
  • 网络taxidermy;animal specimens;Stuffed Animals;Zoological Specimen
  1. 目前,很多艺术家将动物标本运用到他们的作品中,如波莉•摩根(PollyMorgan)&她的顾客包括名模凯特•摩斯(KateMoss)。

    Now many artists - such as Polly Morgan , who counts the model Kate Moss among her customers - use taxidermy in their work .

  2. 特纳称,随着动物标本的流行,它们的价值也开始上升。

    He says that as the popularity of taxidermy has grown , its value has appreciated .

  3. 博物馆的玻璃柜里摆满了动物标本。

    The museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases .

  4. 玻璃柜里的动物标本

    stuffed animals in glass cases

  5. 对368份临床标本(咽漱液、血液、粪便、尿液)、52份细胞培养液和50份动物标本进行荧光PCR扩增。

    368 clinical specimens such as the throat swab , serum , feces , and urine from different cases , 52 cell cultures and 50 animal specimens were detected by the molecular beacon-based PCR .

  6. 目的探讨用防污染的PCR-ELISA(UDPE)技术检测人为污染的土壤和感染的动物标本的可行性。

    Objective An anti contamination PCR ELISA technique ( UDPE ) was employed for direct detection of Yersinia pestis from artificially contaminated soil and infected mice .

  7. 采用手捡法和Cobb过筛法共获得农田土壤动物标本5495个,隶属6门11纲22目61科2亚科35属。

    Seventy-two soil samples were collected and 5495 soil fauna individuals were obtained by hand-sorting and the Cobb methods , belonging to 6 phyla , 11 classes , 22 orders , 61 families , 2 subfamilies , and 35 genera .

  8. 一个孩子伸出一挂的动物标本在Caradeux营干由1月份地震中流离失所的人太子港,海地,星期二,2010年11月2号。

    A child reaches out for a stuffed animal hanging to dry at the Caradeux Camp for people displaced by the January earthquake in Port-au-Prince , Haiti , Tuesday , Nov.2,2010 .

  9. 附新种与近似种的形态图20幅。模式标本保存在青岛海洋大学水产学院水产动物标本室。

    Sited in the Fisheries College , Ocean University of Qingdao .

  10. 动物标本生意是特纳的又一个职业转变。

    Trading in taxidermy is yet another career reincarnation for Turner .

  11. 阜阳师范学院数字化动物标本馆建设初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Digitized Animal Specimens Museum in Fuyang Normal College

  12. 创建了医学动物标本室。

    The collection room of medical animals had been set up .

  13. 天津自然博物馆馆藏动物标本的管理和养护

    Management and Maintenance of Animal Specimens in Tianjin Natural History Museum

  14. 标本收藏在新疆农业大学动物标本馆。

    The specimens are collected in the Museum of Xinjiang Agricultural University .

  15. 制革、制裘技术原理在动物标本制作上的应用

    Application of Technical Principles of Leather-making and Fur-making in Making Animal Specimen

  16. 在1992年,他开办了一个专营古董动物标本的生意。

    In 1992 , he launched an antiques business specialising in taxidermy .

  17. 全部都是从保护区?集来的动物标本。

    Are all specimens collected from the protected area .

  18. 他的书房里满是动物标本。

    His study was full of stuffed animals .

  19. 这是一个非常可爱的动物标本。

    This is a very sweet stuffed animal .

  20. 贵州师范大学洞穴动物标本室标本名录及其分布

    Checklist of cave animal specimen room of Guizhou Normal University and characteristics of their locality

  21. 特纳声称拥有英国最大的浸制动物标本私人收藏。

    Turner claims to have the largest private collection of pickled specimens in the UK .

  22. 50份动物标本,23份阳性,阳性率为46%。

    Of 50 animal specimens , 23 were positive . The positive rate was 46 % .

  23. 在鼎盛期,这个行业异常活跃,有数千家动物标本制作商。

    At its peak , the industry had become so robust that thousands of taxidermists operated .

  24. 你在博物馆看到的生动的动物标本都是由剥制师的杰作。

    The lifelike models of animals that you see in museums are the work of taxidermists .

  25. 我祖父是个动物标本制作师。

    My grandfather was a taxidermist .

  26. 通过制作动物标本,可以进一步观察及研究动物的特性。

    We make animal specimens so that we can observe and study the characteristics of animals .

  27. 税务员和动物标本剥制工的唯一区别是:后者会留下动物的皮。

    The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin .

  28. 学生将带来地图、书籍和动物标本,几乎任何你能想像的东西都有。

    Students would bring in maps , books , stuffed animals , pretty much anything you could imagine .

  29. 收藏古生物学、乳类动物标本、体动物学和昆虫学。模式标本保存于内蒙古师范大学昆虫研究所标本馆。

    The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Institute of Entomology , Inner Mongolian Normal University .

  30. 由于非常稀少,由著名标本制作家填充的火烈鸟标本往往比其它动物标本更值钱。

    Flamingos stuffed by prominent taxidermists tend to offer more value than other animals as there are so few of them .