
  • 网络Dynamic Response
  1. 钒基SCR催化剂动态反应特性的发动机试验研究

    Experimental Research on Dynamic Response Characteristics of the Vanadium-Based SCR Catalyst on Diesel Engine

  2. 并使用开关频率高、耐压高的IGBT,简化电路结构,降低电路中的功耗,并保证其输出波形良好,动态反应速度快。

    Use IGBT which has higher switching frequency and more pressure than IGBT , simply the circuit structure , slow down the lost of the power of the circuit and ensure output waveform well , the dynamic response quickly .

  3. HPLC分离-氢化物发生-动态反应池-ICP/MS联用分析废水中砷形态

    Fractionation of arsenic in waste water samples by HPLC-hydride generation-dynamic reaction cell-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

  4. 结论尿血渗透压比值能动态反应脑外伤后DI患者机体的相关内分泌状态,并且是判断预后的一个因素。

    Conclusion The urine-plasma osmotic ratio dynamically reflects the related endocrine status in patients with traumatic brain injury .

  5. 根据理论计算,在相同吸附效果下,累积二级逆流吸附较单级吸附操作节约42.3%的PAC,通过静态烧杯实验和动态反应柱实验均验证了理论计算的正确性。

    According to the theoretical calculation , accumulative two-stage countercurrent adsorption could save approximately 42.3 % PAC than single-stage operation in the same adsorption .

  6. DBT在催化性能高的活性炭作用下的动态反应活性也高;

    The better the catalytic performance of the activated carbon is , the higher dynamic reactivity of DBT on the activated carbon is .

  7. 为进行路间结构的动态反应分析和路面材料参数的动态反算提供了一种行之有效的分析方法。不同模型下的FWD路面模量反算结果分析

    The results can be utilized effectively in the back calculation of pavement structure parameters . Analysis of Back-calculated Layer Moduli from FWD Tests Based on Different Models

  8. 运用固定床流动态反应装置和压汞仪等手段考察了γ-Al2O3载体的比表面和孔结构对常温COS水解催化剂反应性能的影响。

    Influence of surface area and pore structure of γ Al 2O 3 carrier on reaction property of ambient temperature COS hydrolysis catalyst was studied using fixed bed flow type reactor and pore sizer .

  9. 对ICP-MS测定条件进行了最佳化的选择,利用动态反应池技术(ORS)和在线内标加入技术,可降低基体干扰,提高灵敏度。

    The optimum conditions of ICP-MS for the method were investigated . By the ORS technology and on-line internal standard addition method , the matrix interference was decreased and the sensitivity was increased .

  10. 喷雾干燥法处理水合ZrO2,通过动态反应,易获得细晶粒的球状颗粒,可避免粉末的团聚,且粉末分散性好、晶粒分布均匀。

    The ultra-fine powder prepared by spray drying method , through the dynamic reaction , not only can prohibit the agglomeration and be obtained easily , but also has well-distributed and good dispersibility .

  11. 本文介绍了机动飞行中俯仰动态反应的三个判别准则,并通过J-7飞机的试飞,测量和计算了这些判据,以便比较和验证这三个准则的适用性。

    In this paper , three specifications of pitch dynamic response in maneuvering flying are presented . In flying test of a J-7 aircraft , these judged criterions were measured and computed , so that these specifications are compared and proofed according to their suitability .

  12. 求解中子时空动力学方程的动态反应性法

    The Kinetic Reactivity Method for Solving the Spatial-Time Neutron Kinetic Equations

  13. 有限元-无限元耦合法在桩-土动态反应中的应用

    Application of FEM-IEM Coupling Method in Dynamic Response for Pile-Soil System

  14. 在静态和动态反应器中得出了系统运行的最佳工艺参数。

    Optimal operating parameters were achieved in static and dynamic reactor .

  15. 初级感觉神经元和冷感受器的非线性动态反应性研究

    Study on Nonlinear Dynamic Responsiveness of Primary Sensory Neuron and Cold Receptor

  16. 其静态精度较高,动态反应正确。

    Its static sate precision is high and dynamic respond is right .

  17. 脉冲反应与流动态反应动力学模型及参数的关联

    Kinetic Models and Correlation of Parameters between Pulse Reaction and Flow Reaction

  18. 聚合物电磁动态反应挤出机及其测控系统的研究

    Study on Polymer Electromagnetic Dynamic Reactive Extruder and Its Measurement and Control System

  19. 土石坝的动态反应:离心机模型试验与数值模拟

    Seismic reaction of earth and rockfill dam : centrifuge modeling test and numerical simulation

  20. 驾驶员的动态反应时研究

    A study of drivers ' dynamic braking-respones time

  21. 武汉市城区软土场地的分布类型及动态反应特征

    Dynamic Reaction Property and Distribution of Soft Soil in the Urban District of Wuhan

  22. 着陆冲击生物效应及动态反应特点的研究

    A Study of Biological Effects and Characteristics of Dynamic Responses of Organism on Landing Impact

  23. 大鼠压力超负荷早期心肌收缩功能和环核苷酸的动态反应

    Dynamic response of cardiac systolic function and cyclic nucleotide of myocardium in rats after pressure overload

  24. 结合燃烧前沿激冷淬熄法,分析了其燃烧前沿高温动态反应过程。

    The kinetic high-temperature reaction process in the combustion front was analyzed through quenching of combustion front .

  25. 不同吸入气氧浓度对运动负荷肺通气量和心率动态反应的影响

    Effects of Different Inhalant O-2 Concentrations on Ventilatory and Heart Rate Kinetic Responses During Exercise / Zhang

  26. 因此可以保证可调喉口的动态反应性能及减小炉口压差波动范围。

    So can ensure adjustable laryngeal orifice and dynamic response performance and reduce oven pressure difference fluctuation range .

  27. 它们能在一定程度上动态反应土壤有机质矿化率与土壤养分等条件。

    They can to some extent the dynamic response of soil organic matter mineralization and soil nutrient conditions .

  28. 于是我们实验室首次提出可兴奋细胞的反应性随放电动力学状态而改变的动态反应规律假说。

    Based on above results we postulated the hypothesis that responsiveness of excitable cells changed following its firing dynamic states .

  29. 而认知预设则表现为言语交际过程中对话语的信息处理方式,是对话语的动态反应。

    Cognitive presupposition shows how people process the information during communication , which is a dynamic reaction to a given speech .

  30. 动态反应快,适于实时在线测量。

    The sensor has a very quick dynamic response , so it is suitable for real time and in situ measuring .