
  • 网络Animal Gender;Gender of animals
  1. PCR扩增Sry基因进行鲸类动物性别的鉴定

    Sex Identification of Cetaceans by PCR with Sry-Specific Primers

  2. 在动物性别向雌性发育的通路上SRY起到了一个阻遏子的作用。

    SRY plays the part of a repressor in the feminization .

  3. 利用SRY基因和微卫星标记鉴定反刍动物性别的研究

    Study on Sex - identification of Ruminant Using SRY and Microsatellite

  4. SRY在动物性别决定中的作用机制

    Function mechanism of SRY on determining animal sex

  5. 表示动物性别的词素位置在后。

    The morpheme position showing animal gender is at the end position .

  6. 部分水产养殖动物性别控制基因的研究进展

    Research Progress of Sex-Determining Genes in Some Aquatic Animals

  7. 水产动物性别控制研究和实践

    Studies and practice of sex control in aquatic animals

  8. 大熊猫与熊类动物性别的分子鉴定

    Molecular sex identification of giant panda and bears

  9. 关于动物性别的研究一直深受人们的关注,以哺乳动物为代表已取得了许多可喜的成果。

    Scientists have been intrested in the research of animal sex . Many heartening achievements have been made in mammals .

  10. 提出,解释动物性别分离机制的假说除了包括动物自身的生态需求内因外,必须引入生境因子外因的作用。

    It is proposed that besides ecological demands of animals , habitat factors are necessary in hypotheses as external causes for explaining sexual segregation .

  11. 对动物性别决定和性腺发育相关基因的研究是发育生物学重要的研究内容之一,也是水产养殖业中性别人工控制的理论基础。

    Study on animal sex determination-and gonad development-related genes , an important part in developmental biology , is a theoretical basis for artificial sex control in aquaculture .

  12. 该鉴定方法是否可以应用于其它动物性别鉴定,需进一步扩大检测动物范围,可以在动物园和野生动物保护及救助部门进行推广应用。

    Whether this method could be applied to other animals sex determination still needs to be expanded its testing scope . It can be applied and disseminated in zoos , as well as wild animal protection and salvation departments .

  13. 因此,长期以来人们试图将两性精子分开,以人的意志控制动物性别,按人类的需要进行畜牧业生产。

    So , for a long time , people have been trying to separate X - and Y - bearing sperm , in order to control the sex of animals by man 's will and to produce animal products according to man 's necessity .

  14. 染色体也决定动物的性别

    Chromosomes also determine the sex of animals .

  15. PCR在动物胚胎性别鉴定中的应用

    Application of PCR in sex identification of embryo

  16. 动物的性别是受遗传或环境等因素控制的。

    Sex determination is controlled either by genetic or environmental factors in animals .

  17. 各鼠种在灌丛中的染虫指数较在森林和农田中的高。结论:宿主动物的性别对其体外寄生虫没有影响,而宿主动物的年龄对其体外寄生虫有一定影响。

    Conclusions : Ectoparasite index is affected by age to a certain degree , not by sex of the host .

  18. 真菌抗肿瘤活性研究(12):动物的性别对多糖抗肿瘤活性的影响。

    Studies on antitumor activities of basidiomycetes ( 12 ) . influence of the sex of the animal on antitumor activity of the polysaccharide .

  19. 鸡是重要的模式生物和农业动物,其性别既是机体重要的生长发育性状,又是家禽产业重要的经济性状。

    Chicken is an important model organism and agricultural animal , Sexuality of which is an important developmental trait and economic character in poultry industry .

  20. 遗传因素与环境因素的比较?动物权益?性别界线?美国文化传统中黑人的话语地位?吐温的笔下皆有所涉及。

    Heredity versus environment ? Animal rights ? The boundaries of gender ? The place of black voices in the cultural heritage of the United States ? Twain was there .

  21. 认为Fe的重要作用和动物的种类、性别、日龄和体重的不同,Fe在机体内的贮量也不同。

    Owing to the difference of animal variety 、 sex 、 age in days and weight , the reserves of Fe element in animal boby was also different .

  22. 很少有动物种类会转换性别,通常情况下,在异性成员不足的物种中才会存在这种现象。为了更好地进行繁衍生息,这种转换性别的现象也就不难理解了。

    There are a few animal species that will change sexes , usually when there are no opposite-gender members of the species available . In that case , it makes sense for the survival of the group .

  23. 由于之前有关压力研究的动物实验都是选用雄性动物,关键的性别差异被忽略了,这也阻碍了针对女性的镇静剂的研发进程。

    Since much of the previous animal research on stress used only males , important sex differences may have gone undetected , hampering the development of effective drugs for women .

  24. 最后,对有些动物来说,可以通过语标符号上的一些小修改来区分动物的性别。

    Finally , for certain animals , the sex of the animal can be marked by extra strokes to the logogram .