
  • 网络Dynamic messages;NEWS FEED;Active Messaging
  1. 通过一个类似于Facebook动态消息推送(newsfeed)的界面,参与者的所有相关活动都会彼此分享,团队成员或竞争对手可以发表评论、给予口头表扬或者互相督促。

    All the activities are shared among participants on a Facebook-like news feed , where teammates and rivals can comment , give verbal pats on the back , or urge each other on .

  2. 这个例子表明了前台服务员如何从动态消息传递活动中解放出来,以及房间信息如何实时更新。

    This example demonstrates how the front-desk personnel become liberated from this active messaging activity and how the room information becomes up-to-date .

  3. 脸书的生态系统中有几个台柱,其中一个是NewsFeed(动态消息)。

    There are a few pillars of the facebook ecosystem , and one is News Feed .

  4. 它会对动态消息应用中介,并保证这些托管交互的QoS。

    It applies mediations to messages in-flight and guarantees QoS to these managed interactions .

  5. 基于动态消息路由的ESB应用集成框架的研究与应用

    Research and Application of ESB Integration Framework Based on Dynamic Message Routing

  6. Facebook在这一点上便曾引起众怒,因为它为了做一个心理实验,对近70万用户的动态消息动了手脚。

    Facebookfell foul of this when it manipulated the news feeds of nearly 700000 users for a psychology experiment .

  7. 基于动态消息捕获模型的AOP实现技术研究

    Implementation of AOP based on dynamic message interception model

  8. 设计了ESB中基于QoS的动态消息路由的体系结构,使路由目的地可以在ESB运行过程中动态更新。

    It designs the architecture of dynamic message routing based on QoS in ESB , which makes routing destination updated dynamically in the runtime of ESB .

  9. 但是,动态消息汇总这种“自动共享”形式到底是未来发展趋势呢,还是说Facebook这么干实际上是在糟蹋“共享”过程?

    But is this form of " automatic sharing " simply the next logical step , or is the social network actually ruining the " sharing " process ?

  10. 着重讨论了基于动态消息捕获模型的AOP实现机制,此讨论将扩展方面的概念,使得方面的含义比原来更宽泛。

    The implementation of AOP based on dynamic message interception model was emphasized , which enlarged the concept of aspect and made it more broadly .

  11. 动态消息队列负载均衡策略的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Dynamic Message Queue Load Balance Strategy

  12. 本文还给出了实现动态消息发布的具体思路。

    This paper points out the practical ideas to realize dynamic information publicity .

  13. 中介模式处理总线上的动态消息(请求或事件)。

    Mediation patterns manipulate messages in-flight on the bus ( requests or events ) .

  14. 另外,我们还对中介进行了扩展,以提供更为详细的信息,并添加了一些额外的代码来允许其修改动态消息。

    We also extended the mediation to provide more verbose debugging information and added more code to enable it to modify in-flight messages .

  15. 此外,论文的分析结果说明,在实际系统应用时,应结合编码结构,合理选择相关消息调度机制以充分发挥基于动态消息调度的改进译码算法所能带来的潜在的性能改进。

    So the papers of analysis results indicate that , in practice , combined with the coding structure , be reasonable to choose improved BP decoding algorithm on IDS strategies , in order to give full play to the role of IDS that can bring potential performance improvements .

  16. 因此,您可以部署某个消息流,并通过更新RegistryandRepository中的服务来动态控制消息流的路由和转换。

    Therefore you can deploy a message flow and govern its routing and transformations dynamically by updating services in Registry and Repository .

  17. 基于HL7的动态配置消息平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Dynamic Configuration Message Platform Based on HL7

  18. 在开发消息流时,这些属性为您提供了更多的灵活性,并允许MessageBroker管理员动态修改消息流行为而无需重新部署消息流。

    These properties give you more flexibility when developing message flows and let the Message Broker administrator dynamically modify behavior without requiring the message flow to be redeployed .

  19. 中介服务允许动态处理消息传输、动态路由和服务绑定解析服务。

    Mediation services enable dynamic in-flight message transformation , dynamic routing , and service binding resolution services .

  20. 针对总线通信中的总线负载与消息延迟时间的矛盾问题,提出了更新机制下动态完整消息分配法。

    A dynamic message distribution method using updated mechanism was designed to deal with the contradiction of bus overload with message delay in bus communication .

  21. SOA的主要组件包括服务、动态发现和消息。

    The key components of an SOA include services , dynamic discovery , and messages .

  22. WebSphereESB还支持动态重定向响应消息。

    WebSphere ESB also supports dynamic redirection of response messages .

  23. EndpointLookup&动态地将消息路由到合适的服务端点。

    Endpoint Lookup & Dynamically route messages to appropriate service endpoints .

  24. 在ole自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序

    Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed In OLE automation section

  25. 这段HTML代码包含一个元素,它显示一个静态HTML页面的URL,页面包含在滚动字幕中动态显示的消息。

    This HTML code contains an element that displays a URL to a static html page containing the message that dynamically appears within the marquee .

  26. 如果出现了rev元素,当消息沿转发消息路径传送时,动态构建反向消息路径。

    If the rev element is present , the reverse message path is built dynamically when the message travels along the forward message path .

  27. 中介对请求者和提供者之间动态传递的消息进行操作。

    Mediations operate on messages in-flight between requesters and providers .

  28. 基于动态路由层次消息总线的虚拟仪器开发系统架构的研究

    Research on Architecture of Developing Platform of Virtual Instrument Based on Dynamic Route Hierarchical Message Bus

  29. 如果希望在运行时动态地向消息传递值,则此类额外属性非常有用。

    Such extra properties can be useful if you want to pass values dynamically into your message at runtime .

  30. 在ESQL编码期间使用动态引用来提高消息树导航的效率。

    Use dynamic references during ESQL coding in order to improve the efficiency of message tree navigation .