
  • Animal Medicine;Veterinary Medicine;Animal Medical Science
  1. 在动物医学中,TST已被用于由革兰阴性菌感染引起的乳腺炎和皮肤科疾病的治疗。

    Among which Thiostrepton has been used in veterinary medicine in mastitis caused by gram-negative organisms and in dermatologic disorders . It is also active against gram-positive bacteria .

  2. 方法采用分层抽样方法,分别抽取新乡市3所大学临床医学、动物医学及体育专业的607名大学生为研究对象,用症状自评量表(SCL-90)分别评定其心理健康水平。

    METHODS : Totally 607 students , majoring in clinical medicine , veterinary medicine and physical education from 3 universities in Xinxiang city , were selected by the method of stratified sampling , and their mental health levels were assessed by using symptom checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ) .

  3. 另一个开发其它研究办法的组织是FRAME,替代动物医学实验基金会的简称。

    Another organization that is developing other methods of research is FRAME . This is the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments .

  4. 猫科专家、伊利诺斯州学院兽医动物医学主任ThomasGraves说:“这的确是我们该研究的事情”。

    " That is such a cat thing to do ," said Thomas Graves , a feline expert and chief of small animal medicine at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine .

  5. 动物医学进展2006年1~12期总目次

    Progress in Veterinary Medicine Vol . 27 2006 main contents

  6. 关于动物医学临床中的用药及药物作用问题

    Clinical medication and interaction of drugs in animal medical science

  7. 动物医学专业临床实验课程的改革与实践

    Clinical Course Experiment of Veterinary Medicine : Reform and Practice

  8. 计算机辅助教学在动物医学中的开发与应用(综述)

    The development and application of CAI in veterinary medicine ( summary )

  9. 促进动物医学专业学生临床诊断实践能力提高的探讨

    Discussion on Enhancing Animal Medical Students Capability in the Clinical Diagnostics Practice

  10. 专业智能搜索系统在动物医学领域中的应用

    Application of professional intelligent search system in Veterinary Medicine

  11. 动物医学本科专业高素质实践创新人才培养方案研究

    Study on the Methodology of Cultivating High-qualified Practical Innovative Talents in Animal Medicine

  12. 联邦德国的动物医学教育细胞因子与兽医学

    Veterinary education in Germany The cytokines in veterinary medicine

  13. 改革实践教学、大力培养动物医学专业学生创新能力

    Reform Practice Teaching and Cultivate Innovative Ability of Students Majoring in Veterinary Medicine

  14. 禽病学是高校动物医学和动物科学两个专业本科生的一门重要应用型专业课,学好这门课程很重要。

    Diseases of Poultry is an important applied specialty course for animal medicine and animal science undergraduate students .

  15. 其方法和结果对从事动物医学研究的专业人员有着重要的参考价值和指导意义。

    This method and outcome are of very importance for some experts who take on animal medical research .

  16. 这是一个让人类医学和动物医学学生从教室走向手术室的一个具有重大意义令人紧张的飞跃。

    It is a significant , stressful leap for medical and veterinary students from the classroom to the surgery suite .

  17. 经过近230年的发展,动物医学教育和研究的世界领先地位举世公认。

    Animal medical science education and research take the lead in the world through the development of about 230 years .

  18. 家畜生理学是动物医学、动物科学专业的一门重要的专业基础课。

    The physiology of cattle is a significant specialty fundamental class which is about animal of medical and animal of science .

  19. 兽医药理学是动物医学专业的一门重要基础课程,也是由基础向临床过渡的桥梁学科。

    Veterinary pharmacology is an important base course of the animal medicine specialty , and it is also a bridge subject from base to clinic .

  20. 目的:了解兽医穴位发展史,为进一步研究实验动物医学和实验针灸学打基础。

    Objective : To explore the development history of veterinary acupoints , aiming at establish foundation for further study of laboratory animal science and experimental acupuncture and moxibustion .

  21. 流式细胞术做为一种高新生物技术,在动物医学的各个领域,包括细胞生物学、病毒学、肿瘤学、免疫学和病理学中都得到广泛应用,为细胞凋亡研究提供了有效的技术手段。

    As a new developing biotechnology , flow cytometry has been widely applied in the animal medical field include cell biology , virology , oncology , immunology , pathology and so on .

  22. 动物医学专业是我国农业高等院校重要的传统学科,曾为我国畜牧业的发展做出重大贡献。

    However , a complexity of contradictions appears and higher education of animal medicine is affected badly by the arrival of the age of the large-scale expansion in higher education in China .

  23. 联邦德国的高等教育具有悠久历史,开始正规的动物医学教育追索到1777年。随着历史进程,教学管理和课程设置日臻完善。

    The higher education in Federation Germany has long history and began its regular education of veterinary medicine in 1777.Along with the historical development , teaching management and course installation has been perfected .

  24. 介绍了我校动物医学专业兽医临床实验课程改革的基本指导思想,分析了在实践教学中存在的主要问题和成因,对临床课程实践教学进行了改革与探索。

    This paper introduces the basic guiding ideas of reforming clinical vet experiment course in veterinary medicine of our school , and deeply analyzes the main problems and causes in the practical teaching . This paper also discusses the reform and exploration of practical teaching of clinical courses .

  25. WK生物技术开发公司是一家专门从事与动物预防医学和保护工程相关的技术及产品的研发、生产和推广,并提供全方位的技术服务的高新技术企业。

    WK Biotechnology Development Company is a high technology enterprise engaged in Bioengineering technology of preventive medicine and research , development , provision and Post-sale service of bio-product .

  26. 大多数科学家认为利用动物作医学研究是合理的。

    Most scientists believe it is legitimate to use animals in medical research .

  27. 猪作为一种重要的农业经济动物和医学动物模型,有其独特的生物学特性、经济学价值和医学价值。

    As an agricultural animal and a laboratory model , pig has important economic values and special biological characteristics .

  28. 陕西西安医学院现已暂停使用动物进行医学手术练习,该学院此前被确定在研究期间虐狗以及尸体处理不当。

    Xi'an Medical University in Xi'an , Shaanxi province , has suspended practice surgeries on animals after it was determined that some dogs were abused and their carcasses mishandled during research .

  29. 本文综述了基因敲除动物在各医学生物领域的研究与应用、浅谈其与RNA干扰技术的比较及其发展前景。

    The study and application of gene knock-out animal were reviewed in this article . Comparison between gene knock-out technique and RNA interference technique was also overviewed .

  30. AFPs在农业、渔业、食品工业、动物学和医学等领域的应用研究;

    Application research of AFPs in agriculture , fish culture , food industry , zoology and medicine ;