynamic Recrystallization Critical Strain in Ferrite Deformation of Ti-IF Steel

  17. Monel合金高速塑性剪切变形与动态再结晶

    High velocity plastic deformation and dynamic recrystallization of Monel

  18. 结果表明:本实验所用3种低碳钢中的铁素体在一定变形条件下均发生了动态再结晶,但Mn含量越低,发生动态再结晶的工艺范围越宽。

    The results indicate that dynamic recrystallization of ferrite occurs in these low carbon steels under certain deformation conditions , which range is wider as the content of Mn is lower .

  19. AZ31镁合金板材中温变形条件下的再结晶机制包括持续动态再结晶和孪生动态再结晶。

    The dominant recrystallization mechanisms in moderate temperature include continuous recrystallization and twinning recrystallization .

  20. Ti-IF钢动态再结晶模型

    Modelling of Dynamic Recrystallization for a Ti-IF Steel

  21. 之间存在指数函数关系;动态再结晶完成后,奥氏体晶粒平均直径与变形速率温度修正系数Z之间符合线性关系。

    Af ter the dynamic recrystallization was finished , the relationship between the average diameter of austenitic grains and the modification factor Z of temperature for de formation velocity was linearly conformable .

  22. 超低硫钢中稀土固溶量可达到10-5~10-4数量级,显著减少晶界S、P的偏聚,推迟钢的动态再结晶,细化晶粒和沉淀相,促进铌钛碳氮化物析出。

    The results indicate that RE in solid solution reduces the segregation of both S and P on grain boundaries , delay the dynamic recrystallization , refine grain and precipitation size , and promote ( Nb , Ti ) ( C , N ) precipitation .

  23. Al-Sc二元合金动态再结晶研究

    Dynamic Recrystallization of Al-Sc Binary Alloy

  24. Mn-Cr齿轮钢动态再结晶行为及组织演变

    Dynamic recrystallization behavior and microstructure evolution of a Mn-Cr gear steel

  25. 探讨了Z参数的唯一性及在锻造过程中动态再结晶的应用范围,为核电锻件微观组织性能控制锻造提供了必要的力学、物理、材料关系。

    The unique of parameter Z and the range of application for dynamic recrystallization were analysised . The relationships among mechanics , physical , and materials play very significant role theoretically and practically in microstructure control forging .

  26. 利用旋转动态再结晶(RDR)机制可以较好解释了实验中剪切带内等轴细晶的形成;热力学计算及剪切带内部电子衍射花样的结果均显示实验中剪切带内并未发生α-β相变。

    The rotational dynamic recrystallization ( RDR ) mechanism can explain the fine equiaxed grain formation in ASB .

  27. 新型Mn-Cr齿轮钢的动态再结晶行为研究

    Research on Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of New Mn-Cr Gear Steel

  28. 当Ni的添加超过一定量(约2%)时就能明显促进Fe3Si基合金的动态再结晶以及静态再结晶。

    Ni addition pro - motes the dynamic recrystallization and static recrystallization as the Ni ( mass fraction ) is over 2 % .

  29. 综合应用热模拟试验、非线性回归方法和MonteCarlo法,提出了一个构建和优化完整的连续动态再结晶材料本构关系模型的新方法。

    By integrating the thermal simulation test , nonlinear regression and Monte Carlo methods , a new method was proposed to construct and optimize the constructive relationship model of the material , which is of completely and continuously dynamic recrystallization .

  30. 其中,力学性能的大幅提高可归结为:a.动态再结晶引起的细晶强化;b.位错缠结引起的加工硬化;c.化合物相破碎并弥散分布引起的弥散强化。

    The significant improvement of mechanical properties can be ascribed to follows : a. refinement strengthening caused by dynamic recrystallization ; b. work hardening caused by dislocation tangles ; c. dispersion strengthening caused by the crushed and dispersive distributed compound phases .