
  1. 大家好,我很高兴能发表第四期《勇敢的GNU世界》。

    Hello everybody , I am glad to present the fourth issue of the Brave GNU World .

  2. 在这个勇敢的新世界里,总有电子香烟的存在。

    O brave new world , that has electronic cigarettes in it .

  3. 这在如此众多的后期开发的骤增表明在作出一个勇敢的新世界。

    This sudden surge in so many late developers suggests a brave new world in the making .

  4. 如果我们严肃地对待这个关于幸福的调查,我们就不得不更进一步地看待《勇敢的新世界》一书了。

    If we take the happiness research seriously , we shall have to go all the way towards Brave New World .

  5. 这就是一切,我熟悉了解的品牌不让我想跳入这个勇敢的新世界。

    It 's just that everything I 've read about branding doesn 't make me want to leap into this brave new world .

  6. 既然小泉没有开创一个勇敢的新世界,担心福田可能废除全部有益工作就无从谈起。

    Since Mr Koizumi did not usher in a brave new world , concerns that Mr Fukuda may dismantle all the good work are misplaced .

  7. 嘿,你甚至可以成为下个徐山姆!这就是我们勇敢的新世界的可能性之一,也正是你们即将接手、继承的世界。无论你喜不喜欢。

    Such are just one of the possibilities in our brave new world , the world you now inherit whether you like it or not .

  8. 旁白:正在伦敦经济学院教学的哈耶克担心凯恩斯勇敢的新世界是朝着错误方向迈出的一大步。

    NARRATOR : Now teaching at the London School of Economics , Hayek feared that Keynes 's brave new world was a big step in the wrong direction .

  9. 我依旧记得初读福楼拜的时候,感觉就像被惊天霹雳所击中,因为我从其的作品中看到了一个勇敢的新世界。

    I can remember reading Flaubert for the first time , and being struck by a thunderbolt : oh brave new world that has such writers in it !

  10. 在上周二做出空前的决定,将联邦基金利率调降至实质为零的水平后,美国的货币政策已金融了一个勇敢的新世界。

    With Tuesday 's unprec - edented decision to move the Fed funds rate in effect to zero , US monetary policy has entered a brave new world .

  11. 目标明确勇敢面对未知的世界。

    Courage is stepping ahead to face unknown .

  12. 勇敢的新订户世界?

    A brave new subscriptions world ?

  13. 无可否认,这些安全措施并不是滴水不漏的,随着时间的推移,其他的反托拉斯案还有可能出现在这片勇敢的数字新世界;

    Admittedly , such safeguards are not watertight and other antitrust concerns could surface over time in this brave new digital world .

  14. 21世纪勇敢的金融新世界(就像20世纪90年代的新经济一样)提供了一种似是而非的模糊方式来避免焦虑。

    The brave new world of 21st-century finance ( like the new economy of the 1990s ) provides a vaguely plausible means of avoiding anxiety .

  15. 我在文章的最后总结称:我们勇敢的新资本主义世界与20世纪初有许多类似之处。但在很多方面取得了突破。

    I concluded the piece by noting that : Our brave new capitalist world has many similarities to that of the early 1900s . But , in many ways , it has gone far beyond it .

  16. 所以他们应该勇敢的面对变化的世界和生活。

    So they should bravely face up to the changing world and life .

  17. 这些勇敢的美国人正在维护世界和平,并且他们发送大量有关靠近我们的亚洲的情报。

    These brave Americans are preserving peace , and they 're sending a broader message about our approach toward Asia .

  18. 那些勇敢地为俄罗斯人的世界战斗的人如果获准进入俄罗斯本土,可能很快就会对普京造成威胁。

    Those who are bravely fighting for a Russian world could quickly become a threat to Mr Putin if they were allowed into Russia proper .

  19. 勇敢的盖茨屈服于世界是极其稀有的事情。

    It was a rare public airing of the sense of brainy entitlement that emboldened Mr Gates to get the world to yield to his will .