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jìng lǚ
  • crack force;strong contingent;powerful army
劲旅 [jìng lǚ]
  • [strong contingent;crack force] 精锐的军队;强有力的队伍

  • 乒坛劲旅

  • [crack force;powerful army] 强有力的军队

  • 国初京营劲旅,不减七八十万。--《明史.兵志一》

劲旅[jìng lǚ]
  1. 英国足球劲旅曼联队前往德国复仇

    Manchester United , a strong contingent in British soccer , is heading to Germany for revenge

  2. 他们虽然遇到劲旅,但却表现出色。

    They were up against a good team but did very well .

  3. 这支足球队曾被誉为无敌的劲旅。

    This football team was once reputed to be invincible .

  4. BoyWells是华盛顿特区蓝调摇滚乐的老牌音乐劲旅。另一个好评如潮的是歌手兼吉他手詹姆斯•阿姆斯特朗。

    Another veteran garnering rave reviews is singer and guitarist James Armstrong .

  5. 这位优秀的自由球员希望与美国职业棒球大联盟的老牌劲旅纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)签订一份为期十年的新合约,总价3亿美元。

    The free-agent slugger is hoping for a new 10-year , $ 300 million contract with the Yankees .

  6. 抱歉孩子JamMasterJay刚好买走最后一个(说唱界老牌劲旅DMC之一遭枪杀)

    Sorry , kid , Jam Master Jay just bought the last pair .

  7. 上周六,中国电子竞技俱乐部IG战队在韩国仁川以3:0击败了欧洲老牌劲旅FNC战队,赢得了LPL第一个S系列赛冠军。

    Chinese eSports club Invictus Gaming ( iG ) claimed Chinese mainland 's first world championship in League of Legends ( LOL ) after beating European team Fnatic 3-0 in Inchon , South Korea last Saturday .

  8. 采用临场观察与数理统计方法,对第15界世界女子手球锦标赛中国队与亚洲劲旅韩国队和本界冠军俄罗斯队攻防技术进行比较分析。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    By using the method of observation on spot and mathematical statistics , the author makes comparison analysis on attack and defense technique among China , Korea ( strongest team in Asian ) and Russia ( world championship of 15 th world women handball championship ) .

  9. 一支能在白天行军千里的劲旅。

    An army that can move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed .

  10. 谈到运动,国际演讲会可真能够派出一支梦幻劲旅。

    When it comes to sports , Toastmasters International could field an all-star team .

  11. 这支士气旺盛的劲旅拆毁了血水染红的大河上的砖桥。

    The brisk brave brigade broke the brick bridge across the broad bloody river .

  12. 晋商与徽商是活跃于明清商界的两大劲旅。

    Jin merchant and Hui merchant are two business groups in Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  13. 在全省经济发展格局中,民营经济已成为推动地方经济发展的一只劲旅。

    The private economy has become a strong group to put the local economic development forward in Jilin .

  14. 安德莱赫特将在冠军杯外围赛中挑战土耳其劲旅费内巴切。

    Anderlecht are challenging Turkish side fenerbah ? E in the Third preliminary round of the UEFA Champions league .

  15. 中国队与韩国、日本、伊朗等劲旅在各项技术上有较大差距。

    There is still a large gap between China Team and the strong teams of Korea , Japan and Iran .

  16. 在专访中,欧文将告诉大家他的康复情况,他的哥哥以及拜仁即将面对德甲劲旅不来梅的情况。

    In an interview Owen talks about the rehab , the time with his brother and Bayern chances at Werder Bremen .

  17. 这些游击队本身的壮大与战斗力的增强,还逐渐成为正规的劲旅,实际上扩大了国防的力量;

    By expanding and strengthening their combat effectiveness , these guerrillas have gradually become regular forces , adding to our national defence capability .

  18. 在任山东巡抚期间,周馥采取了许多措施,将山东军队训练成“大枝劲旅”;

    While he was a governor in Shandong province , ZHOU adopted many measures'to train his Shandong troops into a very powerful army .

  19. 日本队世界杯首战告捷,以2比1战胜哥伦比亚队,这也是日本队首次战胜这支南美劲旅。

    Their side won their opening game , beating Colombia 2-1 , and securing the team 's first victory against a South American side .

  20. 红军主帅还证实,乔·科尔、法比奥·奥雷里奥和克里斯汀·鲍尔森等球员都有望出战荷兰劲旅。

    The manager confirmed the likes of Joe Cole , Fabio Aurelio and Christian Poulsen are set for a recall against the Dutch outfit .

  21. 共有七家英超俱乐部榜上有名;同时西班牙的瓦伦西亚、德甲的不莱梅,和苏超劲旅凯尔特人都跌出了前20。

    The list sees seven Premier League clubs included , whilst Scottish giants Celtic drop out of top20 along with Valencia and Werder Bremen .

  22. 创建一支政治合格、作风顽强、技术过硬、装备精良,具有国际竞争力的钻井劲旅。

    Developing Desirability : Building an internationally competitive drilling company with strict political discipline , tenacious style of work , perfect technology and excellent equipment .

  23. 由于鄂温克族精于骑射,清政府常常抽调他们出征作战,于是索伦劲旅闻天下。

    As the Ewenki were proficient in riding and shooting , the Qing government often transferred them to fight , Suo Lun powerful enemy well known .

  24. 周一晚,巴西队以3-0击败南美劲旅智利队,杀入南非世界杯四分之一决赛。

    Brazil beat South American rival Chile on Monday night , 3-0 , to advance to the quarterfinals of the World Cup football tournament in South Africa .

  25. 瓦伦西亚非常想要得到皮雷&这位西班牙母亲的孩子,但是法国的媒体报道宣称法国人的工资要求对于西甲劲旅来说太高了。

    Valencia were keen to recruit Pires , whose mother is Spanish , but reports in France claim his salary demands were too excessive for the Liga outfit .

  26. 阿里影业的合作公司既有根基稳固的老牌劲旅,也有声名鹊起的实力派公司,更有潜力无穷的明日之星。

    The partners announced by Alibaba Pictures range from well-established movie production houses , up-and-coming companies with strong capabilities , to stars of tomorrow who possess tremendous potential .

  27. 今年12月恒大还将出征国际足联世界俱乐部杯,有机会与欧冠强队、德国劲旅拜仁慕尼黑场上较量。

    Evergrande will now play in the FIFA Club World Cup in December , pitting the team against the likes of German giants and reigning European champions Bayern Munich .

  28. 赛事结束前两天,又举办一年一度的“香港国际龙舟邀请赛”,共有26队海外劲旅参赛。

    Running concurrently with the final two days of the World Championships was the annual Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival-International Races , in which 26 overseas teams took part .

  29. 很多意大利俱乐部都闻风而来,包括那不勒斯和尤文图斯,但是西班牙劲旅马竞和俄罗斯的泽尼特是目前最新追随者。

    A host of Italian clubs have been sniffing around , including Napoli and Juventus , but Spanish strugglers Atleti and Russian outfit Zenit are now the new favourites .

  30. 在东北部边陲,也有一支版画创作劲旅,起初以表现北大荒垦荒生活为主,以后又反映了社会建设和生活。

    In Northeast china , woodblock printing was first used to describe the life of exploration to document in the wastelands , and then to document social organization and daily life .